Text, IM's and emails

ONEXKID's Avatar
I am one of little experience as a hobbyist. I know the preferred method to contact and communicate with a provider is via phone call, I assume because it's easier to verify/screen.

I have seen (here) HORROR stories about wifeys and SO's going B.A.N.A.N.A.S <---Gwen Stefani reference when they, for what ever reason, end up with a clients phone and see calls or texts from providers.

From an experience - a LONG time ago, I had 2 phones at one point, one was a work phone and the other my personal. I called a well known provider and scheduled a session. We hit it off and stayed in touch every now and then. She would call during the hours I was avaliable to answer. I would help with her PC problems and edit videos and pics for her website. It was all good.

TILL.... I start getting the late night texts and calls. It got so bad I would leave the work phone in the truck or turn it off so the SO wouldn't get a hold of it. Finally I just turned it back in to the company and started using my personal and getting reimbursed from the company for the expense.

Ever since then I have used my email to text and IM's to communicate with providers. The phone I use (like all phones now) is capable of IM's and I text from it too but only to the IM's supported carriers. The unsupported one like Metro PCS I use email to text to those.

In my situation I cannot have more than one phone. So provider phone is out of the picture, too much hide and seek from the SO to do that. I've used a caller ID spoofer but providers can't call back if the call is missed or goes to VM.

Now my question is why is email and IM's no bueno? I know there are some ladies who might prefer those methods but I've only seen a few.

As far as the 2 call confirmation goes. Why is that needed if a said upon time was already agreed on. I know time management is a pain but for a professional scheduling shouldn't be an issue right?

I'm not bashing anyone, if it sounds like I am, I apologize in advanced.

Any thoughts? Opinions? All is welcomed.
TinMan's Avatar
I'm with you. I want to ditch my hobby phone in a bad way, but can't seem to cut that cord. Google Voice seems promising, but just when I'm about to pull the trigger someone says, "yeah, but there is this one flaw...."
I prefer if you contact me by PM or P-411 first. Once you have done that send me a text or email and let me know ! This is only what i prefer others will be different. I like the two calls but, I dont so much use it any more unless your a new client. It lets us know that your almost there. Girls sometimes loose track of time while getting ready or trying to make things look and feel a certain way so its nice to have that "Hey Im almost there" call !
I am one of little experience as a hobbyist. I know the preferred method to contact and communicate with a provider is via phone call, I assume because it's easier to verify/screen.

. Originally Posted by ONEXKID
Ah, this simply is not true. Different providers have difference preferences for contact. Many say so in their showcases or sig of how they want to be contacted. Many will not answer a phone call from someone they do not know.

Always make sure you look for any indications of how to best contact a specific provider. Not following their instructions will more likely not get you you the response you want. Don't assume its by phone.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I prefer to be contacted first by PM or Email or even txt. While I use the google voice app on my phone, I dont like to answer calls from numbers I do not know and I do not call back missed calls because I value your privacy and need for discretion.

For our time together, I like at least one call when you are on the way. At that point I'll give my specific location and any gate codes needed.
Lana Warren's Avatar
I always prefer initial contact to be through email or IM! I have a real life away from the hobby and cannot always answer my phone!

I did set up my personal phone with google voice for my hobby number and the only complaint that I have is when my phone rings, I am unable to tell which line is ringing unless a message is left. Maybe it's something I can fix! Any suggestions? LOL!
I'm also one who will ONLY communicate through email (or PMs, but I tend to forget to check those, oops) until we've scheduled a time to meet. I generally only use my batphone to check employment info, and to confirm dates/let someone know I'm heading out. I actually have my phone turned off most of the time, so good luck to anyone who does try to contact me unexpectedly that way. I also only check references through email. There are more of us email-friendly (email-insistent?) ladies around than you might have realized.

However, I DO need a phone number for screening (because that's how some ladies remember who they've seen ... or don't want to see again) and for those rare times I need to call when I'm on the road -- I don't text/email and drive!

