Retiring from the hobby

It is time for me to pull the plug on my hobby activities and stay away from ECCIE. I tried taking a break but found the temptations too hard when I kept getting on this site regularly so I have asked to have my account canceled.

I was able to meet some very good providers and one really fantastic provider plus had a chance to converse with other guys like me.

To everyone I wish you well.

Play safe and play smart.

iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 05-14-2013, 05:28 PM
You will be surely missed !!

Best wishes and good luck!
It is time for me to pull the plug on my hobby activities and stay away from ECCIE. I tried taking a break but found the temptations too hard when I kept getting on this site regularly so I have asked to have my account canceled.

I was able to meet some very good providers and one really fantastic provider plus had a chance to converse with other guys like me.

To everyone I wish you well.

Play safe and play smart.

cny6969 Originally Posted by cny6969
Good luck and be safe!!!
DDarkness's Avatar

Thanks again! And best wishes!

I find the same thing with this site. I disabled my account in February for 2 months and it was a nice 2 months.
Although I don't see anyone, from time to time I enjoy looking at the activity on this site. It's mind over matter.
I guess one can say I'm semi-retired!
EnglishGent's Avatar
Good luck cny6969.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
luck be with you
its a tough addiction to tackle because theres triggers everywhere

good luck
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Unless you can wipe all of these sites from memory I dunno how completely retiring is possible lol. But I wish him lots of luck .
Unless you can wipe all of these sites from memory I dunno how completely retiring is possible lol. But I wish him lots of luck . Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
yup, its virtually impossible to whip it

you basically have to get rid of everything , puter, tv, etc

then you go out and theres hot chicks everywhere, its visual..... soo umm ..yah...

your not even suppose to pull one off cause that just starts up the cycle ... so ...ummm...yah..

let me know how that one can be done..... you gotta really be fed up to take that on
yup, its virtually impossible to whip it

then you go out and theres hot chicks everywhere, its visual..... soo umm ..yah...
Originally Posted by JONBALLS


uummmm,....................... ... see what I mean?

their everywhere...

uummmm,....................... ... see what I mean?

their everywhere... Originally Posted by JONBALLS
ahahah that is awesome
offshoredrilling's Avatar
nice tie