ECCI Resistance???

Here's a question that's been bugging me. Maybe some of you ladies can help out. At this point, it's mainly just a curiosity....

I got introduced to the hobby via BP, before I even knew eccie existed. I had a pretty good time (way better than what I expected because I didn't know what to expect). Then I came a cross a BP add that mentioned eccie and here I am (yay!).

The thing is, I can't understand why the BP provider I saw won't sign up here. I mentioned it to her via a text, but I don't think she was appreciative.

So what's the deal with that? Any reason why someone would NOT want a safe place where they could have more control over who they see?
MuffinMan's Avatar
Just food for thought, Alien. One possible reason could be that she has a handler or is 'managed' and that said management wishes to keep a very tight control. Once she finds ECCIE and learns she could be successful and do this on her own, then he looses his grip.

My 0.02 worth.

Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Plus, ECCIE has a reputation among many for guys who want more service for less money.
Perhaps she WAS on ECCIE and did something so bad that she dont dare show her face back again? Like theft or a huge history of ncns? Cant think of any other reason why someone would stay on BP..
All very good possibilities. Thanks for the insight
LazurusLong's Avatar
Without knowing the history, as noted by others, things such as was she a member on this site or others can shed light.

But keep in mind that even though some on here think ECCIE is the entire world of the hobby, it is not. A former staff member of ASPD once posted that ASPD was only a small portion of the hobby dollars spent in the state and if you consider the total number of guys hitting strip clubs, AMPs, massage girls, and the huge number of BP providers, that still holds true. I'd bet higher than when he posted that but not by much.

A provider I know of was a member here but the drama of her white knights vs black knights and her own hyper sensitivity would cause her to react badly when things she took as unflattering were posted and that reaction included breaking many of the site rules. She got a few bans but finally realized her life is so much simpler without the drama of this site and she is rumored to be so much happier away from here and makes just as much or more money. She uses Backpage and I think EROS and her life is less complicated and more profitable.

And the money is the biggest deal for many others. The once a week ad limit causes others to not bother. BP allows them to bump and post new ads as often as they want and some post in both bodyrubs and Escorts. No worries about points or getting banned if they post too soon or too often. (Maybe ECCIE needs a paid ad forum where the providers can post as often as they want for a per ad fee?)

Being expected to have to "cater" to a bunch of whiny asshats who feel they are entitled to that BBBJ or even BBFS because they have a handle with many posts and reviews or worse, having to put up with being shorted or stood up because the provider knows that if she opens her mouth and posts anything negative about a client on this board it will hurt her business can make many providers avoid ECCIE. (See Fort Worth Punk's post about this)

And the last line in your post is not quite accurate. Why in the world do you assume that some how ECCIE is a "safe place"? Compared to what?

I may not have been around on the various bulletin boards and other sites prior to ECCIE as long as others here but I'd wager money that of the clients and providers who have been busted by spouses is tenfold higher by those who are regular posters on a board than those who stick to just checking Backpage when they have the urge.

Hell, back on ASPD there was a client who was smitten with a provider and they got pretty close, spent hours off the clock. The client, provider, and her kid were in his car and he was either dropping her off or taking her someplace when WHAM!, he was involved in an accident on 635.

If I recall, because the provider was very attractive with long hair and the accident was serious enough to have a news reporter at the site, the news crew happened to air a segment with her in it and HOLY SHIT, his wife saw him and his car with this gal in an area he had no business to be in.

It did not end well. (I'm fuzzy on the exact details as it has been quite a long time) but the issue is that with Backpage providers it typically stays strictly business. Not always but much more than on here where socials and cliques grow and develop and people spend a ton of time developing more than a strict business relationship.

The friendships that can develop beyond just the financial between a client and provider is a double edged sword. Many clients are super nice guys who genuinely care about the success and end game of a provider who for whatever reason would like to be able to move on from this life. There were a couple great guys back on ASPD who both had wives with terminal illnesses. They craved and needed the physical aspect of life their wives could not provide so filled that need via the hobby. One did no less than 3 hour sessions because he didn't want the wham bam, he craved the time and enjoyed more than just the end result and when you spend multiple 3 hour encounters with someone, it is hard to not really get to know them.

The other guy was similar and he too got to know a few providers much more than just a quickie in and out.

My understanding is that after the wives passed, not long after both of those guys ended up with a provider they had gotten very close with and I really hope they are all still happy.

BUT the wife dying of cancer is rare and in this hobby compared to the wives who are looking to bust their spouse and when guys spend that much time with providers, hours on a computer, or leave bread crumbs because they got a call or text at the wrong time, and ECCIE is far from safer for guys with that lure of a "relationship" when they feel that is lacking at home.

