Just shy of 50 socializing at today's happy hour

ck1942's Avatar
And still 22 going strong with the extension!

Many new folks and several almost strangers returning to the flock. "Father Peter" had to depart to gear up for manana's San Antonio event. Heard some Austinites are planning to trek south.

Per the usual, only those attending may disclose their presence.

And, of course, what happens at social stays at socials.

Not that much of anything happens except good grub, fellowship, a bit of alcohol and lots of networking.

See y'all next time if not before!
raven winters's Avatar
Thank you for inviting me ! I had SO MUCH FUN! I will definitely be there for the next !
Thanks CK!!
TemptationTammie's Avatar
It was great to sit and talk at the corner table to some who came in that door or those who decided to sit and talk to us ladies.

Thank you CK for arranging things!!
Tequila Rose's Avatar
Oh well damn I could of made this one.
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Thank you CK
Thank you, CK!
Sad I missed this. How friendly are the events. I'm a little shy in big groups :O But once I get a little bit of alcohol into me or the enviroment is right I can open up just fine.
Sounds like a neat time.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Two thumbs up ...........
Nice gathering CK. All the boys and girls played very nice and a good time was had by all.

Thank you CK
Britttany_love's Avatar
Thanks ck!!
DocHolyday's Avatar
Yes and I continue to be BANNED because...????
pyramider's Avatar
Dang a modtard posted on a thread that should have been locked,