Newbie to Eccie Q & A from the Source!!

This thread is about getting comfortable with Eccie quickly when you are NEW. It could be a question from a new member OR provider. That is why I choose to put it on the Coed forum. We will start with a single question to get the ball rolling. All of us have been asked this question and I wish I would have knew upfront more clearly the answer. myself. The goal in this approach is to create a safe environment for new folks so they will open up earlier.

I am also hoping that some of the crazy gorgeous and sexy providers (shameless attempt to win favor, I am so obvious!) reply to the questions from new members. often Also, that new providers get replies form some of the more seasoned and respected members.

Here is the one question most asked by a new member.

"I am new to the hobby. I don't have reviews on this or other sites. How do I approach a provider where she feels safe and I increase my possibility of seeing her?"
just need to do a pre-screen on you. I need to know the following information

Are you on a verification site? (Like p411 or TER, etc)

Do you have references you can provide from other companions?

Employment information if you don't have any of the above

Also if have zero,,, Social Media accounts.

I do this both both my safety & your safety.

Please look for other ads I have on P411
TideLWave's Avatar
I suggest you get a Preferred411 account and start racking up okays. I started enjoying the hobby nearly 15 years ago but had two or three regulars for most of that time and saw random girls out of town. When I got back into playing close by I found that getting referrals from regulars was a perfect way to see a relatively sweet girl turn into a royal bitch. Joined P411 and doors opened immediately. Do your homework, read reviews, and if you dabble with backpage know you are doing so at high risk. Good luck and be safe.
Jjsunday's Avatar
this is what I did when I was new and it worked good for me but YMMV idk

1 I would call or text someone I wanted to see and when she ans or text back I would talk a few min then I would let her know I would like to see her I told her my name,age and body type and then after we got talking they most of the time got ok with me but then again it didn't work for all some still wanted the oks from other girl.

the best way to get the oks is to try to see some of the P411 NewB friendly girls
once you have seen two get one of them to Invite you to the website and on there they will ask for 2 oks from the girls on there look up the other one you have seen and once she oks you you will get a free 6 mouth membership.

Most of the girl on P411 will see you if your a member and if you have 2 ok's you can see alot of the girls and after you see them send them a OK requst and before long you will be able to see anyone you want .

now date-check is even easyer to get on I was being a smart ass and got on there one girl I saw told me she was on alot of sites so I looked her up and saw her on Date-check and beside her picture i saw this "have we met" so I lol and hit it about 30 min later I was given a free 3 or 6 mouth membership

also TER white pages are easy to get just like on here you write a review and you get a few days free VIP membership and most the girls have a TER and Eccie Acc after you see someone just ask them if they can ok you on the White pages

and some providers will use your review on here to screen you they can see who you saw and if they want they can pm the provider to see if they think you are safe so there alot of ways to get tho the screening so just keep a open mind and it just takes a little time and before you know it you will be good to go !

but thats my advise for the NewB's is to try to get on one of the site like P411 ! It really not that hard to do !
pyramider's Avatar
This thread is about getting comfortable with Eccie quickly when you are NEW. It could be a question from a new member OR provider. That is why I choose to put it on the Coed forum. We will start with a single question to get the ball rolling. All of us have been asked this question and I wish I would have knew upfront more clearly the answer. myself. The goal in this approach is to create a safe environment for new folks so they will open up earlier.

I am also hoping that some of the crazy gorgeous and sexy providers (shameless attempt to win favor, I am so obvious!) reply to the questions from new members. often Also, that new providers get replies form some of the more seasoned and respected members.

Here is the one question most asked by a new member.

"I am new to the hobby. I don't have reviews on this or other sites. How do I approach a provider where she feels safe and I increase my possibility of seeing her?" Originally Posted by AttitudePositive

Make the Search tab your friend. There are hundreds of these threads on icky. But if you are too lazy, and/or stupid, to do your due diligence ... then that is on you.
Make the Search tab your friend. There are hundreds of these threads on icky. But if you are too lazy, and/or stupid, to do your due diligence ... then that is on you. Originally Posted by pyramider
Thank you for your opinion. Your over 37,000 posts makes you a very credible source. I am sure the new folks whom join Eccie will clearly get your point and understand your advice. And if referring to me personally, you got me dead to rights. I have never been called stupid but have been called a Complete Idiot. I am working on it.

Jjsunday's Avatar
Make the Search tab your friend. There are hundreds of these threads on icky. But if you are too lazy, and/or stupid, to do your due diligence ... then that is on you. Originally Posted by pyramider
I do agree with you But!

