Democrats and the Media Outraged at the Vindman Firing Were Unbothered by Obama Arrests Over Similar Acts

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
ah yes. the "Obama Syndrome" ..

Democrats and the Media Outraged at the Vindman Firing Were Unbothered by Obama Arrests Over Similar Acts

When a reassignment from a post is worse than incarceration your outrage is impotent.

With the announcement that Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman was going to be removed from his position on the White House Security Council there has been all manner of disgust and contempt from Democrat leaders, as well as their serfs in the press. The outrage voice calls out all the expected talking points about President Trump acting in a vindictive fashion over the ‘’brave’’ actions of a supposed ‘’hero’’. Heads on a pike type condemnation has been commonplace.

Nancy Pelosi has of course been leading this brigade of bemoaning bellyachers in this charge of unaccountable retribution by the president.
Lieutenant Colonel Vindman has proven to be an American patriot. His firing was a clear and brazen act of retaliation that showcases the President’s fear of the truth — and the vindictiveness which led Republican Senators to be accomplices to President Trump’s cover-up.

— Nancy Pelosi (@SpeakerPelosi) February 8, 2020

The curiosity here is twofold. The first aspect to look at is what these carping scolds are willing to overlook to deliver their impotent outrage. Vindman is an employee of the president. He not only was shown to be working against his interests but his superior routinely complained of his lack of adherence to protocol, going so far as to cut out Vindman from particular discussions out of fear of his ensuing actions. Vindman was suspected to be a source of leaks.

He confirmed this in his own testimony, when he acknowledged speaking about details of the controversial phone call to others beyond his chain of command. He admitted to talking to a person in the intel community, and when he was told not to reveal that person’s name it confirmed Vindman as the source of the whistleblower. All of these actions are not only dismissable acts but chargeable illegalities.

But how dare the president punish and fire such an individual, say the leftist authorities. However the claims of this being an example of precedent-setting vindictiveness are ignoring one hardcore truth; they are excusing away, or are oblivious of, the retribution we saw take place with Barack Obama.

This is not a case of whataboutism, because the lack of contempt for far worse actions from the prior administration exposes the canard they are trying to sell today. If Trump firing someone (more accurately, reassigning them) is so unacceptable how does this measure up to President Obama tracking down and arresting those guilty of similar acts?

At the behest of Obama, Eric holder went on a regular quest to root out and identify those who were leaking sensitive and/or classified information. For their effort the Obama administration relied upon The Espionage Act, using that statute to go after those who were leaking intel to the press. Prior to their reliance on this legislation the amount of people jailed due to EA enforcement was exactly one.

Obama arrested numerous people with this rarely employed tactic. He even voiced his intentions — ”Since I’ve been in office, my attitude has been zero tolerance for these kinds of leaks and speculation.’’ Numerous individuals saw themselves incarcerated, and even General David Petraeus and General James Cartwright became prosecuted under this statute before they pled to lesser charges.

But today we are supposed to be outraged that Trump has excused one individual whom it can be argued acted in seditious fashion. A court martial would not be a shocking result…unless you are a Democrat or mainstream journalist.
eccieuser9500's Avatar

But today we are supposed to be outraged that Trump has excused one individual whom it can be argued acted in seditious fashion. A court martial would not be a shocking result…unless you are a Democrat or mainstream journalist. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

To John Oliver ..

"There seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance." - Robert A. Heinlein.

thank you valued whatabouter!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
To John Oliver ..

"There seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance." - Robert A. Heinlein.

thank you valued whatabouter! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
To society as a whole,

Why Is Art Important To Society?

The arts have been shown to increase empathy towards others, a side effect of which is reducing social tension and discrimination. Art has been used to convey important societal statements for centuries; from the first cave paintings which said ‘we are here,’ to war-time propaganda used to encourage support for the war effort, and from royal portraits documenting key historical figures to the feminist Guerilla Girls who highlighted disparities in gender representation.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Reassigned, not fired.
Love the scripted Dim response.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
To society as a whole,

Why Is Art Important To Society? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

if you say so, Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.

so tell me .. if everyone is truly equal .. why aren't you and I the artist Picasso was? (never mind Picasso was overrated with his Cubist Surrealist crap).

so by the purest concepts of socialism and equality you'd reduced all artists to finger painting with water colors. what would the Mona Lisa look like in water colors? here's a hint .. it wouldn't be handing in the Louvre.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
What about ism? Sounds like an excuse for hypocrisy. Obama investigates journalists with the FBI and Trump gets hate for calling them hacks. Obama arrested some journalists but Trump is accused of threatening democracy for saying most journalists hate him. Obama kills Americans without due process and Trump is attacked for "endangering" the lives of journalists. Obama gives a terrorist nation like Iran billions of dollars and Trump is accused of wanting to give away Alaska.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
if you say so, Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.

so tell me .. if everyone is truly equal .. why aren't you and I the artist Picasso was? (never mind Picasso was overrated with his Cubist Surrealist crap).

