‘Not My President’ Crowd Needs To Sit Down And Shut Up

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The ‘Not My President’ Crowd Needs To Sit Down And Shut Up

The left made the rules. I'm ready to play by them.

David Marcus
By David Marcus
November 30, 2020

The leftist media is furious again, this time because Donald Trump is refusing to accept the results of the 2020 election. Norms! They scream. We need a peaceful transfer of power, an acceptance of the results, they say. Um, wait. Aren’t these the same people who cheered p-ssy hats and the chants of “not my president?” Those of us on the right didn’t forget about all of that.

For four years, not a few months, the Democrats and their media allies insisted first that Trump’s election was not legitimate and then that he was a Russian asset. It was abject nonsense, a lie. It was a hysterical and long-lasting undermining of our democracy. Now these same clowns, these buffoons, are lecturing us about accepting the results.

Let me put this as plainly and cleanly as possible: “We don’t want to hear it.” For the left to demand now that we must accept the election and get behind the man Americans chose is such a sick and demented joke that it is hard to fathom. These people said Trump was “not my president” so often that their vocal cords have a sense memory of it. They gave Trump absolutely no chance. But now I’m supposed to embrace Joe Biden for the sake of the country? Why don’t you go — I’m sure you can fill in the blank here.

This glorious rediscovery of high-mindedness is as infuriating as it is pointless. Of course, we aren’t going back to the old days after the left destroyed any semblance of decency and fair play. What are we, stupid? This is not how it works anymore, and you know what? Fine. I like the new rules, the ones the left created under Trump. I am perfectly happy to hold anything and everything Biden does as president as suspect and illegitimate. How’s that? Sound familiar?

Biden is the very lovely and nice man who is bringing the drone team back together from the Obama administration to kill kids in the Middle East. He’ll put our soldiers in harm’s way, but he has that bright Irish smile and says all the right things.

All the dudes on CNN and MSNBC have to adjust their pants before they stand up, I get it. But I don’t have to adjust my pants. And I won’t. I will be treating this presidency like Shylock, like a grown-ass man who knows the deal. Here is what he had to say: “The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard, but I will better the instruction.”

You guys made these rules. We can play by them. In fact, I can’t wait. I’m gonna drag your little garbage Democratic presidential administration as long and hard as I can. I learned it from watching you, dad. What did you think was going to happen? Did you think a Trump loss would turn us all into The Bulwark, Bill Kristol “conservatives” excited for more foreign wars? No, my friends, no.

Trump announced a new way of thinking about America. In fairness, he didn’t invent it, Ross Perot and Patrick Buchanan were talking about it when I was a teenager a long time ago. But it’s here and it’s not going anywhere. It’s the new Republican Party. And I am so here for it I don’t even know how to express my joy. This is the new fight, and you guys are gonna lose.

I think the left needs to understand where the right is in the boldest terms possible. And, after all, I am the New York correspondent. So let me put it plainly. You want me to accept the legitimacy of a Biden presidency? You want me to be the bigger man? You want me to forget that you said Trump was not your president? You want me to pretend you ever gave the slightest concern about norms and transfers of power and whatever?

I have one thing to say to you: Jerk yourself around.
David Marcus is the Federalist's New York Correspondent. Follow him on Twitter, @BlueBoxDave.
Chung Tran's Avatar
The man seems unhinged. Trump worship does that to individuals.
winn dixie's Avatar
The man seems unhinged. Trump worship does that to individuals. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Point made!
adav8s28's Avatar
Trump isn't going to be anyone's president on 1-20-21. Trump and Pence are going home. They lost and it wasn't even close. It was the most secure presidential election the USA has ever had - Homeland Security!
Who cares if some people don’t accept the election. I hope they stop voting. They should shut the fuck up and go to work so when I see them I’ll kindly ask what aisle the washing powder is on. Only a dummy believes elections are stolen or that there’s massive voter fraud.

Trump voters are losers.