I know there is a lot of this thread on here on this but you know if someones new is asking and don't know it and don't know how use the board yet this maybe the only way they know to find the ans to some of their questions

To me the only stupid question is the one you don't Ask !!!

even If it's been Asked before !

and if there is 100's whats one more
Jjsunday's Avatar
BTW Welcome Back AP I am glad you are back !!!
hotrix1's Avatar
Make the Search tab your friend. There are hundreds of these threads on icky. But if you are too lazy, and/or stupid, to do your due diligence ... then that is on you. Originally Posted by pyramider
.....I was finally warming up to you and you do this to a newb who reaches out because he doesn't know where to go look.

Hey, play nice dammit. Don't be fucking with AP. Man's got street cred around here. He's new but he's no dummy. You can choose to light the way, or blind the man searching for answers. Which way does a wise man choose????
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Of those 100's this is probably the best one I have seen

I made this post in the Dallas forum and it was suggested I post this in the National Discussion Forum.

Maybe I'm wrong, but it there seems to be more of the newbie hobbyists joining the scene and asking for advice. (This is a good thing) So, I thought I would offer this post.

I'm probably not as active as many of my brethren here but I have been around for a while, here on ECCIE and previously ASPD. We are fortunate here in Dallas to have so many wonderful ladies and I say this with all honesty, I've never had what I would call a horrible session. Yes, I've had some less than stellar sessions but in the past 7 or 8 years I have managed to meet some truly incredible ladies and enjoyed some mind-blowing experiences. Fortunately, I have yet to experience a true NCNS. How have I managed this? Well, here are a few rules I hobby by for what it's worth.

First and foremost, never, ever haggle over the ladies rates. If there's a lady your just dying to meet, save you $ and pay her fee. If the price is too high, more research will find the right lady for you.

This is an extremely important aspect of the hobby, not only for the lady but for the guys as well. This is for her safety but it may well be for yours too. Consider this, if she doesn't screen, what does that tell you about her. Everything may be legit, but on the other hand…….well, just read through some of the alerts. Those alerts where someone is ripped off, or worse, seem to have one thing in common - little or no screening.
Don't complain or get bitchy about her screening requirements. If you don't want to comply with her requirements, move on. Many of the ladies will work with you, unless, of course, you come off as telling them how to run their business. That’s a quick way onto the DNS list. This is why a service such as P411 so valuable. The money is very well spent. No, it's not easy getting started, but like anything in life, you have to pay your dues, so to speak. Having said that, there are some pretty incredible newbie friendly providers here and with a service such as P411 and a little research, it really shouldn't be that difficult to find a nice lady to get started.

If you use P411, use the features. Most importantly, fill out your profile. The ladies do want to please you. If you tell them about yourself and what you like, any good provider will try to accommodate you. Now this also depends on how you express yourself. Most importantly, be a gentleman.

Choosing a lady:
So you think you've found a lady you want to meet, great! Now do your research. If she posts, you can get an idea of her personality. Read her posts and if you don't like what she says or how she says it, do you really want to fork over some of your hard earned $ just because she's the hottest thing you've ever seen and all of her reviews say she's the lay of the century? You'll most likely be disappointed.
On the other hand, you just might connect, even before you meet.
In your research, find out about her. Enjoy her pics, but read, re-read and read again all of her information. Follow the directions for contacting her. Nearly all of the ladies make this info available, so do what she asks. Find out about her. What are her interests?

The appointment:
Once you've made the appointment, try to relax. Don't bombard her with emails, texts, phone calls, etc. A little contact is okay, but keep in mind she is running a business. In your research you should have learned such things as what kind of flowers she likes? If she likes tulips, bring her tulips, not roses. If she has listed chocolates as one of her likes, bring some. The point here is to show the lady you put a little effort into knowning her, pleasing her. It’s a perfect way to break the ice and start things off on the right foot.

When you get to her place, follow her instructions, and be discrete. Usually, you can expect a 2-call system. When she gives you her room or apt number, be careful about repeating it. I was on a trip in Denver once having breakfast in the hotel lobby. There was a guy standing about ten feet away from me who had something of a loud voice. This is what I overheard
"Hi Car***** it's L**** I'm in the lobby. 741, right, be right up. I'm ready to rock your world babe"
I literally choked. I had a pretty good idea what was going on and I would imagine so did everyone else that overheard him. Pay attention to what kind of attention you might be getting.
When you meet, treat her with respect. Be clean and presentable and if she offers a shower, it's probably best to thank her and jump in the shower, even if you just took one. Never know, she may just jump in with you. Also, don't let the transaction become a roadblock. It should be handled discretely and in accordance with her instructions. If you've done your research well, you should have very few surprises, except for maybe the good kind. Enjoy yourself, but respect her limits and her time.

