do providers share preformance info

porf-1965's Avatar
When providers are screening and checking referrences, do you share what was particularly good about the client's visit? i.e. good at DATY, size, preferences, etc...
OldGrump's Avatar
I'm hoping they talk more about how well you treat them. Being nice and showing respect, hopefully, goes a loooong way when other parts don't :-)
Kendra Hart's Avatar
I love how you think!

I'm hoping they talk more about how well you treat them. Being nice and showing respect, hopefully, goes a loooong way when other parts don't :-) Originally Posted by OldGrump
LazurusLong's Avatar

They don't always simply share that during screening but more than one has shared certain aspects of select clients in open forums.

ASPD had a few girls who would get wet over a certain client and at one social, I overheard one gal tell another that she needed to see that guy. Before that, at another social way back in 2003, I still remember one remarking on a client's handle with a dreamy voice when she pointed him out to one gal.

Yeah, made me feel like dog shit because I don't need to buy trash bags for condoms....
  • npita
  • 05-12-2010, 03:34 PM
When providers are screening and checking referrences, do you share what was particularly good about the client's visit? i.e. good at DATY, size, preferences, etc... Originally Posted by porf-1965
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if a provider cared much about how good her clients were in the sack and how well hung he was, there would be a sliding scale for discounts by the inch for talented guys.
Precision45's Avatar
I don't ever talk about anybody else during and usually stop the conversation short when a gal starts "sharing" info about clients, none of my business to begin with. Last year, one of my fav's blind-sided me outta nowhere saying one particular (now banned) promoter Couldn't Fuck to save his life (45 year age difference) but he paid her a lot of money. That's info they don't need to be sharing.

Most gals I've ran across are more concerned about their safety than size, so with that in mind I would hope they ALL share info if it helps clean house of some of the predators out there.
What ladies might tell others in person is different than what they'll share in a reference.

I don't socialize enough to hear any of that stuff.

I've personally never been told about a gentleman's skills or performance. The closest to that has been the occassional reference who will say "Have Magnums" or "Have smaller condoms on hand," but even those comments are extremely rare.

I've never said anything like that to a lady I'm giving a ref to.

Generally a lady only wants to know if he arrived on time, paid without issue, respected my boundaries, etc.

One lady in (will leave out city) who hobbies for a different set of reasons than most asked if I would genuinely be excited by the idea of seeing him again. I thought that was an awesome way for her to figure out if she wanted to be with him.
OldGrump's Avatar

.....I still remember one remarking on a client's handle with a dreamy voice when she pointed him out to one gal.

Yeah, made me feel like dog shit because I don't need to buy trash bags for condoms.... Originally Posted by LazurusLong
LL, I know what you mean. It is important to feel comfortable "with the one you're with". If there is a feeling that you won't arise to their preferred standards, all the pills in the bottle won't do any good.

I have a list of few FS providers in case I'm ever ready to cross over to that level. I had to eliminate one for that very reason, but she was quickly replaced by one with a kinder gentler attitude. A nice smile and warm heart turns me on much more than the thought of a hard pounding.

Back to the original post: I'll bet the "wimmen talk" is more about how they were treated than fucked - good or bad.
Yeah, we don't talk about how you are in the sack so much as how you treated us, were you on time, would she see you again, ect. I like what HoneyB. said, and I like the style of the provider who said this:
One lady in (will leave out city) who hobbies for a different set of reasons than most asked if I would genuinely be excited by the idea of seeing him again. I thought that was an awesome way for her to figure out if she wanted to be with him.

I have met alot of wonderful wonderful men and I will always call up my girlfriends and tell them how great they were. I always like to recommend my girlfriends to them so I just like to give my friends a little heads up about how great they are. And how good they are in the bed too. Wink, wink.
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
If they talked about our performance, most of us around here, wouldn't be able to pass screening to save our lives. Kinda the reason we old folks hobby. As long as they don't make wise cracks about our huge guts, everything is fine.
Personally...I don't really care if they talk or what they say. I'm always respectful and always get along well and have made some good friends. But, if your worried about their perception of your skills or penis size then you've got your priorities all wrong. This is just a fantasy world that you pay for. A business transaction. No offense ladies, but I pay for them to impress ME.
Sometimes I think some guys on here are blurring the lines too much and are unable to get back to the other side of reality. Worry about impressing your real SO's.
You pay so that these gorgeous ladies, who would otherwise, have nothing to do with most of us, can make us feel like King Kong for an hour.
Ladies..please fake it as much as you can with me. Lol
Any time I've given or requested a reference, the kind of info that's exchanged is more along the lines of "he was on time, clean, respectful and tipped". Info much beyond that is irrelevant. Dating is like dancing. You can have two amazing dancers but you put them together and for no known reason, it's just no good for anyone. But you can have two other people and put them together and out of nowhere, it's amazing. It's too individual.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm sure that they talk about cleanliness, reliability, politeness, and, if I don't miss my guess, whether we are easy to make cum. I'll bet the easier the better for most. Let's be realistic.
mikahranae's Avatar
I agree with what most of the ladies have said. When I give a reference, I just let the ladies know if the guy was a nice visit and and a gentleman. If the guy is way above average in penis size, I will let the lady know that too. Sorry guys, but some ladies just can't take a huge penis!