Alyssa Milano has now put out a tweet

she wants us to all unite

it wasn't quite the I was wrong olive branch of an apology

it seemed more like, ok now that we have my guy lets all obey us

yeah, right

I say yeah lets unite by agreeing

1. to the plain words of the constitution as written and originally intended
2. to all the bill of rights
3. to the need to protect our borders first and foremost
4. to free and fair elections and with only rare exceptions to only voting in person with ID
5. to continued training and support of the police
6. to teach school children to love our country and its foundational precepts
7. to stand for the flag and national anthem
8. to believe in and enforce the equality of every single, one by one, individual
9. to have free speech and the free exchange of ideas on college campuses
10. to not allow the killing of babies, those at least that can survive outside the womb with normal life giving support

there's likely more

but yeah Alyssa lets do unite
Yssup Rider's Avatar
If people agreed to do all of that shit, Trump would have been re-elected, NG.

Called democracy.
If people agreed to do all of that shit, Trump would have been re-elected, NG.

Called democracy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
all it would have taken was numero cuatro
rexdutchman's Avatar
yup unite the swamp again , the hypocrisy is outstanding 4 years of "not my and impeach now ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Alyssa Milano has now put out a tweet

she wants us to all unite

it wasn't quite the I was wrong olive branch of an apology

it seemed more like, ok now that we have my guy lets all obey us

yeah, right

I say yeah lets unite by agreeing

1. to the plain words of the constitution as written and originally intended
2. to all the bill of rights
3. to the need to protect our borders first and foremost
4. to free and fair elections and with only rare exceptions to only voting in person with ID
5. to continued training and support of the police
6. to teach school children to love our country and its foundational precepts
7. to stand for the flag and national anthem
8. to believe in and enforce the equality of every single, one by one, individual
9. to have free speech and the free exchange of ideas on college campuses
10. to not allow the killing of babies, those at least that can survive outside the womb with normal life giving support

there's likely more

but yeah Alyssa lets do unite Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

she got back a response that wasn't supportive of her unity call. what she got was like post #1. her tweet came off as condescending.
adav8s28's Avatar
Alyssa Milano has now put out a tweet

she wants us to all unite

it wasn't quite the I was wrong olive branch of an apology

it seemed more like, ok now that we have my guy lets all obey us

yeah, right

I say yeah lets unite by agreeing

1. to the plain words of the constitution as written and originally intended
2. to all the bill of rights
3. to the need to protect our borders first and foremost
4. to free and fair elections and with only rare exceptions to only voting in person with ID
5. to continued training and support of the police
6. to teach school children to love our country and its foundational precepts
7. to stand for the flag and national anthem
8. to believe in and enforce the equality of every single, one by one, individual
9. to have free speech and the free exchange of ideas on college campuses
10. to not allow the killing of babies, those at least that can survive outside the womb with normal life giving support

there's likely more

but yeah Alyssa lets do unite Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
If everyone followed #8 you would not have a problem with #7. You have guys like David Duke and his followers who are not on the same page with #8. Guess what political party David Duke is in? The same one Winn Dixie is in.

I am in complete agreement with #10. Number ten needs some sort timeline four months, five months that establishes when the fetus can survive outside the womb. Abortions should not be performed past that time unless the mother can't survive. If the mother doesn't want the baby, just give it up for adoption.
winn dixie's Avatar
If everyone followed #8 you would not have a problem with #7. You have guys like David Duke and his followers who are not on the same page with #8. Guess what political party David Duke is in? The same one Winn Dixie is in.

I am in complete agreement with #10. Number ten needs some sort timeline four months, five months that establishes when the fetus can survive outside the womb. Abortions should not be performed past that time unless the mother can't survive. If the mother doesn't want the baby, just give it up for adoption. Originally Posted by adav8s28
More b/s by a xinn marxist lock down lover! Because I want to protect our great Nation Im a racist? Get bent
adav8s28's Avatar
Because I want to protect our great Nation Im a racist? Originally Posted by winn dixie
You don't care about protecting the nation or Bullet # 8 from A. Milano. You gave yourself away with the Jefferson Davis avatar. You pay your klan dues for December?
winn dixie's Avatar
You don't care about protecting the nation or Bullet # 8 from A. Milano. You gave yourself away with the Jefferson Davis avatar. You pay your klan dues for December? Originally Posted by adav8s28
Ignorance is true bliss for you aint it. Southern Pride is not racist bigot.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You don't care about protecting the nation or Bullet # 8 from A. Milano. You gave yourself away with the Jefferson Davis avatar. You pay your klan dues for December? Originally Posted by adav8s28
if it was racists, the mods would not have allowed image in winn dixie's gallery.

I should know. I uploaded an image to my gallery the mods rejected.