A Retirement Savings Song

Jacuzzme's Avatar
In honor of my SEP officially being 100k lighter since Biden took office.

berryberry's Avatar
.... That's Sleepy Joe and "build back better"...

... Grocery market is a bust...

... And the Stock market is a bust...

#### Salty
One good thing can come of this- we'll be able to barter cans of soup for services. Hey baby! Whats a can of Creamy Noodle worth to ya? Can of Beef Stew for Full Service.
berryberry's Avatar
Interesting that the libs have completely avoided this thread

Is it because because most are freeloaders living off the government and have no 401K to worry about?

Or are they just too embarrassed to admit what a disaster libtard policies are for the country?
berryberry's Avatar
One good thing can come of this- we'll be able to barter cans of soup for services. Hey baby! Whats a can of Creamy Noodle worth to ya? Can of Beef Stew for Full Service. Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay
Yeah be interesting to see what happens to those ridiculous Tryst rates in a Senile Biden driven recession.

“The likelihood of a recession is 99.9%,” according to the head of fixed income at Bank of Montreal’s
berryberry's Avatar
The stock market's value is down $7.6 trillion since Senile Biden took office.


berryberry's Avatar
When Senile Biden took office:

Inflation: 1.4%
Gas: $2.39
30 year Fixed Mortgage: 2.65%
Median asking rent: $1,625
Nasdaq: 13,342


Inflation: 8.3%
Gas: $3.75
30 year Fixed Mortgage: 7.08%
Median asking rent: $2,039
Nasdaq: 10,829

Everything libtards touch turns to shit

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Build Back Poorer
berryberry's Avatar
This is just how BAD Senile Biden and the libtards in DC have fucked the economy and everyday people

S&P500 and Nasdaq post three straight quarterly declines for the first time since 2008-2009.

AND this is Unprecedented. We’ve had bonds down for 3 quarters in a row in the past & we’ve had stocks down for 3 (or more) in a row.

But we have never had stocks & bonds both down in 3 consecutive quarters.

Until now under these inept fucking libtards.

berryberry's Avatar
Man the country misses President Trump