Social distancing sucks.. Or rather doesn't.

Going friggin stir crazy. Any ideas for escape?"
Currently 0 for 3 on contact. Alyssa, Talia, Ariel. Any feedback ??
With a mask on... while 6 feet away... sigh....
Sorry Ed. Thanks for the advice.
I feel your pain..IMHO you have to be crazy or have a death wish to Hobby at this time..The thing that I find interesting is when..if this thing is over with the Girls that advertise in STG...EM...CD..are still around..You set up a meeting and for the BJ they want it covered ..for their own SAFTEY....
What I don’t understand is why no SW has advertised a positive antibody test. Supposedly 15-20 % of NYer have had COVID . A positive test would mean that she already had the disease and is unlikely to get or give it to anyone. If someone said they were positive I might be tempted to not keep a social distance.
“Unlikely“ ? Now that’s something to bet your life on...
What I don’t understand is why no SW has advertised a positive antibody test. Supposedly 15-20 % of NYer have had COVID . A positive test would mean that she already had the disease and is unlikely to get or give it to anyone. If someone said they were positive I might be tempted to not keep a social distance. Originally Posted by Bradscott
Now it is said that antibodies last only for about 4 weeks and you can transmit the virus even though you don't show signs.
Unless both parties are wearing hazmat suit, would think it quite likely that if one party has it the other one will get it. Even with a cover n no kissing or anything oral, there is just too much proximity n contact with body parts, not to mention just normal breathing. Maybe if both hold their breath during a one minute extremely SS lol
sorry guys.........COVID or not.......I went 3 months and that was it........and went out and got I see it we are all going to come down with it.....if you are healthy ( which I am.....some what) you live......if not.....well........then I guess it is time too meet my maker.......I know some will disagree.....too each his own I say.......
Same situation as me. Now, it's not overly uncommon for me to go 3+ months without hobbying (I'm a horny bastard but a mostly a cheap bastard lol). Lately though I've been extremely horny and just needed a release. With things opening up and number of positives dropping I decided to take a chance.

As most guys will probably admit when you're horned up you tend to throw caution to the wind. Once you get your nut though then a moment of clarity takes over and you say to yourself "wtf did I just do." Pretty much my experience recently. Now I suppose the countdown clock begins for the next 14 days (though I've read that most people get symptoms in 5-6 days after exposure).
The problem is that venturing out is like a side bet on your survival. The few people I know directly say its nothing to be trifled with,but a few days of agony and you're back.
At the hospital however, there's the occasional curveball that takes someone who by all appearances should not have been worrying.
So, the odds are good, but losing the bet is , well, losing.
Same situation as me. Now, it's not overly uncommon for me to go 3+ months without hobbying (I'm a horny bastard but a mostly a cheap bastard lol). Lately though I've been extremely horny and just needed a release. With things opening up and number of positives dropping I decided to take a chance.

As most guys will probably admit when you're horned up you tend to throw caution to the wind. Once you get your nut though then a moment of clarity takes over and you say to yourself "wtf did I just do." Pretty much my experience recently. Now I suppose the countdown clock begins for the next 14 days (though I've read that most people get symptoms in 5-6 days after exposure). Originally Posted by stumpywood
Yep, over the years I've had your experience more than I can count. If I were younger I'd be there again but it's definitely different this time for me.

We're all peaking our heads out (pun intended) waiting to see if the unseen virus takes a shot at us. Wouldn't know it unless we're hit. Question is how much peaking we each want to do.