Frederic Charles Smerlas

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Fred is thinking of running against Louise McIntosh Slaughter. Sounds good to me, what do others think?

Fred was on the Lonsberry show. Said he thinking about it. And setting up meetings with Republican party from the State of NY and county's from Rochester to Buffalo.
This is all I know about Fred Smerlas: Greek-American, native and resident of Massachusetts, motorcyclist, radio broadcaster, former great nose tackle of the Bills.
I'd vote for him.
Hell, I'd vote for a donkey over Louise.
  • Laker
  • 04-13-2010, 01:24 PM
You don't have to guess what he is thinking, and he is entertaining!
I'd volunteer to help his campaign. Enough of Weezy Slaughter, get her out of here. She would have been gone years ago if they didn't reorganize the districts a while back and given her the cities of Rochester and Buffalo.
brutusbluto's Avatar
Smerlas would be fantastic IMHO
wnykittenkisser's Avatar
Louise is a donkey
offshoredrilling's Avatar
well more about him. And yes played for the Bills. Has one hour of the Bob Mathews on wham1180 rochester, also shows in buffalo I think(can some one there help me) He is on the show one to three times a week. Right now once a week. He will be on wham again at 7 pm tonight(darn I will be at work). When he talks, it is about avery thing. And as laker said "You don't have to guess what he is thinking, and he is entertaining!" Still comes to Rochester and buffalo, And I think he said still has a place near Buffalo.

from is a link

Political career

A Boston Herald article announced on April 6, 2007 that Fred considered seeking the Massachusetts 5th US Congressional seat being vacated by Martin T. Meehan as a Republican candidate. He dropped out of the race on April 26 after supporting candidate James Ogonowski, a retired Air Force lieutenant colonel and brother of John Ogonowski, who piloted American Airlines Flight 11.

"No one tells me what to do, I have faith in Jim. I believe in this guy.", Smerlas reported in an April 27 Boston Globe article.

In 2010, Smerlas expressed an interest in relocating to Western New York to challenge Brian Higgins or Louise Slaughter, believing that they have not adequately represented Western New York or the upstate region as a whole. He indicated that his son was considering attending the University at Buffalo anyway, and if he were to relocate, he may run either in 2010 or 2012. He said that his first priority "would be to take a big saw and cut New York City off."
Well I hope Fred hasn't passed along any funny I mean politically incorrect e-mails.
He lives in Massachusetts, is a right wing radical who perceives himself as a great intellect and based on his absurd bleaks has no concept of the reality of the USA
and Louise will kick his ass. She's one of the best in the country and we're lucky
to have her here.
perceives himself as a great intellect and based on his absurd bleaks has no concept of the reality of the USA

Not to get too political here but the above quote sounds more like Obama.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
He lives in Massachusetts, is a right wing radical who perceives himself as a great intellect and based on his absurd bleaks has no concept of the reality of the USA
and Louise will kick his ass. She's one of the best in the country and we're lucky
to have her here. Originally Posted by whatitiz13
And Louise was from Kentucky. Move here from TX to run against Fred J. Eckert who was from Greece NY now in Raleigh, N.C. So forget the carpet begger line. And now its to late to ask for the a day off to go to a tea party. She is best in the country if you want to live in the USSA. But I like USA.
But I have worked for Eckert at one time when he lived in Greece NY.
Obviously, there are differences in idealogical allegiance here. However, it might be best to refrain from calling politicians that we object to "names".
wantmore1111's Avatar
Would it be nice if congresswoman from both coasts got to retire on the voters terms and not there own. I not sure about right wing radical but he believes in GOD,FAMLIY and COUNTRY. I for one will help with my dollars.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-14-2010, 03:04 PM
Not to get too political here but the above quote sounds more like Obama. Originally Posted by montana1958
Oh brother.