ECCIE Upgraded Female Account Guidelines (PLEASE READ)

ECCIE Staff would like to give a big welcome to our Upgraded Female Account! Please use the following guidelines pertaining to use of our forums:

• To enable your account for posting in these forums, you must first be upgraded by ECCIE Worldwide staff. This process typically takes under 24 hours to complete, however could be delayed if you are not able to provide sufficient information to establish yourself as a legit female account. To become upgraded, please submit age verification and links to your Encounters on ECCIE.

• The "Welcome to ECCIE Worldwide" forum on the main page is an excellent 'landing pad' for new ladies to the community. This section has excellent readership from the members. New ladies are welcome to make ONE post in this forum after being age verified during their first 7 days of membership. This will be called their 'intro thread' and may include all their details, info, and pics. This may be done before you have requested Upgraded Female Account status or while you are waiting for approval. Once approved, however, please use the appropriate forum to update and post in this forum only to welcome new members.

• In addition, you must submit proof to that you are 21 or over to have an Upgraded Female Account on Eccie. We require a photocopy of your Driver’s License and/or state issued ID and your location. Your real name and address should be hidden, but your birth date and photo must be visible, along with your user name. We also need a close up picture of your face with you holding up the license or ID next to your face. Proof of age WILL be requested of ANYONE seeking Upgraded Female Account status, regardless of their stated age.

Please submit your age information separately from the info you sent to your local staff(only 1 review on this site is required) for verification.

Once again, thank you to all of the Upgraded Female Accounts who have chosen to make ECCIE Worldwide your home. We will continue to work hard to push the needle on making this site THE place to be. Should you need clarification on any of the guidelines posted ask any staff member of your local mod staff via PM or email, or you may email Our commitment is that you will receive a prompt and logical response to all of your questions and concerns, and each of our staff will work hard to live up to that commitment to our membership.
