Question for the legal scholars

Budman's Avatar
I see that Walmart and Kroger are going to stop selling guns and ammo to anyone under 21. Is this legal? Can they decide to stop selling other products to customers based on their idea of morality? What if the mom & pop store decided to only sell beer to those 30 and above? Can they do that? It seems that if a product is legal and the feds deem it can be sold to anyone above a certain age how can a business decide otherwise?
bamscram's Avatar
Want to bake a gay cake?
Civil lawsuit under 'Age Discrimination' ??
LexusLover's Avatar
This discussion reminds me of a true story about the Corpus Christi Caller-times a LOOOOONNNNNNGGGG TIME ago ... when they got sued for slander by a candidate (mayor election if I recall correctly) who lost an election after the paper posted a editorial in which called him a "Son of a Bitch"!

The paper hired an old crusty cowboy (yes there are such things) from West Texas and qualified him as an expert on "Son of a Bitches," who testified: "If ever seen a Son of a Bitch he IS ONE!"

The verdict was that it was a "true" statement ... so the Plaintiff-candidate then had a judgment finding that he was a "Son of a Bitch"!

If you don't get the connection to suing because they won't sell you a gun, then you probably shouldn't own a gun anyway!
JCM800's Avatar
Who goes to Kroger to buy a gun?

Want to bake a gay cake? Originally Posted by bamscram
Are YOU tying the knot EKIM ??? Who's the MALE CHIMP that felt sorry for YOU ??? Will there be a big " blowout " and bukakke fest at the next reach-around crew MEATing to celebrate YOUR " nuptials " ? Will the cake be one of that " fresh chocolate fudge " that YOU so enjoy from picking all of those dingleberries ? Did YOU MEAT him at YOUR Gloryhole in those KansASS " mountains ??? Will YOU be putting HIM on the Gloryhole Guru's " group " healthcare plan that all of the reach-around crew is on ???
Inquiring minds want to know EKIM !!!
  • grean
  • 03-01-2018, 12:51 PM
Who goes to Kroger to buy a gun?

Originally Posted by JCM800
Same folk who buy from the Mary Carter....
I see that Walmart and Kroger are going to stop selling guns and ammo to anyone under 21. Is this legal? Can they decide to stop selling other products to customers based on their idea of morality? What if the mom & pop store decided to only sell beer to those 30 and above? Can they do that? It seems that if a product is legal and the feds deem it can be sold to anyone above a certain age how can a business decide otherwise? Originally Posted by Budman
And if gays are being SUED INTO oblivion, cause they feel they should be a-ok to refuse catering to a gay wedding based on religious grounds, THEN IMO Kroger/walmart should be unable to say "We will up the age for this one product"...

Who goes to Kroger to buy a gun? Originally Posted by JCM800
I've not even seen a Kroger store sell them, and of the 6 walmarts in colmbus, i've only seen ONE THAT HAS some guns on display to buy (several 3.06and .22 rifles)..
Generally....your rights under the Constitution protect you from the government, not from private companies.

Generally...private companies are restricted from discriminating against protected classes on the basis of their protected class (under the Civil Rights Act, I think).

Here, "Age" probably isn't a protected class so my guess is these companies are probably pretty safe. It doesn't mean someone won't sue of course.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
They should just stop selling guns in the first place and they will not have any issues.
Why would you want to buy a firearm at walmat in the first place?
That is like going to a costume jewelry store to by an engagement ring.
LexusLover's Avatar
Who goes to Kroger to buy a gun?

Originally Posted by JCM800
May be he meant "gum"!

But on the other hand ... Kroger's does sell them!

or if you really want to upgrade ... they sell these!!!!

Every School Marshall should have one!
LexusLover's Avatar
Here, "Age" probably isn't a protected class so my guess is these companies are probably pretty safe. It doesn't mean someone won't sue of course. Originally Posted by Passerby
bambino's Avatar
Who goes to Kroger to buy a gun?

Originally Posted by JCM800
We don’t have Kroger’s in Pittsburgh anymore. When they were here, they were grocery stores. Did they morph into something else?
LexusLover's Avatar
We don’t have Kroger’s in Pittsburgh anymore. When they were here, they were grocery stores. Did they morph into something else? Originally Posted by bambino
Flower shops, lawn and patio furniture, pharmacies, gasoline, and water guns!

And for ButtScramble the Parrot ... gay cakes from the bakery!
bamscram's Avatar
Flower shops, lawn and patio furniture, pharmacies, gasoline, and water guns!

And for ButtScramble the Parrot ... gay cakes from the bakery! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Buttstupis is at 40,0004 and still hoping someone will throw him/her a cracker.