Because ambition and other innate (devine) qualities differ in everybody. We all have ambition to different degrees. Not everone is gifted with inexplicable beauty. But everyone has the potential for drive.

“Picasso at 90” — Henry Miller (1971 LIFE Magazine Profile)

“Picasso at 90” is an October, 1971 profile on the artist by Henry Miller, presented here via Google Books. In a felicitous cubist twist, the second page of the article (featuring the full portrait of Picasso and, on its back, the column of text) seems to have been cut (or ripped) and then repaired.

so by the purest concepts of socialism and equality you'd reduced all artists to finger painting with water colors. what would the Mona Lisa look like in water colors? here's a hint .. it wouldn't be handing [sic] in the Louvre. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You really like to talk about hypotheticals. Don't you?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You really like to talk about hypotheticals. Don't you? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

why do you even try? you've just proved no one is equal. by Pablo's own words .. yet you continue to claim everyone is equal .. to the point of being marginally equal in the lowest possible way. once again you prove you "know" the definition of equality but do not understand it is an unattainable myth.

this is the myth of socialism .. yet you champion it. why?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
why do you even try? you've just proved no one is equal. by Pablo's own words .. yet you continue to claim everyone is equal .. to the point of being marginally equal in the lowest possible way. once again you prove you "know" the definition of equality but do not understand it is an unattainable myth.

this is the myth of socialism .. yet you champion it. why? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Everyone is born equal. The rules (laws) are not applied equally. Equality in ability is different from equality in personality and opportunity. You support a Socialist. You just can't admit it.

Money is taken from the poor and given to the rich. Through tax breaks and agribusiness subsidies. Why don't you admit you favor socialism for the top one percent?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Everyone is born equal. The rules (laws) are not applied equally. Equality in ability is different from equality in personality and opportunity. You support a Socialist. You just can't admit it.

Money is taken from the poor and given to the rich. Through tax breaks and agribusiness subsidies. Why don't you admit you favor socialism for the top one percent? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

untrue once again. you really do not comprehend that no one is really born equal. in nominal terms of rights as a living being under the rule of law? yeah. after that .. that's all yous get. are you and I equal to Kobe in terms of athletic talent? No, if we were then either we'd also be world famous athletes (and uber rich .. how would that make you feel? more equal)? too or the NBA would be the "No talent Bullshit League".

i'm not 6'6" like Kobe. are you? then yous ain't equal!!

are yous a genius equal to Einstein? Nope! neither am i.

so what have i proved here? that you and i are not equal to Kobe and Einstein.

now .. do i favor socialism for the top 1 percent? NO.and yous know that. you cannot infer i would ever favor taking money from the most successful and giving it to the least successful based on my posts here. i would not favor socialism for say the top 10 percent. because i am in the top 10 percent and i wouldn't share my wealth, outside of what i leave to my family .. to anyone else for any reason. why should i subsidize those who are not my equal in earning ability?

as tempting as it is ... i as a top 10 percenter would never condone taking wealth from the top 1 percent .. just because they were able to make more money that me .. because it means some BUM gets my earnings as a top 10 percent earner. this is your socialism. and i reject it .. categorically. i must accept my miserable unequal lot in life as a "poor" 10 percenter while Bill Gates lives in one of largest mansions on this planet. by luck, intelligence, ambition and/or opportunity he did better than me. and YOU. neither of us deserve any share of what he has EARNED. now if he wants to give it away .. as he says he does .. fine. his choice. but it's NOT OUR RIGHT TO HAVE IT.

why is that so hard for yous to accept?
why do you even try? you've just proved no one is equal. by Pablo's own words .. yet you continue to claim everyone is equal .. to the point of being marginally equal in the lowest possible way. once again you prove you "know" the definition of equality but do not understand it is an unattainable myth.

this is the myth of socialism .. yet you champion it. why? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
They wish it to be true.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-09-2020, 06:39 AM
They wish it to be true. Originally Posted by friendly fred
Kinda like the tooth fairy?
LexusLover's Avatar
why do you even try? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You all give the likes of 9500 way too much "air time"!

Fox "News" does also! Just imagine .....

.... if they got no air time .... who would even give a fuck?

The LameStreamMedia is too busy fabricating their own shit ... to pay attention to their bullshit.
everyone is not born equal

that's a ridiculous statement

its not rethink that statement, its think that statement