In desperate need of mechanic in Mo

femalehobbyist's Avatar
I am visiting and having a car issue, nothing too serious but am in need of a mechanic.
ladylover4ever's Avatar
paying cash or ass? What is the vehicle doing?
Helicopter206's Avatar
Did you get your car fixed?
if not shoot me a PM.
Helicopter206's Avatar
Laci French showed me she is a user not a giver …..
I drove down on my Saturday off time with my kid, to look at her car.
I did fix her car on Monday and she stated she was going to pay in trade for an hour of her time today.
I e-mail and PM her yesterday twice and once at night to see if we would still a go for today. (By the way her phone was broken “lie” she said it was.)
Monday I fixed her car she had a client come by so I had to wait for two hours to give her keys back. And show her what I did to fix the problem.
She told me she had another client on the way. Then she told me she just pushed him back three hours.
So we walked across the street while she ate and got some food for her DOG… no food for her daughter?? She was killing time. I was thinking she could have paid me cash or in trade right then.
But this never crossed her mind. (She was just blowing me off, trying to be my friend) I played along.
As I stated earlier I sent her messages. E-Mails message and ECCIE.
She never e-mailed or set me a PM (Fishy Fishy)
So I had a friend send her a message in a e-mail where she was located and what were her plans.
She came right back in the message and told the guy she was in KC and heading out early in the morning to
Colorado. (last night)
All of a sudden this morning I get a PM message that she and daughter are feeling really sick. But on Monday she told me she had three clients set-up on Tuesday. So when did she get sick. (She told me both of her kids were back at home with a baby setter. she was here with her dog only). I drove down to the hotel and there she is loading her car. She then sends me a message through ECCIE telling me she is checking out of the hotel to find a cheaper one to wash her clothes. (BS) meter is pinging really hard now. And she is really sick and can’t see anyone. Having two rooms was a pain and was costing her too much. (BS pinging)
I sent her a message stating she was lying and a bitch, while she was using me the whole time. She calls me yelling at me. She then states she will leave some cash at the front counter (called hotel no money left for me) for fixing her problem with the car not shifting out of park. This car was very old. She had a hanger in the floor shifter to make it shift. I spent 3 hour doing research on the issue and drove down to her location twice which was a hhr from my house one way. So then she tells me she got sick with her daughter while they were at the Lego city. (Her daughter was back out home I reminded her). She goes off on me again. I just keep catching her in lies.. She goes on to say I am showing my true colors, and I am an ass hole for calling her a liar. She now tells me she will not see me at all. Funny when you’re heading out of town in a hurry, and lying all the way to your car, she was sending me PM and no e-mail so she has a record on ECCIE. Of the whole conversation between us, she was trying to cover her ass the whole time.
I told her I wasn’t stupid just a dump ass for not getting paid right then and there.
I think she is Batshit Crazy and feels this is the best she can do, fucking people over.
I only treated her with respect and never said anything bad to her until she fucked me over.
She never planned on paying me to fix her can or in fact anyone if that was the case.
Laci could have told me she wasn’t feeling well yesterday and said she would pay me in cash for my time. Why wait until the last minute and lie about the whole deal.
All I did to fix her car was remove the cup holder and found the part that was broken and found the lock out pin. So where was her mechanic friend she told me about another LIE….
KCQuestor's Avatar
Any reason you made this whole post in a strange, small font? I had to copy it and paste into a word processor to read it.

Anyway, this seems to be the week for guys being surprised by providers taking from hobbyists and not paying them back. SS and Helo, you are examples to all.
jaybee's Avatar
i am a mechanic.... i gave up trading out repairs a long time ago..... i now trade c notes
I'm not sure what really happened in this situation, but I do know that when I posted about a similar situation with my car recently it was fixed quickly and I made good on my end of the deal immediately afterward. There really are good providers in this world that keep their word.

I have to add that in the future, especially if it's an out of town girl, I wouldn't agree to "payment" at a later date. Once their car is fixed they can easily hit the highway and be gone before nightfall... just my .02.
Helicopter206's Avatar
I'm not sure what really happened in this situation, but I do know that when I posted about a similar situation with my car recently it was fixed quickly and I made good on my end of the deal immediately afterward. There really are good providers in this world that keep their word.

