How do you look?

thesultryrobynn's Avatar
Just a thought: it is weird how the guys have a choice of the girl they would like to see, some ask to even see your face before they decide if they would like to see you which in my case will never happen being i know people so i keep it lowkey, discreet and only my business, but as providers if we discriminated on looks we probably would all be broke!!!!! Food For Thought!!!!! I wonder how guys would feel if providers asked for pics before they would see you and when they got the pic was like noooo way, I wonder how a guy would feel if he arrived and a provider opened the door and was like ummm no thanks ur not my type. providers are here to make a living, school, ect ect so we don't look at it like that, we look past it. It's just weird
Just a thought: it is weird how the guys have a choice of the girl they would like to see, some ask to even see your face before they decide if they would like to see you which in my case will never happen being i know people so i keep it lowkey, discreet and only my business, but as providers if we discriminated on looks we probably would all be broke!!!!! Food For Thought!!!!! I wonder how guys would feel if providers asked for pics before they would see you and when they got the pic was like noooo way, I wonder how a guy would feel if he arrived and a provider opened the door and was like ummm no thanks ur not my type. providers are here to make a living, school, ect ect so we don't look at it like that, we look past it. It's just weird Originally Posted by thesultryrobynn
There are some that simply say, this is what we pay you for.

The most vocal of those seem to post on the stickied thread about NBA.

On one hand, we have the race/weight/age issues that may be somewhat objective in nature. The we have the subjective "looks" issue.

In one perspective, guys are usually described as visual while women look for deeper reasons for their relationships.

From a purely anthropological view, we are attracted to peoplle we think will be good mates for procreation. Men look for big breast, and mostly visual cues, many that would affect the ability of a woman to bear and raise children. Woman are also looking for a mate, but besides healthy genes, they want to mate with someone who will protect them and provide for them. In today's world and developed nations, it is typically more important to provide financial resources than to be able to kick the guy next to you's ass.

I think many guys here have taken the approach that if they are providing the financial stimuli, the lady's anthropological needs are being met and she should shut up and fuck. Not my view, but you get the picture.
The fact is that many men, (maybe most), who see Hookers do it because they lack the physical looks, or the social skills, to compete in the civilian world.

So once you decide not to see any of these men, who the fuck are you going to make a living off of.

In case you haven't noticed, there are a lot of Hookers out plying the trade. There are only so many Brad Pitts out there willing to pay for pussy.
falconbueller's Avatar
Lol. For some the "lack of looks or social skills" may be true. For others, you can't go openly date if you have a SO. If everything else is great at home but the sex, BAM! The makings of a hobbyist just occurred...
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-07-2012, 11:58 AM
There you go calling me out again Jackie, wish you'd keep my business off these boards...

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-07-2012, 02:07 PM
Lol. For some the "lack of looks or social skills" may be true. For others, you can't go openly date if you have a SO. If everything else is great at home but the sex, BAM! The makings of a hobbyist just occurred... Originally Posted by falconbueller
Additionally in my case there is the travel factor. If I am in a city for 24 or 48 hours I don't want to (nor do I have the time to) spend all night trying to find a lady. That may not be a big issue for guys who are relatively "stay at home", but for some of us it is a huge part of it.
thisguy23's Avatar
The girls I see dont care what I look like, they all want to see that picture of Ben Franklin that I carry around.
Hopefully I'm not hijacking the thread but... how can I tell if I'm a provider's "type"? or if she's not bothered (maybe likes me) by the way I look? will she ever tell you? should you ask? ... or is it fair to say that if she seems to get into it, it's because she digs you?

just curious.
falconbueller's Avatar
If they are good, you'll never know..... just sayin'...
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Actually, I have often wondered about the predicament that providers face every day.

How do the ladies manage to provide services for customers that are unsavory, but still the rent is due and a girl has to eat?

Customers can afford to be discriminating when selecting a lady to see, but ladies cannot afford that same luxury.

The fact is that life is unfair, but to be brutally honest, ladies . . .

. . .I am glad it is!

LaStang's Avatar
i had one once tell me she would not see me because my reference described me as short and skinny .............. but she would think about it . Told her that was ok , i decided not to see her ever because she had GPS .
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 12-07-2012, 05:58 PM
FG, no offense bud, but I've never read a complete message from you.
The dual colors just throw me off...give it a rest.
awl4knot's Avatar
To answer the OP's question, I didn't like it when I got poor service from a girl who doesn't like older guys. I bitched about the session to a buddy who said she had a reputation for not liking older guys. That stung a bit because I still look good and many years younger than my real age.

Some ladies tell me looks don't matter to them. Others tolerate the "fatties" but actually enjoy fucking the cute ones.

But I have to say this. Some guys must be blind because you read reviews about how hot some BP princess and then you see the pics and you go OMG, he thinks she's pretty? OMG!!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Really? No offense? No offense, my ass!

You think that because you make whatever dubious judgmental statement that you somehow ipso facto have the moral authority to thus decide what is right?

. . . If I was to tell you to give the black and white a rest, what would you think?

FG, no offense bud, but I've never read a complete message from you.
The dual colors just throw me off...give it a rest. Originally Posted by riday
thesultryrobynn's Avatar
I totally agree, I don't care what you look like, we are both here for that one good reason Ben for me and you know what's for you