Not bugle

Hey just so we all know I am mot bugleboy, I was just busting balls. I actually do feel bad for the dude, falling in love with a hooker. Also I am not writing this for fear of bugle kicking my ass which je wrote in the pm to me, I honestly so feel bad for him , take care guys and continue to give him advice on not falling in love
Hey bugleboy2, look I didn’t mean to get mean and threaten to kick your ass.
I wouldn’t really do that.
I’m just fed up with people picking on me. I have dealt with bullies my whole life (cuz of my disability) and it has gotten so bad that I give it right back to the bully, it’s the only way to get them to leave me alone. I’ve reached my breaking point.

If you wanted to bust balls, I see you might have been being funny, which some of the posts are. Just please don’t on this site, I have a bad reputation here (with my different accounts posing as “asking for a friend”) which I was trying to mend. And I do not fall in love with hookers anymore now, that was one time back in November-December with jada, who did lead me on. And if I had known what kind of vile person she really was, I never would have fallen for her. I now keep things strictly business, which is what I was trying to explain in my Lauren review this evening, with a provider whom I actually have established a good strictly working relationship with for the past few months (with no personal lives or drama, how it should be).

I just can’t have anyone pretending to be me trolling online here with all the problems and stuff. It’s bad enough that people here know my real name (idk how) and I wouldn’t be surprised if they knew my Facebook either. There’s just no privacy on the web and it is upsetting.
don't worry! It was a joke and no one is looking to hurt your feelings
p s. Tdll us who tge bullys are from your past AND im sure a few people here wouldn't mind bombarding there phones
Curious ,what girl does this review fall under?
Wondering the same thing .. WHY, OH WHY, are these posts under the Reviews section??
And look at that
They banned that bugleboy2 guy
Told you he wasn’t me. Look at his posts, his style of trolling is nothing like mine.
I only trolled here before because I was mad about being burned by providers, at being lonely and struggling with aspergers.
That bugleboy2 guy was just trolling the site to be an asshole. He’s spamming up threats about peanut butter ass licking and other garbage. Not like me at all. All my rants are to express my anger and sadness at the misfortunes life has dealt me. So at least I have or had a purpose for my posts.
Thank you administrators for banning him.
For the last time, there is NO excuse for outing a provider!!!