question of liability - foil hats encouraged!!

bored@home's Avatar
Hypothetically of course...
Say an hourly friend visits and leaves (in the rain) and later you learn they were in wreck nearby and sustained some ambulance/hospital worthy injury.

Does the host hold any type of financial liability to the situation?

Would there be any reason what so ever for the men in blue to stop by unannounced?
(possibly uninsured and unsure of citizenship status)

**long term "friend"
***never a issue before
****not a hustle
*****has not asked for anything (yet)
AmericanHardwood's Avatar
Only if intoxicating beverages provided.
As s host its your responsibility to ensure they are not driving under the influence.
Other than that the answer would be a no
You have no liability
Boltfan's Avatar
Were you drinking with them? Only situation I could think of is if they were drunk. Barring blackmail since it appears you invited an hourly friend to your home.
bored@home's Avatar
In this fiction, there was no booze or anything else of the sort provided or done during our time.

I wouldn't assume there would be any liability but we don't exactly live on the up and up after all.

The blackmail part...could be possible, her hubs doesn't know the extras so maybe not. (ever see someone with a broke arm use it signal skedaddle? I don't think she wants him to know anytime soon.)

I imagine either hush or lump help money coming down the pipe...which is what it is... mostly just looking for possible "and that's how I got caught" scenarios to try pre-plan cover and outs.
TinMan's Avatar
Why would you be liable? If the lady went to the mall and got in a wreck driving home, would the owner of the mall be liable?
bored@home's Avatar
yes Tin, very good analogy! thanks for that but...
and no offense you are a bit too smart, sane, and level headed.
I am looking for the "the husband knows they planned this years ago and they will send the hospital bills to your house and eventually sell your headless parakeet to the crippled blind kid for a new car" kind of advise...lets call it tabloid paranoia.
TinMan's Avatar
Ok, let's go with that scenario: don't buy into their threats. They have no legal basis to pursue the claim, and the downside of them blackmailing you is too great for them to follow through with any threats. Sure, they may talk a good game, but when push comes to shove you have much more to lose by giving them money than by calling the bluff.

Remember, once you give into blackmail, you are totally at their mercy. They will keep on coming to the well, and will become more emboldened with their threats.
pyramider's Avatar
The OP is going to do more dumb things ....
bored@home's Avatar
The OP is going to do more dumb things .... Originally Posted by pyramider
WTH 3sides?!? I'm not good enough for a drive by "tainting"??
Thanks for the prediction, right up there with rain being wet
Wrong question for a whore board. I've seen u so uhh I would i would avoid that unless you know her
Grace Preston's Avatar
You have no liability unless you caused her to become intoxicated.

Now on to the blackmailing issue. Do NOT give in or give any money. Blackmailers do not stop once they start getting a little money. There will always be an excuse for them to expose you for "not doing enough". If one wants to out you, they're gonna do it.. may as well hang on to your cash on hand in the event you need to do damage control.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Even social host liability in Texas is very difficult. There is no general duty as there is on other States to not over serve a guest if you are a social host. You're just shit out of luck.