Concealed-carry permit holder flips the script, shoots and kills alleged carjacker

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
bahahahahaaaa .. a happy ending.

Concealed-carry permit holder flips the script, shoots and kills alleged carjacker

WHITNEY LLOYD,Good Morning America 9 hours ago

A Wisconsin man, using a gun licensed under a concealed-carry permit, shot and killed an alleged carjacker in his company’s parking lot, a city official said.

The unidentified employee, 24, had just arrived for work at Milwaukee Machine Tool Corp., shortly before 6 a.m. Monday when a man named Carlos Martin, 21, allegedly attempted to carjack him with a gun, Milwaukee city alderman Cavalier Johnson told ABC News.

Police have provided few details.

The Machine Tool worker had a concealed-carry permit, Johnson said, and used his legal weapon to shoot Martin, who died from his injuries.

The debate over concealed-carry weapons and the virtues of the “good guy with a gun” has been reignited after the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, this month killed 17 students and educators.

While people who have concealed-carry permits are trained to deal with the consequences of taking a life, that’s never the intent, according to concealed-carry permit trainer and gun expert Dean Hazen of Urbana, Illinois.

“It’s a terrible thing, the worst thing you can possibly do in your life with never-ending consequences,” the retired police officer said. “The intent is never to kill anybody. The intent is to stop the threat. Whether they live or die is not up to you.”

But intent or no intent is beside the point for Johnson, the Milwaukee alderman.
“I think that whether it is mass shootings or what we have here, the root cause is trying to make sure that people who shouldn’t have guns don’t have them in the first place,” he said.

The Milwaukee Medical Examiner did not immediately respond to ABC News’ requests for results of Martin’s autopsy.

Police said the shooter is cooperating with their investigation, after which the Milwaukee District Attorney’s office will review the case and decide whether to bring any charges.

Milwaukee Machine Tool declined to comment on the shooting.
Way too go!
Wonder how few media outlets will report on this..
bahahahahaaaa .. a happy ending.

Concealed-carry permit holder flips the script, shoots and kills alleged carjacker

WHITNEY LLOYD,Good Morning America 9 hours ago

A Wisconsin man, using a gun licensed under a concealed-carry permit, shot and killed an alleged carjacker in his company’s parking lot, a city official said.

The unidentified employee, 24, had just arrived for work at Milwaukee Machine Tool Corp., shortly before 6 a.m. Monday when a man named Carlos Martin, 21, allegedly attempted to carjack him with a gun, Milwaukee city alderman Cavalier Johnson told ABC News.

Police have provided few details.

The Machine Tool worker had a concealed-carry permit, Johnson said, and used his legal weapon to shoot Martin, who died from his injuries.

The debate over concealed-carry weapons and the virtues of the “good guy with a gun” has been reignited after the high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, this month killed 17 students and educators.

While people who have concealed-carry permits are trained to deal with the consequences of taking a life, that’s never the intent, according to concealed-carry permit trainer and gun expert Dean Hazen of Urbana, Illinois.

“It’s a terrible thing, the worst thing you can possibly do in your life with never-ending consequences,” the retired police officer said. “The intent is never to kill anybody. The intent is to stop the threat. Whether they live or die is not up to you.”

But intent or no intent is beside the point for Johnson, the Milwaukee alderman.
“I think that whether it is mass shootings or what we have here, the root cause is trying to make sure that people who shouldn’t have guns don’t have them in the first place,” he said.

The Milwaukee Medical Examiner did not immediately respond to ABC News’ requests for results of Martin’s autopsy.

Police said the shooter is cooperating with their investigation, after which the Milwaukee District Attorney’s office will review the case and decide whether to bring any charges.

Milwaukee Machine Tool declined to comment on the shooting. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Lets hope that Milwaukee Machine Tool Corp. doesn't " go all LYING LIBERAL " and punish the employee for defending himself on company property. The Uk Daily Mail says that Dindu Nuffin Martin has 4 arrests on his record and that " social media suggests " that he's the "father " of a young daughter with a son on the way. Reckon ole " Reverend " Al, Jesse Jackson and the rest of the race-baiters will be calling for a LYNCHING of the man who defended himself ?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
How about them apples!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
even better is that it's picked up by Yahoo from ABC's GMA show. must have been a bad day in the reporting pool, they couldn't find anything to blame on guns, including that pack of libtards that serve as hosts on GMA.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
there was another school shooting prior to the parkland shooting. that one was thrawted but news media did not pick it up. not sure if kid was killed.
Lets hope that Milwaukee Machine Tool Corp. doesn't " go all LYING LIBERAL " and punish the employee for defending himself on company property. The Uk Daily Mail says that Dindu Nuffin Martin has 4 arrests on his record and that " social media suggests " that he's the "father " of a young daughter with a son on the way. Reckon ole " Reverend " Al, Jesse Jackson and the rest of the race-baiters will be calling for a LYNCHING of the man who defended himself ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Yes i do feel the rotten jackASSson will be doing his usual, attempt to fleece money out of this.. For the po family of course.
LexusLover's Avatar
the Milwaukee District Attorney’s office will review the case and decide whether to bring any charges.
.. good thing it wasn't in Baltimore!
themystic's Avatar
Yeah woopie. 17,000 murders a year in the US, which btw is going up since Trump came in. ( Thats the kind of BS you Putin Lovers would say about Obama). Putin Lovers aka American cowards score a victory! A guy with a cc kills a carjaker and its a national story? Pathetic losers you are

You're president and you are pathetic losers
LexusLover's Avatar
You're president and you are pathetic losers Originally Posted by themystic
When are you going to learn English?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Probably a bunch of leftists so filled with hate that Hillary lost they are killing each other in record numbers. How is that no more school to prison program working out in Chicago.
LexusLover's Avatar
Probably a bunch of leftists so filled with hate that Hillary lost they are killing each other in record numbers. How is that no more school to prison program working out in Chicago. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Actually, the program in Chicago is ...

... Street to Morgue.

Some might call it a ..... Social Promotion!
themystic's Avatar
When are you going to learn English? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lol Lex. Can you teach me and IB at the same time?

you're on my top 10 favorite right wingers list. You have a little something
LexusLover's Avatar
Lol Lex. Can you teach me and IB at the same time?

you're on my top 10 favorite right wingers list. You have a little something Originally Posted by themystic
Que lastime! Pero posiblimente usted is un bobo y loco in la cabesa. Adios, hombre.
themystic's Avatar
Que lastime! Pero posiblimente usted is un bobo y loco in la cabesa. Adios, hombre. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Lex ty. Just in time for my upcoming trip to Costa Rica. Del Rey baby