Have you guys ever saved for a session?

slims099's Avatar
So how many of you actually put money away per week, paycheck, or month just to see the girl of your dreams?

There's 1 girl I want to see, but she's $$$$$ for 1 1/2 - 2 hours and she's MEGAAAAAAAAAAA HOT. But hell, $$$$$ is tough to come by just for 1 session when there's bills to pay and other shit to pay for.

Those of you median income guys, how do you see the HDH's?
Trespasser's Avatar
I only saw a HDH once. It was worth every penny since it's still one of the most memorable times I've ever had sex. I happened to be flush with cash the summer it happened.

I never "saved up" for a session per se, but I always did make sure my bank account would still be OK afterwards. My frequency of visits would be dictated by it.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Most of the women that I have been with it usally runs between $$ - $$$ an hour...Treat them right and leave a tip and it does not seem that it could get any better....The meaning of this statement is while some women want a lot more it is not always worth what you may have to pay for her companionship....Then one will be going back to the confort zone that they were in before...

Still REALLY new to this, and being a "medium income" guy I think I'm going to have the same experience as Cowboy -- which is fine since the GFE is really what I'm after, and the "girl next door" makes it all the more GFish. BUT, I see slim's point. Maybe squirrel away some cash over time for that special occaision to go outside the box (definitely now pun intended there) for a something a nerdy, non-jock kinda guy like me would never experience otherwise. Good idea on the saving up, Slim.
Not really but I do have an envelope with a hot little brunette's two hour donation in it. just in case she is really bored, broke, or just takes pity on me one day.

As far as hobby expenditures go I only spend what I could happily give away. It's just pussy and I doubt that I will have any fond memories of paying for it.

Saving up for a hdh would create an unrealistic expectation but that's just my opinion.
hookem69horns's Avatar
I have taken the approach that playing with the ladies is like gambling in Vegas ... there are all types of games, casinos, tables, and limits but I will never gamble with money I can't afford to lose ... I do put money aside, for Vegas and hobbying, unfortunately my lil buddy and stash of cash aren't always on the same schedule.
So how many of you actually put money away per week, paycheck, or month just to see the girl of your dreams? Originally Posted by slims099
Sounds like a question the providers might want to know.

Number #1 Rule: Pay your bills FIRST
Then buy grocery's, liquor, cig.'s & Gas the car up.

NOW look at what you have left for pussy & gambling. If you need to save, then so be it, do w/o pussy untill you saved enough. (Talk to rosie palm and her 5-sisters)

Some hobbyist take different routes, 3 or 4 (30-min.) sessions
2 (1-hour) sessions or 1 (2-hour) session. Some look for specials to squeeze in an extra session. Some look for quantity and some look for quality. whatever kind of hobbyist you are, the smart ones will say:

NEVER spend the number #1 Rule on pussy or Gambling.
NO pussy will care or even ask you if your bills are paid.

PoppyToyota's Avatar
I saved up and tried to see Alyssa Nicole about a year ago. Sadly our schedules never matched. My time away from work is very minimal at best and short notice just isn't in the cards for most providers. Because my short notice is hey, I'm on my way to Dallas are you available?
Clouddancer's Avatar
Actually, I do put aside a little bit here and there from time to time.
Call it extra hobby $.
Bills get paid along with all other necessities, then there's hobby $.
After that, I may put aside a few bills here and there for a HDH lady or a trip across the pond where the ladies have higher fees.
Sometimes the extra cash I've put away might be spent on an extended session with a special lady.
tsrv4me's Avatar
Whenever I have a couple extra bucks I put it aside....saving for the times that I have free time to see that SPECIAL lady...
Mojojo's Avatar
Nothing wrong with saving money for something you want whether it be pussy, trip to Vegas, or a new car.....after all it is your money so do what you like with it.

I mainly stick to the out of town girls when they tour Houston those are always priority, and some come with a nice price tag so yes saving money is normal to me.

As of a matter of fact I recently got my saved money, toured Dallas and had a blast, I had enough saved up that my only problem was deciding what girl I wanted to fuck first!
snowking2010's Avatar
I don't save for the HD ones, I'm sure many are worth the extra money, but just not for me. If I have extra money to spend I try to spend more on special ladies I have seen in the past. I agree pay bills, etc first, then enjoy extra money however you want.
slims099's Avatar
This has been pretty informative, thanks fellas! I think I'm gonna stick to my plan, put some dolla billz aside and QUIT GOING OUT TO PARTY!! Partying does nothing, I'd save hundreds a month if I didn't go out partying twice a week.
That sounds like a solid plan, Slim. Maybe you're more alpha-male/hunky dude than me, but for the one time in my adult life I wasn't married, partying usually ended up a bunch of wasted money and frustration. Save up for a sure thing
Red Tex's Avatar
Man I will spend $$ or $$$ a couple times a week at the strip club at times. I would just sit home a couple of weeks and then go hit that hot pussy.

BTW, you been to the Ranch recently? I think it has been almost a year for me.