I have to add that in the future, especially if it's an out of town girl, I wouldn't agree to "payment" at a later date. Once their car is fixed they can easily hit the highway and be gone before nightfall... just my .02. Originally Posted by Staci Stacked
I would love to fix something for you.
Do you need your skates tighten, dang I love your hair color.
That's the next photo shoot I hope...can't wait.
I would love to fix something for you.
Do you need your skates tighten, dang I love your hair color.
That's the next photo shoot I hope...can't wait. Originally Posted by Helicopter206
You should come check out my hair color in person someday then
I have new pics coming very soon! I'll post a few here when they're done.
Blue_Buddies's Avatar
Did you get your car fixed?
if not shoot me a PM. Originally Posted by Helicopter206

I guess there is one positive about this whole thing.... Your not her.
Newb2010's Avatar
Laci French showed me she is a user not a giver …..
I drove down on my Saturday off time with my kid, to look at her car.
I did fix her car on Monday and she stated she was going to pay in trade for an hour of her time today.
I e-mail and PM her yesterday twice and once at night to see if we would still a go for today. (By the way her phone was broken “lie” she said it was.)
Monday I fixed her car she had a client come by so I had to wait for two hours to give her keys back. And show her what I did to fix the problem.
She told me she had another client on the way. Then she told me she just pushed him back three hours.
So we walked across the street while she ate and got some food for her DOG… no food for her daughter?? She was killing time. I was thinking she could have paid me cash or in trade right then.
But this never crossed her mind. (She was just blowing me off, trying to be my friend) I played along.
As I stated earlier I sent her messages. E-Mails message and ECCIE.
She never e-mailed or set me a PM (Fishy Fishy)
So I had a friend send her a message in a e-mail where she was located and what were her plans.
She came right back in the message and told the guy she was in KC and heading out early in the morning to
Colorado. (last night)
All of a sudden this morning I get a PM message that she and daughter are feeling really sick. But on Monday she told me she had three clients set-up on Tuesday. So when did she get sick. (She told me both of her kids were back at home with a baby setter. she was here with her dog only). I drove down to the hotel and there she is loading her car. She then sends me a message through ECCIE telling me she is checking out of the hotel to find a cheaper one to wash her clothes. (BS) meter is pinging really hard now. And she is really sick and can’t see anyone. Having two rooms was a pain and was costing her too much. (BS pinging)
I sent her a message stating she was lying and a bitch, while she was using me the whole time. She calls me yelling at me. She then states she will leave some cash at the front counter (called hotel no money left for me) for fixing her problem with the car not shifting out of park. This car was very old. She had a hanger in the floor shifter to make it shift. I spent 3 hour doing research on the issue and drove down to her location twice which was a hhr from my house one way. So then she tells me she got sick with her daughter while they were at the Lego city. (Her daughter was back out home I reminded her). She goes off on me again. I just keep catching her in lies.. She goes on to say I am showing my true colors, and I am an ass hole for calling her a liar. She now tells me she will not see me at all. Funny when you’re heading out of town in a hurry, and lying all the way to your car, she was sending me PM and no e-mail so she has a record on ECCIE. Of the whole conversation between us, she was trying to cover her ass the whole time.
I told her I wasn’t stupid just a dump ass for not getting paid right then and there.
I think she is Batshit Crazy and feels this is the best she can do, fucking people over.
I only treated her with respect and never said anything bad to her until she fucked me over.
She never planned on paying me to fix her can or in fact anyone if that was the case.
Laci could have told me she wasn’t feeling well yesterday and said she would pay me in cash for my time. Why wait until the last minute and lie about the whole deal.
All I did to fix her car was remove the cup holder and found the part that was broken and found the lock out pin. So where was her mechanic friend she told me about another LIE…. Originally Posted by Helicopter206
I feel for ya!...been there and done that but never more.
bartering never a good idea as i've done so in the past just to get burned one too many times but that's what happens when the little head thinks and one is a decent person trying to do the right thing
Guest050813's Avatar
Take it from me!


Atleast you can get an ice cream with your kid and explain, how the fuck you worked for 3hrs and got paid instead of having to bribe his ass to stay quiet about working for 3 hrs for a pretty lady with big boobs and didnt get anything..

I once watched a youtube video about "deer meat" being the most exspensive meat in the world.
I call bullshit on that "Pussy" is the most exspensive meat in the world, hands down!
wow, this type of girl makes it hard on the rest of us, and honestly you should not know about her kids just being in the next room, sorry to me that is terrible, and all the other bs, isn't the purpose of a provider to make things pleasant, not bombard you with drama, never understood taking advantage of people, karma is real my dear yes it is! don't let her ruin it for all of us!
Rodneykc's Avatar
Is someone still in need of a mechanic?

Starry69's Avatar
I'm not a mechanic but I play one on TV. What can I do for you?