
Loki Pk's Avatar
I am sorry to rant about this AGAIN...BUT!!!

Why is it always that when I, and I assume other's, post reviews and reports about the ladies we see ...I get 101 PM's asking for more details?

WHAT!?!?! MORE details?! WTF?! I mean seriously fellas how much more fucking detail do you want?

ALSO, how come 98.99% of these questions are BCD? Ask your questions in the public forum for pity's sake! Chances are somebody else may have the same questions. PARTICIPATE FUCKER!

I have PM's from folks I have never even heard off...ZERO reports...ZERO posts...Joined 2years ago!! HOLY SHIT! P-A-R-T-I=C-I-P-A-T-E !!!

I don't mean to go off like a devil in church, but after so many years of playing and reporting AND RANTING...people still don't 'get it'. A user based group/forum depends on the USERS to PARTICIPATE!

For the record, I will no longer be responding to PM's from non-active members. And by 'non-active' I mean guys with ZERO activity, and 1000 questions. To those who have earned their stripes and have taken a step back- no worries- ask away

Am I the only one who feels this way?

olderguy1948's Avatar
I concur. I ignor questions from "members" who do not post reviews. A very resonable rant.
Actually, Loki, I get very few questions regarding my reviews. Now I'm starting to feel left out.
Loki Pk's Avatar
Actually, Loki, I get very few questions regarding my reviews. Now I'm starting to feel left out. Originally Posted by bo.phoenix
Nah, it's probably just a percentage thing
When you get up in the 20's and 30's for posted reviews I'm sure the worms will have come out of the woodwork for you.

The fact is I don't mind answering reasonable questions from anyone. But I get guys with ZERO posts asking for digits and addresses. Or the ever popular "how much was it for 60mins' and 'will she do 'this' or 'that'". And all I can think of is READ THE REPORT.
Which in turn spawns the 'but I don't have PA' so I can't read the ROS. Sorry!!! Pay the fucking piper fellas...either pay the site owners for PA or pay some ladies and write a report. I KNOW GUYS ARE SEEING THE GIRLS!!! I know most of the girls well enough to chit chat a bit. They tell me there are others out there LOL
Just wish more would post a report every now and again

iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 02-26-2014, 02:01 PM
I have given up responding to anyone I Do Not Know.
Strangers can remain just that !!

I have given up responding to anyone I Do Not Know.
Strangers can remain just that !!

Originally Posted by iggy
I agree, I don't respond to people who don't have any participation on the forum!
Loki Pk's Avatar
It sure is a funny thing to say 'never'. If we never spoke to anyone would NEVER make any new friends. Somewhere deep inside me, I hold out hope for this world. Usually that hope gets squashed every morning as I drive to work with assholes all around me in traffic .

But Seriously...I always think there is a possibility of the next great newb rising in the ranks if only we gave him the nudge in the right direction. Now I know many of the lurkers out there are thinking 'Loki gots hisself a soft spot...Dat's be'in bullshit!!'
But the truth really is that I do. As do MANY of the members here and elsewhere. If we didn't want to help each other ...there wouldn't BE a forum. There would be NO participation.

It is the paradox we find ourselves in. At least I do. I want to help, Really...I just don't want to help folks that are either butt-assed-stupid and can't read a BP ad for themselves or those that are too lazy to do their own leg-work.

I've said it before 'We have drawn the Map...we have reconned the landscape...we have tested the waters and all is well...NOW you want us to roll the rubber on for ya too!?!?" -FUCK

You are a respected guy on here Loki, so us newbs turn to you to get the best quality tail out there. I base my decisions on who to see on your reviews a lot of times. I never have to TOFTT since Loki and other guys have been so generous with their reporting. Guess I'll stop being selfish and participate.
I must admit I was a lurker for awhile because I was still debating if I wanted to get into the hobby. But now that I am I will be posting more. When work allows me to get out more.
I have poked around from time to time also, when I have time. I haven't taken the plunge and I don't know if I will but the hobby in itself is interesting to me. Does that sound strange? I may try it some time but on a low level like a massage some day. I have asked some questions and got some great answers and I appreciate that. Never meant to offend anyone.
Loki Pk's Avatar
I have poked around from time to time also, when I have time. I haven't taken the plunge and I don't know if I will but the hobby in itself is interesting to me. Does that sound strange? I may try it some time but on a low level like a massage some day. I have asked some questions and got some great answers and I appreciate that. Never meant to offend anyone. Originally Posted by lookingforfun55
Participating is not offending anyone. Unless you participate like the knuckleheads from a few weeks back. Who, I must add, all lived up to my 'flash in the pan' prediction.

I must admit I was a lurker for awhile because I was still debating if I wanted to get into the hobby. But now that I am I will be posting more. When work allows me to get out more. Originally Posted by Nate2422
That's all I'm asking. Give it the old college try. And by that I don't mean 'get her drunk and take advantage' LOL

You are a respected guy on here Loki, so us newbs turn to you to get the best quality tail out there. I base my decisions on who to see on your reviews a lot of times. I never have to TOFTT since Loki and other guys have been so generous with their reporting. Guess I'll stop being selfish and participate. Originally Posted by Fighter123
I'll TOFTT as often as I feel the you don't have to. BUT, if you visit a verified lady from here or elsewhere say so. Write a report. Tell us a story. it doesn't have to be a penthouse forum article...the basics are enough...but every little bit helps.

All one needs to do is call...if the girl on the phone was rude or trouble...come back and say so. That counts as participating and may spur on a good discussion.

Thanks to you guys for stepping up to the plate on this thread. Now let's see everyone get out there and Win one...JUST ONE...for the Gipper!!!!

I wont cause a ruckus!

Participating is not offending anyone. Unless you participate like the knuckleheads from a few weeks back. Who, I must add, all lived up to my 'flash in the pan' prediction.

That's all I'm asking. Give it the old college try. And by that I don't mean 'get her drunk and take advantage' LOL

I'll TOFTT as often as I feel the you don't have to. BUT, if you visit a verified lady from here or elsewhere say so. Write a report. Tell us a story. it doesn't have to be a penthouse forum article...the basics are enough...but every little bit helps.

All one needs to do is call...if the girl on the phone was rude or trouble...come back and say so. That counts as participating and may spur on a good discussion.

Thanks to you guys for stepping up to the plate on this thread. Now let's see everyone get out there and Win one...JUST ONE...for the Gipper!!!!

PK Originally Posted by Loki Pk
Uh yea, I vote for a ladies review section, so like dd or genius man, can we start reviewing the guys I mean their obviously not us but oh would I so love to share certain things I've encountered from a few people on here. Now they just change their handles and tell me more about my business and what's going on with me more than I know myself ?
Mental note. Don't tell Veronica my handle when I finally meet her, lol.

Mental note. Don't tell Veronica my handle when I finally meet her, lol. Originally Posted by Fighter123