A lil Clarification & a test for you fellas

Let me see if I got this right-

big boi terry is the big guy of West Tennessee

Tits McFloppin has the big stick up in Nashville

Jack Belot has my area in North Alabama covered

So who's the John Holmes of East Tennessee?

Abe Normal:
ME, Dammit. Why do you think all the ladies ran like hell to west Tennessee, LOL

Now, most of this, I can't say nothing about. Haven't had the pleasure of meeting most of the guys on this list and only visit middle & east. But one section of TN may need a lil clarification.

Y'all know I think the world of "certain people who shall remain nameless (per his request) to preserve their fragile male ego". But one of your nominees is a close second.

Now "certain people who shall remain nameless (per his request) to preserve their fragile male ego" would know this if "certain people who shall remain nameless (per his request) to preserve their fragile male ego" would ever accept my standing "tag-team babee" date request. Yes, I even asked nicely, yes more than once but Noooooooooooooooo. Hello, the thought of bouncing around lil fuck toy between these two...uhmmm..what the hell was I saying?

I would never want to hurt bbt's lil feelings or deflate his "pride" (anymore than I already have) so in respectful consideration of bbt (bless his heart), I would never say anything to disparage my dear friend, bbt, on a public board. Espeically since bbt asked me not to so very nicely. Y'all know I love a begging man yumyumyum. Can't resist them.

Just saying.

Now for "The Test"

Get a US bill. Wrap it around your base when fully erect. Does it meet? Overlap. Not quite touch? Please email me your results (no pix please) so I can plan my next tour accordingly.
ps: Somebody send me that Belot fella's info. Abe - I know where you are lol.
big boi terry's Avatar
This is BBT and I do not endorse this thread LOL!
Abe Normal's Avatar
How many times overlapping does is count as an "overlap?"

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Get a US bill. Wrap it around your base when fully erect. Does it meet? Overlap. Not quite touch? Please email me your results (no pix please) so I can plan my next tour accordingly. Originally Posted by babee
1) Are you asking us to lay our members on the bill down the length (member parallel to the long sides of the bill)? Or across the bill (member parallel to the short sides of the bill)? If you mean the second (across the bill), and someone actually "meets" or "not quite touches"... I may want to see a picture of that. Purely out of scientific curiosity, you understand. Ok, ok... I may want to scare some random victims on the Craigslist "Women seeking men" forum, too, but I won't bore you with those details.

2) Have you put off your retirement plans? Or is your touring schedule still open between now and New Year's Eve? (You can, of course, tell me to MYOFB, too, and I won't take offense; I'm just struck that you're making tour plans when there's so little time left between now and your formerly announced retirement.)


bluffcityguy's Avatar
This is BBT and I do not endorse this thread LOL! Originally Posted by big boi terry
Why do I get the feeling babee doesn't really care if you endorse it or not?


How many times overlapping does is count as an "overlap?"

Originally Posted by Abe Normal
<babee strikes Abe off the list>

1) Are you asking us to lay our members on the bill down the length (member parallel to the long sides of the bill)? Or across the bill (member parallel to the short sides of the bill)? If you mean the second (across the bill), and someone actually "meets" or "not quite touches"... I may want to see a picture of that. Purely out of scientific curiosity, you understand. Ok, ok... I may want to scare some random victims on the Craigslist "Women seeking men" forum, too, but I won't bore you with those details.

Bore me bore me. Sounds like my kinda hijinks and mayhem. Girth, BCG we are going for girth. Wrap the bill around

2) Have you put off your retirement plans? Or is your touring schedule still open between now and New Year's Eve? (You can, of course, tell me to MYOFB, too, and I won't take offense; I'm just struck that you're making tour plans when there's so little time left between now and your formerly announced retirement.)


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
Yes, still am. Real life as always fubared The Plan. Might hit Nash/Huntsville between Xmas & 2012. Looks like I will be doing some mini tours in Jan & Feb (south) & still ahve some northern spots I have to say "bye" too (but those are already preplanned etc) I'm focused on coming home!! and Xmas. I'm gonna do my Scarlett O hara & say I'll think @ that tomorrow.

Why do I get the feeling babee doesn't really care if you endorse it or not? Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
LOOK! I found my halo!
Big boi - even the crack of dawn isnt safe - Terry
Tits McFloppin's Avatar
whats a us bill?
bluffcityguy's Avatar
whats a us bill? Originally Posted by Tits McFloppin
One of those green pieces of paper that you give to hookers so that they give you a BONER and then do IT with you.


big boi terry's Avatar
CLASSIC, Bcg lol.
Tits McFloppin's Avatar
One of those green pieces of paper that you give to hookers so that they give you a BONER and then do IT with you.


bcg Originally Posted by bluffcityguy
oh! duh see ima thinkin like WE when she says US so theres just to see the boner is long an thik but all i gots a $20 an need $100 bill to see it. dont see why she dont wanna see pic cuz there is some boners thats ugley but my boners a BBB big buetifull boner cuz there is shape thats THE BEST on my boner to.
So how many of you guys went and put a bill on your penis.........oooooo to be the fly on the wall watching. How many overlapped? Ahehehe...........just being a little naughty.

I know, Lisa.

No results posted yet?