Republican Hypocrisy on AP and DOJ

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From Time Magazine:

It’s not even theoretically possible to surpass the degree of Republican hypocrisy on this issue. Recall that many of those howling about the Obama administration’s (probably legal) investigation are the very same people who did nothing but cheer when the Bush administration, in the name of “national security,” pursued a program of warrantless wiretapping that trampled on federal law.

First prize for sheer chutzpah regarding this matter goes to House committee chair Darrell Issa, who immediately issued a press release condemning the DOJ investigation, and calling for a congressional investigation, even though in 2007 Issa was one of just a handful of House members who voted against a bill that would have made investigations of this type illegal (the bill was successfully killed in the Senate by Issa’s GOP colleagues). Although we won’t know for certain until more facts are revealed, it’s quite likely that the DOJ is correct when it asserts that rummaging through two months of office, home, and cellphone records of reporters on a fishing expedition for information regarding the confidential source of a story is something that the law as currently written allows the government to do.

Over the course of the last dozen years (that is, ever since the commencement of the latest in our never-ending series of wars) Congress and the courts have given the executive branch nearly unlimited power to protect Americans from the dangers of a truly free press, and in particular the “danger” of the media having access to un-intimidated confidential sources inside the government, who can reveal what our leaders are up to without fear of having their identities revealed to those leaders.

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Chutzpah? Remember a few months ago when the Obama administration leaked a "secret" memo to MSDNC? Where was your outrage?
Typical fucking liberals. They cannot admit what is currently being done is wrong, instead they try to justify it by saying someone else did this or that in the past. So what, it's in the past. You didn't like it then so why are you OK with it now? Talk about hypocrisy.

I don't think a single obama cocksucking liberal on here has been able to defend something Obama has done without having to justify it by saying Bush or Regean did it too.
Typical fucking liberals. They cannot admit what is currently being done is wrong, instead they try to justify it by saying someone else did this or that in the past. So what, it's in the past. You didn't like it then so why are you OK with it now? Talk about hypocrisy.

I don't think a single obama cocksucking liberal on here has been able to defend something Obama has done without having to justify it by saying Bush or Regean did it too. Originally Posted by satexasguy

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama was elected on a campaign where he insisted he was going to be different. He's not. And then these people argue that we have to give Obama a pass, because he is just like Bush. Where's the Hope and Change? It's the Same Old Shit.
Mods, please close this thread in the name of "mercy"... thanks LOOOOOOOL!
BigLouie's Avatar
Let me point out that the article indicates that what the DOJ did was legal. There was a law in the last administration that the Republicans defeated that would have made illegal but the Republicans were so busy fawning over Bush and his illegal wire taps they killed it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't know if that is the truth or not, BL, but I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Republicans are as hypocritical, or more, than the Democrats.
Don't pay any attention to me, I spend all of my time repeating the Same Old Shit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
We have finally found something we can agree on.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typical fucking liberals. They cannot admit what is currently being done is wrong, instead they try to justify it by saying someone else did this or that in the past. So what, it's in the past. You didn't like it then so why are you OK with it now? Talk about hypocrisy.

I don't think a single obama cocksucking liberal on here has been able to defend something Obama has done without having to justify it by saying Bush or Regean did it too. Originally Posted by satexasguy
You have a problem with other points of view, asshole?
You have a problem with other points of view, asshole? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I would have no problem with a different point of view, IF that's what you fucking liberals would submit instead of just bringing up what repbulicans did in the past. That's like the class clown (oh that would be you ASSUP) crying when he gets caught and telling the teacher it's not fair because others did the same thing.
Let me point out that the article indicates that what the DOJ did was legal. There was a law in the last administration that the Republicans defeated that would have made illegal but the Republicans were so busy fawning over Bush and his illegal wire taps they killed it. Originally Posted by BigLouie
So you are saying that the AP is a terrorist organization, and that the wiretaps were listening for communication with contacts outside the US? Surely you are familiar with the FISA rules that warrantless wiretaps fall under, right? Right?
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  • 05-16-2013, 10:51 PM
So you are saying that the AP is a terrorist organization, and that the wiretaps were listening for communication with contacts outside the US? Surely you are familiar with the FISA rules that warrantless wiretaps fall under, right? Right? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
It was not a FISA law they used. So that is not wtf he is saying, nobody said the AP was a terrorist organization. The used the phone service to try and find out who the leaker was. Kinda like the Private Manning affair.

There were leaked documents that the GOP was crying about about a spolied terrorist attack that put the operation in doubt. It made Obama look good in the GOP mindset and they wanted the admin to agressivly to go after the leaker, as they thought it was the Obama admin that leaked it. When the admin did that vey thing, then the GOP cries about it. If you took the time to learn the whole picture instead of a GOP talking point, you would understand the hyporicy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I would have no problem with a different point of view, IF that's what you fucking liberals would submit instead of just bringing up what repbulicans did in the past. That's like the class clown (oh that would be you ASSUP) crying when he gets caught and telling the teacher it's not fair because others did the same thing. Originally Posted by satexasguy
Does anybody else see the irony here?