Public sightings etiquette

So what is the proper etiquette when you see a provide or client out in public? What if it's a provider you recognize from pics but have never see?

Just Curious?
Simply exchange a sexy glance and a flirtatious smile if the situation allows.

Personally if someone approached me in public (especially someone I have never met before) it would not only freak me out but scare me to death. However, if I have never met you before and you simply catch my eye and flirtatiously smile, I would simply think you were a civilian and smile back.

Now, if one of my clients sees me out and about, they know not to approach me. I, like all of you, have a personal private life and hope my boundaries would be respected.

On two occasions I have seen two seperate clients out in public. In both instances I turned away so they wouldn't feel awkward. In one instance, my client and his family were seated at a restaurant. I made sure not to make eye contact. When my party and I were seated, I made sure my back was facing him so he wouldn't be tempted to look over at me (and vice versa).

My best advice is to respect personal boudaries and keep in mind we all keep this secret from someone.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Perfect protocol, Aiden. You never know who the other person may be with when spotted in public. Send a PM after the fact, if you want to acknowledge the sighting to the other.
Thanks for the great input.
I agree you couldn't have said it better that is EXACTLY how I feel as well Aiden!!
Tex9401's Avatar
I would give her privacy since you never who she will be with, especially if she has family with her. They don't want extra drama in their personal life. Otherwise, you will not get play with her.

So what is the proper etiquette when you see a provide or client out in public? What if it's a provider you recognize from pics but have never see?

Just Curious? Originally Posted by JoseJalapeno
Mikeznice's Avatar
Hell in Texas you always smile at others in a friendly way if you are close, (3 foot rule) but you certainly do not want to have to explain to someone who that person was or is later. Just act like you don't know them it really can be that simple.
I have seen guys in public before. I try to not make it obvious as well, but I had one guy here in killeen see me at a gas station. He call me by jenna and tried grabbing my arm . I was a little annoy. I was alone but it was the principle of the whole thing there the hobby world and the real world.
DallasRain's Avatar
quote--Simply exchange a sexy glance and a flirtatious smile if the situation allows.


I had a guy at a Halloween party last week tell me" I know who you are"..then all night kept smiling & winking at me! {it was at a vanilla party..thank goodness he did not tell anyone else!}