What would YOU(provider or hobbyist) do in this situation?????????

OK so I book an appointment with a younger guy(26). He's blue collar-works in heating and A/C.
Shiows up, is polite, clean.Is tatted up, I notice. Tatts down both arms(couldn't see anything else).
I collect my fee and go to the kitchen to fetch him a cold beer.
Upon returning, he is undressed. I undress and lay beside him.

My eyes are immediately drawn to the tattoo over hs heart. The large tattoo. The large tattoo of a Swastika.


What would YOU have done?

A. Demand an explanation of why he has such an offensive tattoo.

B. Ignored it. Hey, it's none of my business.

C. Asked him to leave.Of course, he might have gone off on me-I could be a "Jew-lover".

Now, I know *some* people seem to feel it's imporper for a provider to "discriminate" as to who they should accept appointments with.

Would a "NNNA"(No Neo-Nazis Allowed) policy be "discriminating"??

What would YOU have done?????? Heather
if he is a good client then it should not matter,,I am sure there are plenty of jewish/black/arab/asian/ haters that have no tats...

my personal beliefs should not be a concern of yours unless I do harm to you...I dont ask my customers if they like blacks or whites or Nazi's, its none of my business..
blowpop's Avatar
Simple. If you're not comfortable, ask him to leave. If it doesn't bother you, go on with the session.

(Of course, if he's circumcised and has the tatoo, he might be a bit conflicted about things.)
Himmler's Avatar
So what if he had a Swastika tattoo. I would hope you would give back his money as well if you asked him to leave. Seems some people just want to start sh*t instead of having a good time...
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-02-2010, 04:17 PM
its kinda not cool dont know if I would want that. Their ever popular wife beater shirts did not get the name for nothing.
So what if he had a Swastika tattoo. I would hope you would give back his money as well if you asked him to leave. Seems some people just want to start sh*t instead of having a good time... Originally Posted by Stalin
If I had asked him to leave I would indeed give him a refund.

How would being offended by a racist tattoo be "starting shit"?
What if, in the course of conversation, he used the "N" word continuously? If I told him that offended me and chose to end the session would that too be "starting shit"??
Sarcastro's Avatar
A general observation: Threads that discuss elements of racism (swastikas, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, references to the "N" word and Jews, etc.) seldom end well for everyone.
You're probably right Sarcastro, didn't mean to start anything.

I just wonder if it were a hobbyist who visited a provider and she had a big swastika tattooed on her back or whatever, would the hobbyist stay?
dearhunter's Avatar
Ask Jesse James.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You're probably right Sarcastro, didn't mean to start anything.

I just wonder if it were a hobbyist who visited a provider and she had a big swastika tattooed on her back or whatever, would the hobbyist stay? Originally Posted by Sweet Heather
Is there a chance he could have had the tattoo done in his younger and wilder days and it meant nothing to him or he was embarrassed about it today?

You can't really tell. Having a tattoo isn't like a having a bumper sticker.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
I agree with BP; if you were offended cancel and refund OR simply go through with the session.

Then AFTER he leaves let him know both your parents were black (just crazy that you turned out so pale) and you converted to Judaism after your pilgrimage to Israel a number of years ago. THEN ask him if he was offended.

I also kinda agree with dear_john. Tats people get when they are young are not necessarily their current position.

I had a friend whose son got the same tat on his back when he joined a Neo-Nazi group. 8 years later he had it covered up. I was offended and he admitted it was a terrible mistake in his wayward years.

I once had a session with a dancer/quasi-provider who had a tat "Property of ______" the name was the handle of a Bandito I met when I used to hang out at Dick Heads. She admitted she was with him .....that was the LAST time I ever saw her.....Scared the shit out of me.

(BUT I did go through with the session!)
daarakan's Avatar
Is there a chance he could have had the tattoo done in his younger and wilder days and it meant nothing to him or he was embarrassed about it today?

You can't really tell. Having a tattoo isn't like a having a bumper sticker. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Might be nice to assume, but if he was really embarrassed probably would have gotten some work done over it. Wouldn't have to get too much extra tattooing to make it unrecognizable as a swastika. A couple hundred bucks at most or one less hobbying session.

I knew someone that got a phoenix put over a younger "dumb" dolphin tattoo. Could never tell what was originally there as the artist was real good.
If I walked into a room with a guy who was naked it wouldn't take a bunch of tattoos or even a swastika to start to make me somewhat uncomfortable with the situation at hand.

I'm guessing you knew it was an obvious reference to the Nazi party or some sort of white supremacy group.

Otherwise it could be a symbol from many different cultures ranging from Native American to East Asian. The Nazi's kinda ruined the symbol just like Adolf did with his little mustache. Don't see many people sportin' that look since then either.

Oh yah... if it were a naked chick with a swastika tattoo I'd probably still fuck the shit out of her.
CivilBarrister's Avatar

Oh yah... if it were a naked chick with a swastika tattoo I'd probably still fuck the shit out of her. Originally Posted by island_beau
And talk in Hebrew the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME!
Oh yah... if it were a naked chick with a swastika tattoo I'd probably still fuck the shit out of her. Originally Posted by island_beau
And talk in Hebrew the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME! Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Oh that would go over well as she freaks out because she thinks you are speaking in tongues...


Heather, if he is treating you well either ignore it or ask about it depending on your level of curiosity. If he is treating you badly, end the session. Pretty simple decision really.