Booker: Primary voters 'being denied' their candidates of choice

  • oeb11
  • 12-05-2019, 01:38 PM

Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) on Thursday delivered an impassioned address about the dwindling number of candidates of color in the Democratic primary, warning that voters were not getting a fair opportunity to choose from a diverse group of candidates.
Sen. Cory Booker is struggling to meet the qualifications for the December Democratic debate. "It's a problem that caucus-goers here in Iowa and in Nevada and voters in South Carolina and New Hampshire are being denied the choices that they are telling us they want in February," Booker said at a campaign event in Iowa.
Booker noted that Democrats needed a diverse coalition in order to defeat President Trump.
"And this is not just about individual candidates — it's about the diverse coalition we need to defeat Donald Trump," he said.
Booker has denounced the dwindling number of candidates of color in the Democratic primary, pointing specifically to Sen. Kamala Harris's (D-Calif.) recent exit from the race.

"It's a damn shame, frankly, that Kamala Harris's voice is no longer in this race," Booker told BuzzFeed News's "AM to DM."
"I've seen the bile, the anger, from my family members, to people in the Congressional Black Caucus, to leaders of color across this country who just don't understand how we've gotten to a point now where there's more billionaires in the 2020 race than there are black people," he continued.
Six candidates, including billionaire Tom Steyer, have qualified for the December debates, all of which are white.
Booker, himself, has struggled to meet the qualifications to be on the December debate stage.
The senator needs to reach two Democratic National Committee benchmarks by Dec. 12: Over 200,000 unique campaign donors and four polls showing him with the support of at least 4 percent of voters in order to qualify for the forum.

AWWWW - Poor DPST's complaining about their own lack of "Diversity"
They face a POTUS they are Impeaching - what is to worry????
Not enough candidates of color - and of course - the DPSY's aren't RACIST about their platform. Sure looks like they don't like their white candidates.

Of course - Warren is 1/1024 "Indian" - although he tests are South American DNA - she can put on a sombrero and spout - Ai, ai , ai , ai!!!
Poor Racist DPST's - stuck with old , senile, angry white folks as the "White Meat Alternative " to Trump!
Perhaps they pass a Constitutional Mendment and nominate AOC - the bartender from the Bronx is obviously totally qualified to be DPST POTUS - her Chief of Staff Resigned for funds crimes - sounds like a great qualification for DPST candidate. Not to mention the 4th

grade written Soylent Green New Deal - Perfect DPST candidate who took economics from Warren and Sanders!

Booker is just another liberal Dummy that has nothing to offer except his pitch to defeat Donald Trump.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
So Booker does not understand that as long as candidates have paid the filing fee for whatever state, the names are on the ballots?

Interesting that there's more amusement every day and we're not even into the actual primaries yet.
I believe Booker has a good point - the Democrats are not presenting a diverse lineup at the debates.

I consider that evidence they are racists.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I believe Booker has a good point - the Democrats are not presenting a diverse lineup at the debates.

I consider that evidence they are racists. Originally Posted by friendly fred

The question is, how many Democrats will come to that same conclusion and stay home on election day. "You are going to put a Gay White man on the debate stage but no person of color"? Yeah, that's going to piss off more than a few Democrats. It looks like the debate stage before this is all over because of the strict rules of the DNC for making the debate, will be 4 White people, Biden, Warren and Sanders who will be off the campaign trail and in the Senate impeachment trial and last but not least Buttigieg. Yeah, Democrats are going to love that display of diversity they are so proud of.
  • oeb11
  • 12-05-2019, 07:44 PM
DPST's are outraged at their "lack of diversity" on the debate stage

Primafacie evidence of their plantation politics racism - white skin is evil to them.

Fine - let them run Al Sharpton and ying yang. Covers all the bases for them.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Of course - Warren is 1/1024 "Indian" - although he tests are South American DNA - she can put on a sombrero and spout - Ai, ai , ai , ai!!!
Poor Racist DPST's

- stuck with old , senile, angry white folks as the "White Meat Alternative " to Trump!
Perhaps they pass a Constitutional Mendment and nominate AOC - the bartender from the Bronx is obviously totally qualified to be DPST POTUS - her Chief of Staff Resigned for funds crimes - sounds like a great qualification for DPST candidate. Not to mention the 4th

grade written Soylent Green New Deal - Perfect DPST candidate who took economics from Warren and Sanders!

LOL Originally Posted by oeb11

Get off the sauce, hypocrite.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

rexdutchman's Avatar
Of course He's a Victim
Chung Tran's Avatar
dwindling number of candidates of color in the Democratic primary, warning that voters were not getting a fair opportunity to choose from a diverse group of candidates. Originally Posted by oeb11
Castro is still in the race, but he doesn't count as a person of color in this scheme. for some reason black people include Hispanics in "persons of color" only in certain narratives. and by the way, how black is Booker? just asking.. I see him and I don't think "black", I think of a mixed heritage guy.. he looks more white than black, honestly. and what about his sexual preference? if he is truly Gay (I gather he is coy about that), why not shift the narrative to embracing the idea that 2 Homo's are running?

I get it.. the black vote is much larger, and more important than the Gay voter turnout. but if Booker is REALLY black, this is his moment to seize control of the black vote, and vault to the top of the polling. he seems to be suggesting he is not able..
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Booker dosen't want to be the sacrificial lamb
  • oeb11
  • 12-06-2019, 09:02 AM
Booker and Buttigieg - a "winner" DPST ticket for nov 2020!
  • oeb11
  • 12-06-2019, 09:03 AM
Thank you , 95 turkeys , for the usual waste of bandwidth!
And complete deflection and avoidance of the issues raised.

Typical DPST!