Prep & Hygiene

never 2 old's Avatar
Guys we know that the good providers spend time on themselves to make sure that they look and smell very good for an appt. Most are very Hygiene conscious. Well my question to the guys is What do you and how much time do you put into prep & hygiene. Gals what do you look for and expect from a client so you can enjoy the session to it's fullest. A few things that I do before an appt......
I make sure I have taken a shower with in 1 to 1 1/2 hrs of the appt. I trim and make sure my finger nails are clean. I put baby power on my chest, stomach, shoulders and put some down by the boys. I carry mouthwash and my favorite cologne in the car and use them just before I get out to go into the location of the appt.
I know must of this is common sense for those of us that have played for awhile but maybe a new guy can pick up some good info if we get some good replies .
  • DCGuy
  • 05-15-2013, 10:50 AM
I always shower, soap & water every nook and cranny. Shave, brush my teeth. Treat it like a real date where you want to make a good impression. Bad smells ruin the ambiance for me quickly, so I hold myself to the same standard I expect from my companion. I never skimp in this regard.

Clean clothes too, no sense in putting on the same clothes you've been wearing / sweating in all day if it's an afternoon/evening appt. No colognes, etc. for me, just deodorant - don't want to wear something she might not like or worse be allergic too. Besides I don't want to smell someone's old spice on her neck, soap and water doesn't always get that stuff off right away!

I usually dress nicely, as if I were going to work in an office at least. First impressions count in both directions.

If it's an afterwork - late night appt, (as in I worked until 9-10pm and I want a treat before bed) I always ask to use the shower and bring my own soap if I'm not able to get home to get ready.
wantsome's Avatar
Pedi and mani day before
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
Never 2 Old,
Your routine is exactly what I would expect from any gent I see. The baby powder is truly appreciated, as is the manscaping.

As for myself. When it comes to perfume or scented lotion, if I know our meeting is a quick stop before heading home, I will not wear either. I will use a lightly scented lotion, but if you take time in the shower, you should smell wonderful without the extras. I know they can also be cause for concern when it comes to the SO.
If I'm meeting someone who is out for the night, then I use a spritz. Americans use to much perfume anyway. It can give you a headache.
never 2 old's Avatar
I love the smell of a very mild perfume and since I have no SO as she is looking down at me from heaven, I let my date know that perfume is ok with me. I also ask her if see minds if I wear cologne and the baby power has gotten me some nice comp's from more then one lady.
EnglishGent's Avatar
Always a shower with soap and water before any appointment, and brushed teeth. I expect any provider I see to be clean and smell fresh, the least I can do is provide the same.
I would manscape, but my SO would be so suspicious if I started doing that lol.
Autumn Bolan's Avatar
Always a shower with soap and water before any appointment, and brushed teeth. I expect any provider I see to be clean and smell fresh, the least I can do is provide the same.
I would manscape, but my SO would be so suspicious if I started doing that lol.
. Originally Posted by EnglishGent
Many married men have the same issue. Manscaping leads to an inquisition.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I make big emphasis on guys being hygiene-conscious. I don't smoke and don't want to taste smoke in or on your mouth if you do. I rather guys not smoke within a few hrs of the date and when they come in whether they just brushed their teeth & gargled with mouthwash before coming over to well gargle with mouthwash again and wash your hands thoroughly with soap & water even if you just showered as close to 1hr before the appt. IF it's been more than 1hr since you've dressed up from a shower and your nuts making up a sweat lol you MUST take 5mins in my shower when you arrive to give them a good toss around with SOAP and water (I have caught guys trying to be sneaky for w/e lazy reason just rubbing their junk under the water with warm water and wanted to pass that off as clean). Basically your mouth should be as fresh as the one you want to kiss and the cleaner your balls are the more you'll enjoy me sucking & licking them .

Actually DO NOT cover your body in powder unless you don't want me kissing on or licking anywhere you put it. I'm not trying to eat it please and thanks.

Guys we know that the good providers spend time on themselves to make sure that they look and smell very good for an appt. Most are very Hygiene conscious. Well my question to the guys is What do you and how much time do you put into prep & hygiene. Gals what do you look for and expect from a client so you can enjoy the session to it's fullest. A few things that I do before an appt......
I make sure I have taken a shower with in 1 to 1 1/2 hrs of the appt. I trim and make sure my finger nails are clean. I put baby power on my chest, stomach, shoulders and put some down by the boys. I carry mouthwash and my favorite cologne in the car and use them just before I get out to go into the location of the appt.
I know must of this is common sense for those of us that have played for awhile but maybe a new guy can pick up some good info if we get some good replies . Originally Posted by never 2 old
wanttohavefun's Avatar
No colognes, etc. for me, just deodorant - don't want to wear something she might not like or worse be allergic too. Originally Posted by DCGuy
The one thing in I do beyond what has already been mentioned is to be very carefull about is what I eat prior to/during a session. If I'm meeting someone new I will stay away from the foods that people can have nasty allergies like peanuts and seafood. Nothing breaks a mood like having to run off and chug benadryl.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Je mange normalement une pute avant de voir une pute
le parfum pousse sauvage

dang google, that does not come back ta english right

But one would think I do my reviews in english translate to what ever. Back ta english, then post. hehehehe
  • dtero
  • 06-16-2013, 04:56 PM
I too am hygiene conscious and always try to be clean before I see a lady. I clean up and remove any trace of lingering stench (see the movie "Gattica" and scene with Ethan Hawke in the shower scrubbing off any traces of loose skin cells). Usually, I start by brushing the crap from under my finger nails. Then, I proceed to wash my arse with a quanternary ammonia disinfectant to kill any lingering butt crack germs. Next, I proceed to the genital area and scrub and scrub until squeaky clean. I clean my pits with a dilute chlorox solution and follow up with a neutral smelling deodorant. Two final overall body scrubs, rinse, and a few quick squirts of Armani cologne and I am off. Oh, by the way, I repeat after my "date" just to be safe!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
errrr whats wrong with water and maybe some soap ??????
pyramider's Avatar
Always a shower with soap and water before any appointment, and brushed teeth. I expect any provider I see to be clean and smell fresh, the least I can do is provide the same.
I would manscape, but my SO would be so suspicious if I started doing that lol.
. Originally Posted by EnglishGent

Just tell your SO you had to since she gave you crabs.
EnglishGent's Avatar
Oh yeah, I never thought of that LOL.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Nothing in the world is sexier than fresh and clean.