little did i know when entering into this line of fun, what was in store for me. i thought that this would be some easy quick cash. OH NO! First you have to get on the web this takes a degree in computer programing, as well a journalism and media publications, THEN you have to advertise to get noticed, another college major in itself ,and if thats not enough we dive head first into private investigations to be able to screen a client, and next is becoming an expert in setting appointments and juggling time , finally might as well get an accounting ticket to be able to handle the numbers. should have applied at some co. as chief CEO What yall think???
To paraphase your post, Chelsea Simms is running a small business and the product is her. Congrats on seeing it that way as many never fully appreciate it.
If you keep that mindset you will do very well. What you have started is no different than the many small business owners on the hobbyist side of the equation. Every day we do some or all of the following: marketing, sales, accounting, human resources, networking, materials acquision & cost hedging, write a business plan to access credit, balance work vs. personal life, cash flow & cash forecasting, keep current on industry trends, succession planning, etc. etc. etc.
The saying, "do something you love and you will never work a day in your life" hopefully should be easy to apply in your case. Hope to meet you soon.
Did you also consider all the positive aspects of "living life more fully" that you are providing to your clients? That is a strong positive aspect of your services. IMHO, I think this is more frequently forgotten by the younger providers while the maturer providers enjoy the positive life experiences they bestow upon their clients.
Welcome to the real world, little darlin'! And BTW, you are a CEO. You're CEO of Chelsea Simms, Inc. The fact that you've figured this out puts you way ahead for one so young. Most of us thought (whatever business we're in) that it wasn't going to be as complicated.
I predict you'll go far.
In a bizarre way if you think about it the whole biz is also very eco friendly. The product you sell is an all natural organic product which has its own renewable energy source, self restorative features and even producing its own fertilizer byproduct.
Who knew you really were just helping the environment!!!
If you really see things that way, you won't ever need to post anything along the lines of "Help me, I am so broke and neeeeed rent, food, electric payment, etc. Unexpected things do occur but for the most part, we control what happens in our lives. If you treat this like a business, you'll be way ahead of the game and will ensure a good future for yourself. There are several well known providers who have done just that. Good luck!