Like TinMan, I've never used Google Voice, but I've heard it can be useful if you want only one phone but more than one number. Sounds like something you might want to check out.
It's why providers use the two call system the first time. They probably get many no shows and there is no need to disclose location to a new client before they get close. The providers are more in need of protection than we are. Stalkers abound and there are probably many of those creeps on this board.
weren't we all hooking up JUST FINE BEFORE fucking cell phones?

ok then

tell the girl(s) to stop bitching.

you will email as you are leaving as long as she has email/IM confirmed with you right before.

i only have a personal # now. not everyone gets it.
Tntangle - Agree cell phones are a blessing and a curse. When I get home from work, it is nice to hook the cell phone to its charger and turn it OFF!
Tntangle - Agree cell phones are a blessing and a curse. When I get home from work, it is nice to hook the cell phone to its charger and turn it OFF! Originally Posted by Abraham
one of the best things I did was not renew my metro pcs "hobby phone".

I swear - the idiot fucking stalkers were making me a very unpleasant person to contact for services.

I took my frustrations out on the next person who would contact me...it wasn't their fault cheap dick young fuck wanted to text me 24/7 and haggle me over $20 on a rare bng appt, and when I cut him off because of it, he still insisted that he all of a sudden could come up with the money, and then some...but, NO, too bad, so sad.

yet, I still had that shit coming in on my phone....so that level of irritation is still there when the next person contacts me...which made me a bit on edge, waiting to see what bullshit the next guy was going to try and pull on me.

granted - it's not the next guy's fault - and he may or may not be trying to pull some shit.

BUT IT'S ASSHOLES LIKE $20 HAGGLE FUCK who make nice girls jaded.

Which is also why I'm SO THANKFUL I have a day job, and so thankful I've gotten my ass back into school and SO FUCKING THANKFUL I have a nice small circle of regulars that see me about every six - eight weeks and I can rotate a few new clients in every couple weeks. My new client ratio is so low now that I don't have to fuck with shit like that any more. It makes my life so much better as a provider and probably makes my contact process with the guys much smoother as well.

**and when I do get dipshit muther fuckers - I can usually smell em coming a mile a way - and of course, I let em have it....just via email now! I just gave one an eye full the other day, and boy did it feel fan-fuckin-tastic.

Don't tell me how big your fucking dick is and that I'll probably be wanting to pay you - or that I'll be wanting to be your fwb, or bitch that you're only contacting to book with me now, because of how high my rates WERE -it wasn't that high - then when talking about the session to come start to tell me that if I have my cooch not smelling like shell fish three times in a row that THEN you'll go down on me - FUCKING FUCKTARD FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe if you stop seeing cheap fucking whores every two fucking weeks, you wouldn't have fish smelling pussies - and THEN you wouldn't be a chicken shit afraid to go down on a cooch! Shit! He said a bunch of other stupid ass shit too and I checked him on all that as well - but jesus h christ...sometimes the stupidity fucking amazes me.

That one almost had me go bum a cigarette and i've not smoked in three years THIS MONTH! (HOORAY!)
Keep the phone, ditch the wife.
Haha, loving the previous comment. I prefer a phone call. Its the easiest method. Or whatever is conducive to the environment ur in. I hate getting the "ill call u right backs" bc someone has walked up on u and is now listening to ur convo. Just shoot me a text! But if u knw u have LOTS of questions...don't text.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I don't like GPS either. A couple of times I had ladys coming over for photos who want my home address to put into their GPS guidance system. This is simply not cool.
I am one of little experience as a hobbyist. I know the preferred method to contact and communicate with a provider is via phone call, I assume because it's easier to verify/screen.
. Originally Posted by ONEXKID

I've always used email and private messaging. I actually don't understand HOW to screen via phone???

"Hello, this is xyui78_8dd on ECCIE". ??? ummm, is that with two d's? How can I be sure that's REALLY who is calling unless he sends me a PM?

And that's before we even get to references: "I saw Roxxxy". Is that with one x, two x's or three? Does she go by "Sexxy Roxxy" or "EXXotic Roxy"?

And if he's using P411, he HAS to send the request through the PM system. He can't just call and say "I'm John-xx-D-xxxx on P411" . How do I know that's really him?