Temporary Change of Location - I am Currently in West Houston

Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Good afternoon everyone!

Even though I updated my site & P411 a few days ago, as well as my signature & showcase here, almost everyone that has contacted me over the past few days still think I am downtown.

I figured I'd make this post in co-ed & hopefully it will reach a broader audience.

So, with that being said, I am not downtown right now. I am in West Houston not far from the beltway on I-10.

I will not be back downtown until the end of the month.

XOXO - Brooke
08cris's Avatar
Thanks for the update, saved a lot of hobbyists tons of unnecessary trouble.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Love the special on your latest ad, Breakfast with Brooke. Your current West Houston/I-10 location sounds very convenient for morning commuters craving a hot time and a hot meal to start their day with a bang!

While I'm in a complimentary mood, really like the new main photo on your Showcase, Beau. Looking sexy on the couch, indeed! Great "come hither" gaze.