One regular social was held at the same place weekly and one time, a guy's wife happened to be at the bar with work friends when he walked in, didn't see her and proceeded to head to the social. Her co-worker saw hm, said, hey, isn't that your husband? And she went and walked into the social and saw him hugging and kissing what obviously were not professional office employees......

Safer? Deoends on your point of view and how you truly use the site
Wow, Lazurus. Thanks for the honest answer. A ton of information I really needed to consider, and probably everyone else as well.

Safe is definitely a relative term, and I guess in my head I had it narrowly confined to the ability to screen potential clients. Shows you how little there is I know. Which is exactly why I asked the question. From a newb's perspective coming in it all seems "wine and roses".

Well, almost. I already TOTALLY see your point about the drama. I think we've recently seen how someone's experience here can suddenly turn bitter.

Thanks for the real word.
Just4Hobby's Avatar
Very well said, LazurusLong.

I can also add that several established or new providers have told me the down side of being from eccie. Many eccie members are not well behaved towards the providers, demanding more of them (compared to BP clients) and some would threaten providers to comply with their demand (one provider told me that an eccie guy wrote a bad review because he demanded Greek as no fee extra) or else they write a bad review. MSOG or Greek are once that some are overly demanding from their point of view.

They also have the impression (maybe based on experience) that clients (my words: being less edutated or informed) pays better than Eccie. Some eccie providers actually prices less, sometime much less for BP clients even if he is also an eccie member (go figure). Maybe the eccie guys that want MSOG and/or studs can really put some mileage on the ladies and the BP clients don't go out much and cum quickly?

No matter what the reason, I found more than once BP rates are lower so mentioning that you are from eccie might not be better?

As for me, I will google for BP ads and might just call on BP first for providers that are also on eccie. I can play THAT pricing game too.

Just saying ...
It shouldnt be about playing a pricing game. KNOW how much you can afford to spend. KNOW what activities you would like. KNOW what is more important to you, whether its looks, personality, skills... and then shop. Dont haggle.
I dont go to Macy's looking for walmart prices and i dont go to walmart looking for Macy's quality.
Never ever haggle. I think it would just ruin the mood. Pay the ladies price or move on.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Resistance is futile.
Just4Hobby's Avatar
It shouldnt be about playing a pricing game. KNOW how much you can afford to spend. KNOW what activities you would like. KNOW what is more important to you, whether its looks, personality, skills... and then shop. Dont haggle.
I dont go to Macy's looking for walmart prices and i dont go to walmart looking for Macy's quality. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
I mean the same lady, same service, if you call as BP, you pay less. I have come across more than once. No haggling needed. The ladies just price the same services at higher rate for Eccie. Just like airlines. Same seat, different prices booked different ways. Really. Often 10 - 25 dollars for same service from same lady.
In other words, BP is like Outlet malls, you might find name brand for less ...

I was specifically told by more than one ladies, same service if I had been a BP client, costs less. Just like going to priceline to book an airline ticket or hotel room.
Hell.. if i were to advertise on BP i would charge double!! Thus preventing the hagglers, pimps, time wasters and then all the extra screening!

Just keep one base dang hrly rate! Why make it difficult?
Just4Hobby's Avatar
Hell.. if i were to advertise on BP i would charge double!! Thus preventing the hagglers, pimps, time wasters and then all the extra screening!

Just keep one base dang hrly rate! Why make it difficult? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy

except that BP don't screen in advance. She whips out a breast and he whips out his dick. mutual touching. Yep, you are screened. Really.
Hagglers guys and up-charging girls are made for each other ...
LazurusLong's Avatar
Hell.. if i were to advertise on BP i would charge double!! Thus preventing the hagglers, pimps, time wasters and then all the extra screening!

Just keep one base dang hourly rate! Why make it difficult? Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
And another crock of SHIT post. Once he is in your room, he can haggle all he wants and if you don't accept his terms, that same guy will most likely take what he wants and leave you zero cash. And the ultimate lie that the police will help is laughable. I can see the defense now.

So, Lacy, you invited him to your room to have sex for money but after the sex he failed to pay and now you are claiming rape? Really?

You honestly think that claiming you will charge double will somehow deter a predator like a fucking pimp?

he won't give a shit what you ask in your ad because he will never pay anyway!

Go search the alerts on the buy Michael Wayne Jackson who would put the money down, have the session then pull the knife and take the cash back.

And note just how many ECCIE Verified providers have been his target.

If you have some fucked up idea that being on this site somehow makes you safer then the first thing you need is a good kick in the ass and a wakeup call......

NEVER assume you are safer posting here and not on any other website.

To the cops and pimps and rapists and crooks, it doesn't matter where you post and ALL those above can get through any screening you happen to use and thinking otherwise can get you dead at the worst, raped maybe, robbed most likely and arrested more than many care to admit.