
16yearitch's Avatar
I know I arrived late to the party, but could someone please explain this to me?

And WTH is GS03?
Some Towtruck misspelled think one day and we all made fun of her by making it stick.
GS03, I really don't have a clue.
CaptainQ's Avatar
I was late to this party too I guess, but I always figured that was the case. GS03 is from a recent thread by dearhunter I thinck.
CaptainQ's Avatar
And WTH is GS03? Originally Posted by 16yearitch
I thinck its some anal lube that has been renamed.
boardman's Avatar
Someone might as well explain the blue water to him also.
16yearitch's Avatar
Someone might as well explain the blue water to him also. Originally Posted by boardman
Yeah, I forgot to ask about that one.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Some Towtruck misspelled think one day and we all made fun of her by making it stick. Originally Posted by Big Jake
I thought it was because IBM trademarked THINK.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Glad you're here to ask the questions I'm too scared to ask.
ANONONE's Avatar
GS03 is from a recent thread by dearhunter I thinck. Originally Posted by CandidCajun
Which was a pretty good parody of this thread:
16yearitch's Avatar
Which was a pretty good parody of this thread: Originally Posted by ANONONE
Now I get it.
Kelly TNT's Avatar
Some "Towtruck" misspelled think one day and we all made fun of her by making it stick. Originally Posted by Big Jake
Calling a girl "Towtruck" because she has a typo? Something tells me she can spell the word think. Maybe she was in a hurry...or ? It happens...

Why so mean Big Jake?

Reading that made me a little sad...
I just don't understand why comments like that are being made so often these days.

I don't know...maybe it's just me.
It just makes me sad. I feel like times are hard enough right now for people....
This place should be an escape from Real life.
A fun place to go....

Meh....maybe I'm just being too sensitive.

Sorry for the hijack.

I hope I spelled that right. Someone might call me tractor trailer....or something.


~Kelly TNT
It was the most unoffensive word I could thinck of.

Every term I would call her is offensive. Maybe I should have used lovely or adorable which is a lie. She was neither.

I should have used motor boat or chicken farmer? I don't have a clue.
16yearitch's Avatar
I'm not even gonna ask for someone to explain "towtruck" I have a feeling I don't want to know. Kinda hard to hijack this thread Kelly, since it's really not about anything.