Anne Coulter Finally Admits Trump's a DAR

Disloyal Actual Retard!

Coulter goes off on Trump big time. Other gems: "a complete moron of a president", "COVID gave Trump a chance to be a decent, compassionate human being (or pretending to be). But he couldn't even do that", "the only national emergency is that our president is an idiot.", & "I am deeply sorry for thinking that this shallow and broken man...".
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2020, 01:37 PM
Disloyal Actual Retard!

Coulter goes off on Trump big time. Other gems: "a complete moron of a president", "COVID gave Trump a chance to be a decent, compassionate human being (or pretending to be). But he couldn't even do that", "the only national emergency is that our president is an idiot.", & "I am deeply sorry for thinking that this shallow and broken man...". Originally Posted by papadee
Interesting. I wonder why the Alabama Senate race set her off. What he's directed at Jeff Sessions is pretty mild compared to what he's thrown at true Republican Heroes, like Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney and John McCain.
Sessions fucked The President with that asinine Recusing himself from anything Russian.

Especially since the entire sordid affair was in due time exposed as fabricated hoax.

Coulter had best look up the definition of “useful idiot”. She is close to becoming one for the Democrats.
LexusLover's Avatar
Has Coulter gotten an augmentation yet? (Breast!)

Never mind! NO!
matchingmole's Avatar

Maybe She can get a "kidney" operation like Melanoma did.
bambino's Avatar
Ann Coulter? What does she have to do with anything? Miss Irrelevant
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Interesting. I wonder why the Alabama Senate race set her off. What he's directed at Jeff Sessions is pretty mild compared to what he's thrown at true Republican Heroes, like Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney and John McCain. Originally Posted by Tiny

Romney and McCain true Republican Heroes? Romney has slim shady shit going way back to Bain Capital and McCain is a textbook definition of RINO. Flake? who cares about him. he walked from the political game.
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2020, 06:34 PM
Romney and McCain true Republican Heroes? Romney has slim shady shit going way back to Bain Capital and McCain is a textbook definition of RINO. Flake? who cares about him. he walked from the political game. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar Originally Posted by Tiny

McCain being a POW doesn't make him a war hero. his family military background is why he supported the military.

tell me again why as a "Republican" he supported this?

"[The] evening we set aside for the DREAM Act was a pretty short meeting," Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois said. "Everybody said it was time."

real Republicans don't give illegals blanket amnesty and citizenship.

oh and Mittard?

let's not forget him yeah?

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
  • Tiny
  • 05-25-2020, 08:09 PM
McCain being a POW doesn't make him a war hero. his family military background is why he supported the military.

tell me again why as a "Republican" he supported this?

"[The] evening we set aside for the DREAM Act was a pretty short meeting," Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois said. "Everybody said it was time."

real Republicans don't give illegals blanket amnesty and citizenship.

oh and Mittard?

let's not forget him yeah?

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I believe McCain's a war hero. You and Dilbert believe differently, as you've said here more than once. Is that because he wasn't one, or because he didn't kowtow to Trump so you have to go after him?

You want to bring up Romney's time at Bain Capital, as described in the print equivalent of MSNBC? In a piece that has very few specifics on exactly what he did that was shady, besides borrowing lots of money? How about if I bring up the hundreds of millions of dollars Donald Trump screwed out of vendors, bankers, bondholders, and investors.

That said, I don't like the way private equity uses debt. But during the time Romney was at Bain you could fault it on the genius politicians. You go out and borrow tons of money to buy a business. The business' operating profits would be eaten up by the interest expense on the debt. You ended up with very little income after you pay your interest. So you didn't pay much in corporate income tax, which at that time was around 40% at the federal and state levels.

The alternative was to dip into your pocket and pay cash for the business. Then the company generates lots of income, and the corporation pays 40% tax on that income. It distributes the income to the owners of the business and they pay another 40% on the dividends they received.

It's a no brainer, you borrow the money, become heavily indebted, risk losing your investment and having your employees lose their jobs. It made more sense than paying most of the businesses' profits in taxes.
  • oeb11
  • 05-26-2020, 08:53 AM
John McCain flew SkyHawks for US Navy off carriers.

He put his life on the line - was shot down, and survived a NV prison camp.

Undeniable FACTS.

He deserves respect for his service.
of all the senators ensnared in the keating s&l scandal McCain was the most culpable

granted he held honor for his military service and respect for his time in captivity

but he sold that honor and respect to keating for a few shekels and he became a fallen hero

how he treated carol, his first wife, also is not due honor nor respect

McCain was a pow and his wife, patient and dutiful, waited for him for 5 and a half years, accepting him with his scarred and bent and awkward arms, only to be discarded by him as a disfigured and handicapped auto accident survivor

so carol ultimately was just as much a real victim of the captivity, placed there by her own husband

nor is how he did things for spite in the senate instead of putting America first due respect
HedonistForever's Avatar
You can be a hero and an asshole in one lifetime. You can't take away the asshole things a person does and you can't take away heroic actions. Climbing into the cockpit of a jet, flying it off a carrier into enemy fire is a heroic act any way you cut it. Saying "I don't go home until we all go home" was the act of a hero. So yeah, I think McCain was an asshole at times especially to his wife, as it looks to us, but who the hell knows what goes on in a marriage. He was without question a hero at one point in his life and as a former military man, I will never take that away from him and will never not include the word hero when I speak of him. No matter the reason why he climbed into that jet, no matter that he was shot down as some complain and I will never forgive Trump for that disgraceful comment, he did what I could never do. I shutter to think what I might have done in the POW camp. It is the thing of nightmares.

Thank you for your service John McCain. RIP.
I'm gonna go with she wasn't getting enough attention - that's what I think set her off. No one's paying attention to me,me and me. ****stomps foot****

Interesting. I wonder why the Alabama Senate race set her off. What he's directed at Jeff Sessions is pretty mild compared to what he's thrown at true Republican Heroes, like Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney and John McCain. Originally Posted by Tiny