The Replacement For Biden or Harris Is Now On The Political Horizon

ICU 812's Avatar
Michel Obama has started to give public interviews about herself as a post-menopausal woman.

This is seen by many as a first step towards running in 2024. Running for what? Either President or Vice President . . .however the pre-primary jockeying works out. Either way, both Biden and Harris will be out of it.

In a pre-primary scenario, I can see Harris being encouraged to step down for "reasons of health" for some reason (ever see The Godfather"?), followed by Michel appointed to fill that slot, as happened in the Nixon administration in the 1970s. Replacing Bisen could wait till the primary or could happen sooner if his health "deteriorates" too.

Or maybe the classified documents fiasco combined with Hunter Biden's back-story make a continued Biden presidency untenable. . . .and he reigns as Nixon did.

The next 20 months or so will be interesting to say the least. Future political scientists and historians will build entire careers on documenting and analyzing this post Barak Obama period.
Seen by many. Lol. You’re hilarious. No need to read beyond that statement. At least you’ve stopped with the Hillary will be moved into the presidency or the Biden will resign before the end of his first term.
I think it is pretty obvious that many in the Democrat Party want to find a way to get rid of Biden and Harris, I just don't think they know how to do it yet.
Fact: Biden will not run in 2024!!! He is not a fucking moron
ICU 812's Avatar
Seen by many. Lol. You’re hilarious. No need to read beyond that statement. At least you’ve stopped with the Hillary will be moved into the presidency or the Biden will resign before the end of his first term. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

With Ms. Obama potentially in the picture for 2024, I Tink Ms. Clinton may be viewed as damaged goods by many Democrats. Anyone think both of them could run on the same ticket? I am sure that both women want to be on top.

More and more, I am thinking that the powers that be pulling the levers of politics are not confident in either President Biden or VP Harris. . . .and looking for ways to ease them out one way or another, whatever it takes.
ICU 812's Avatar
Fact: Biden will not run in 2024!!! He is not a fucking moron Originally Posted by Tsmokies

Oh, but he is! a moron in the sense of the word that refers to one's mental capacity. The question is, will his backers run him? I think Dr. Jull likes her place in all this and would do about anything for another four years.
Who you or any of us to judge mental capacity? Besides a president is just a figurehead taking advice from 100s of staff and advisors.
Precious_b's Avatar
Well, if all the house repubs got their menstrual cycles aligned getting a Speaker, we'll see if one of the hormonal lot have the vaginal fortitude to eventually be potus.
Who you or any of us to judge mental capacity? Besides a president is just a figurehead taking advice from 100s of staff and advisors. Originally Posted by royamcr
Well Biden needs some new advisors because they are sure making him look stupid. Either that or he is ignoring their advice.
ICU 812's Avatar
Who you or any of us to judge mental capacity? Besides a president is just a figurehead taking advice from 100s of staff and advisors. Originally Posted by royamcr
Well, of course you are right. I have no credentials in that area.

However, nearly everyone has a relative or knows someone who has a relative who is exhibiting age related cognitive decline. A quick search for video of President Biden as a Senator and more recently, as Vice President, shows the changes in his speech and physical ability. Mr. Biden has declined in these areas since being sworn in in my view.

This is not a political thing. We all get old.

I have written before in this forum, that I feel that his close family should have not encouraged him to run in the 2020 primaries. They should encourage him to step aside now. I feel that not doing so now amounts to elder abuse.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
F Joe Biden is toast. Anyone suggesting other wise is long since toasted. The left-tards have not done enough of a good job promoting the 0.03 percent tranny population to make Mochelle viable either. She ain't an option.Kamel-Toe?!? Fagitt about her. Then on to 2024
ICU 812's Avatar
I would be inclined to agree with the above . . .except that:

I never thought that Donald Trump would ever be nominated in 2016. Then I never thought he would be elected over Hillarey Clinton.

I never thought Joe Biden would be nominated in 2020. Then I never thought he would defeat Donald Trump.

After 1969, I stopped saying, " . . .not till they put a man on the moon."

Lately, I have stopped saying things like, " . . over my dead body!".

Never say "never".
Ripmany's Avatar
I would be inclined to agree with the above . . .except that:

I never thought that Donald Trump would ever be nominated in 2016. Then I never thought he would be elected over Hillarey Clinton.

I never thought Joe Biden would be nominated in 2020. Then I never thought he would defeat Donald Trump.

After 1969, I stopped saying, " . . .not till they put a man on the moon."

Lately, I have stopped saying things like, " . . over my dead body!".

Never say "never". Originally Posted by ICU 812
You should say after I get trump grand daughter pussy.
adav8s28's Avatar
Biden & Harris will run. They will defeat Trump or the Rhino republican nominee by a narrow electoral college victory. Biden steps down by March 1st making K. Harris the first female President. This gets Rep Jim Clyburn paid back in full for his support. Harris then appoints the Gov of Calif to be Vice President. She does one 3/4 of a term and resigns. Newsome becomes president. He gets re-elected because he will win Calif and New York plus swing states Penn, Mich and Wisc. The swing states that HRC could not win.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden & Harris will run. They will defeat Trump or the Rhino republican nominee by a narrow electoral college victory. Biden steps down by March 1st making K. Harris the first female President. This gets Rep Jim Clyburn paid back in full for his support. Harris then appoints the Gov of Calif to be Vice President. She does one 3/4 of a term and resigns. Newsome becomes president. He gets re-elected because he will win Calif and New York plus swing states Penn, Mich and Wisc. The swing states that HRC could not win. Originally Posted by adav8s28

President Gavin Newsom