Pimps, Providers and the game (READ)

Yodamaster's Avatar
Came across this on the net. It is a good read and shows what is really going on behind the curtin. It explains a lot about what these girls have been through any many oh our ATF are living like this... It's sad that people do this to such beautiful women


Example from this read:

These rules vary insituations where a woman is prohibited from making eye contact with a pimp to situations in which she is not allowed to make eye contact with any African American male.
I mean, most of the time, if they’re a true pimp, they’re not gonna play like that. You know, they’ll harass you and you mainly just turn away and look in the other direction or whatever and try not to come in contact with them, because if you do, then they do what youcall“breakyou,”theytakeyour money....He’sallowedto harassyouasmuchashewants.Butif Idon’ttalkbacktohim,then I’m cool. But if I’m “out of pockets” that means you’re doing some- thing that you ain’t suppose to be doing. You know, some pimps will beat you or you go through a lot of stuff. . . . They’re in control. You do what they say. (Sonya)
Yodamaster's Avatar
As I read through this I feel sorry for a lot of these girls it's not a good way to live I guess.
shlub's Avatar
  • shlub
  • 05-16-2012, 06:22 PM
Do you think it is all still relevant? This is an interesting read but is 10 years old...
Yodamaster's Avatar
I don't know that's why I posted it I don't think things have changed all that much. The game is the game and the only thing that has changed is the people in it I guess
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
I agree
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Seemed like a really dumb article to me. In terms of what point did it prove? That there needs to be more qualitative study on street level hookers and it used examples?

I just dislike reading journal type reports from professors who probably live in an academic bubble. This article just reminded me of some of the tripe that I had to plow through in school.

And it said even less than most.

It's late, can't sleep and my tolerance level must be low.

pyramider's Avatar
I doubt the basic pimp business model has changed over the past 60 years.
Yodamaster's Avatar
I agree elizibeth but there are a lot of girls that are so called independent and who work in studios that still live in this hell. You only need to look at the drama form a couple of months ago to see that. I was going to work the other day going down NWHY and saw this happening to a girl walking to the hotel she was at. I was at a stop light hearing him say don't look me in the eye....it was sad. A lot of these girls all over this site are dealing with this in the background and I guess I wanted to pull the curtain back on what the game is all about.....most hobbyist don't know and some don't care which is fine I just wanted some information out there for those who wanted to read it.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
There is an underbelly to this business that many of us, including myself, just aren't a part of and really do not see nor participate in.

That's why sometimes it might appear that I wear rose colored glasses because I don't have to deal with a lot of the crap that others deal with on a consistant basis. I understand that.

And I also "get" that there are some really miserable human beings that exploit others in this business. But it happens across the board, not this one , or rather it happens across all fields of society.

The problem is in this field, there is little recourse and the resources we do have are often pretty scary or not very effective.

It's just since this is illegal and there really isn't many options out there to seek assistance for those in bad situations, this underbelly of running girls and pimping will always exist.

Pimping others isn't new. I've read about it happening in Biblical times and in the history books. Sad. But it's always going to be around.

edited to add: I appreciate you starting a topic about this, though. It was nice to have to actually READ long sentences and at least try to figure out what was being written!
Yodamaster's Avatar
Your welcome Liz and hopefully this article can help those girls who are in this game see that they are worth something. Maybe I am sticking up for the provider here or trying to be a voice to get these girls away from awful people like this. I saw many girls in the past at studios and such that I later found that they had pimps or management. For most guys it would be like who cares where the money goes as long as I am satisfied. But if you look a little bit deeper you see that these guys are scum of the earth. After reading this and couple of other articles I have found that most of these girls are running away from a bad situation and just trying to finc Somone who cares about them. Pimps take avatar of this and make them slaves to a silly game. The game is stupid I know we support it by going to see these women (me included) but maybe if this even helps one girl find the strength to leave a pimp then it will have been worth it I guess...
I doubt the basic pimp business model has changed over the past 6000 years. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yodamaster's Avatar
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Your welcome Liz and hopefully this article can help those girls who are in this game see that they are worth something. Maybe I am sticking up for the provider here or trying to be a voice to get these girls away from awful people like this. I saw many girls in the past at studios and such that I later found that they had pimps or management. For most guys it would be like who cares where the money goes as long as I am satisfied. But if you look a little bit deeper you see that these guys are scum of the earth. After reading this and couple of other articles I have found that most of these girls are running away from a bad situation and just trying to finc Somone who cares about them. Pimps take avatar of this and make them slaves to a silly game. The game is stupid I know we support it by going to see these women (me included) but maybe if this even helps one girl find the strength to leave a pimp then it will have been worth it I guess... Originally Posted by Yodamaster
You seem like a nice and very conscious guy.

However, you're way oversimplifying this situation. It's complicated and it is SO complicated that we could write books and books about the psychology and overall social aspects of this situation (as it is currently) and we would still be on a discussion merry go round.

Edited to add: How would this article help anyone? No one is going to read it with any critical thinking skills what so ever who would probably "benefit" from it and for those who are IN IT ... they know this crap already. They KNOW what's what.

I'm jaded, so take my words for what it's worth. People have to find their own path, Yodamaster. Most of these ladies aren't looking for any salvation or for someone to save them. And if they are? This article probably isn't going to be their golden cow.

Jeez ... I AM sounding jaded today, aren't I? Might need to take a break!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Corrected Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
Exactly. Same song. Different verses through the ages.
Speaking of pimp like behavior


If you can't take a joke, don't fucking click the link.