In my opinion, reviews are valuable, but only to a certain degree. Some that read like a Penthouse forum, although entertaining, really don't tell me that much except the guy is the greatest fu*k in the world. Some of the guys will remember UsedCarSalesman. Great, funny reading, but useless reviews.
I never expect all the services one guy receives is going to necessarily be the same for me. Could be ymmv or heaven forbid, some may even exaggerate their encounters in their review. I would however, expect to receive her advertised services.

After the session and you wish to write a review. Start by reading the stickied thread in the review forum. The guidance is there. Be honest and factual, especially if it's sub-par review. It is entirely possible the reason for the sub-par performance is because she just didn't click with you, or you with her. It happens. There's no need for personal attacks and name-calling. The only thing that brings is drama. The review should be informative and reflect your overall experience.

Another comment about reviews:
There are times a lot of piling on starts and you might be tempted to jump on the bandwagon. Let me quote Ron White:

"Next time you have a thought, ............ let it go"

I am amazed at some of the replies to the reviews, especially the comments about the $. If you need clarification, that's fine, but to tell the world and most importantly the providers you wouldn't pay that much for a session is just foolish. You come across as cheap. Ever see an ad for cheap gentleman? I think generous gentleman is the usual phrase. Think what you like but its not always best to share your thoughts.

So now you've dipped your toe in the water, enjoyed your visit, written a review, what next?

Do it all over again!

But be careful. The first few times you'll know doubt cover all your tracks well. The more you participate the more likely it is to get too relaxed. Don't kid yourself into thinking you won't make mistakes. I just recently screwed up big time. I took a lovely lady to dinner at a nice upscale restaurant before our private activities. A couple of mornings later I realized I had kept the receipt (something I never do) and left it lying by the bathroom sink. Fortunately, it wasn't exactly in the open but I may still have some splainin to do. I got it covered if the SO asks but this is the kind of thing that can be catastrophic for some. There in lies the dilemma, is this really worth the trouble.

Perhaps one of our hobby brethren here can offer up a thread on techniques for protecting your ass. Its been covered before, just has the subject of this thread has, but it never hurts to put things in perspective.

Hobby safely and thanks for reading,
Clouddancer Originally Posted by Clouddancer
Make the Search tab your friend. There are hundreds of these threads on icky. But if you are too lazy, and/or stupid, to do your due diligence ... then that is on you. Originally Posted by pyramider
Of those 100's this is probably the best one I have seen Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Thank you all, thank you JJ/Hot for the welcome back. Chica, please stay with us and continue to model leadership. Appreciate everyone's time. My stream was for newbies on Eccie that were also newbies to the hobby. I have enjoyed this hobby for decades, just not on Eccie, my loss.

Please read my initial post for clarification. On to the next question given to me by Newbies to the hobby.

"What is the best way to start posting on a stream?"

Cpalmson's Avatar
What Chica posted.
Jjsunday's Avatar
Thank you all, thank you JJ/Hot for the welcome back. Chica, please stay with us and continue to model leadership. Appreciate everyone's time. My stream was for newbies on Eccie that were also newbies to the hobby. I have enjoyed this hobby for decades, just not on Eccie, my loss.

Please read my initial post for clarification. On to the next question given to me by Newbies to the hobby.

"What is the best way to start posting on a stream?"

Thoughts? Originally Posted by AttitudePositive
What I do is to read the topic the OP started the thread I read all the post so I know whats on the Stream but remember some will talk about things that will have nothing to do with the topic so you have to watch out for that.

Try not to get pulled into it and post what you really think about the topic.It's your Opinion you don't have to agree with anyone...... hell it's your Opinion ! or if you want to joke ! it all good !

I try to just post on what I Think and don't worries about What anyone thinks.If we all thought alike this would be a Borein Place that's why it get's me when some people say it's Drama and we don't need that.

It's a discussions and at time with the nature of the topic it may get wild !

Now that when you know you really have a good topic and a good discussion !

You also may want to read the guidelines. most of it like treat to others like you want to be treated but here 's a link
Jjsunday's Avatar
What Chica posted. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
lol...that's nothing to do with how to post on the stream lol But thanks for your input!
i cant post. i am that great. i need some fun. lmk how i can. i need some fun