What do you get out of Eccie these days?

For quite some time now Eccie has been on the decline and when one looks at the board's current condition one has to wonder is it even worth the time of day anymore?

We now have back to back crazy mongers who are serious violent threats to the ladies.

We have providers who don't think twice about outing mongers simply because they're annoyed.

We have mongers threatening to out other mongers behind the scenes.

We have bandles coming out of the woodwork and when they aren't on vacation the environment becomes even worse.

We have mods ..... Well we had mods anyway. There's no knowing who is in who's pocket which makes one wonder how secure behind the scenes PMs really are.

We have a major influx of BP influences which has been more than evident in recent months.

Basically all that has existed here for quite some time is a handful of mongers (Me included) throwing BS banter back and forth which gets old quickly.

This is a completely separate issue from the local agency busts and site hacks.
These are nothing new (Happens every few years) but every time they occur it is a bit of a wake up call as to whether maintaining a board presence is even worth it.

It seems the only remaining intelligent use of this board is as a 100% anonymous lurker reading independent provider ads and reviews.

What do you get out of Eccie participation? Is it even worth posting anymore?
Reviews, and most of them seem deceiving to me. I'm working out how to separate the wheat from the chafe. Comes with time and experience.

The rest is somewhat entertaining, sometimes boring/rude, but I do get a few laughs at the one-liners.

Iron Butterfly's Avatar
This board goes up and down, currently going down. The time when it was a place to mingle, share and discuss expieriance is gone as it has been over run by members that's sole purpose is to creat drama, and discord. They have zero intreast in the board or community, they don't see the ladies here or use the site as they are monger masters and don't need it. All the ladies that do contribute to the community part of Eccie are under constant atack by the none participants. Will I continue, sure. I don't let this affect my hobby. Do I like it, no. What do I get out of Eccie, mostly sweet pussy but that is seen as "creepy" in my opinion Eccie is done (in Austin) and has nowhere to go.

There are a lot of good people here, and just think, the ones that have no interest count on us to fuel there thirst for their pathetic useless existence to exist, viscous circle.

Maybe if everyone put theses DB's on ignore they would not exist.

michaelbolton's Avatar
Entertainment value. We all need a fruitless distraction.
Raikage's Avatar
The assurance that my information will never be hacked or leaked from eccie ... since I don't need to put any personal information on this site to get what I want.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-20-2015, 07:55 AM
I agree with Mr Bolton. For me it's mostly entertainment. And I get to let a bit of off color creativity come out.

I made a lot of good friends at Hoogar church and got saved. The cream pie socials are awesome! (That's comedy for you dull fucks).

I love to watch the Pimps/Helpers try to convince you they are just one of the guys.
I get a kick out of throwing pebbles at the bandles.
It's fun to tie the fandles to their main character.

I like the pictures.
I love going back a few years and seeing thar some people change drastically and some never change a bit. (You can read posts and reviews back to the beginning)

Eccie let's me take a break from the serious things in life if even like now...a 5 minute break before a series of work meetings.

And Wind...it has never been the Nirvana here that some think it was . There has always been turmoil and certain.members thinking they "ran this shit".

Fun times we live in.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I agree with Mr Bolton. For me it's mostly entertainment. And I get to let a bit of off color creativity come out.

I made a lot of good friends at Hoogar church and got saved. The cream pie socials are awesome! (That's comedy for you dull fucks).

I love to watch the Pimps/Helpers try to convince you they are just one of the guys.
I get a kick out of throwing pebbles at the bandles.
It's fun to tie the fandles to their main character.

I like the pictures.
I love going back a few years and seeing thar some people change drastically and some never change a bit. (You can read posts and reviews back to the beginning)

Eccie let's me take a break from the serious things in life if even like now...a 5 minute break before a series of work meetings.

And Wind...it has never been the Nirvana here that some think it was . There has always been turmoil and certain.members thinking they "ran this shit".

Fun times we live in. Originally Posted by Toyz

The Austin version is limited since FS is not popular as in Dallas. It is hard to get a feel of what is BS or factual. The prices here are higher for the services provided. The quality of the providers( how they look and perform) is well below Dallas. I do not if there are UTR providers that the monitors know about and have a no review policy, or if this is just a weak area. In Dallas the monitors were very protective of certain providers.
michaelbolton's Avatar
The Austin version is limited since FS is not popular as in Dallas. It is hard to get a feel of what is BS or factual. The prices here are higher for the services provided. The quality of the providers( how they look and perform) is well below Dallas. I do not if there are UTR providers that the monitors know about and have a no review policy, or if this is just a weak area. In Dallas the monitors were very protective of certain providers. Originally Posted by 56022256
I think that's a supply issue...Dallas is a huge city/metro area...many more providers, competing, for demand that is relatively fixed...Austin folks would say the same about the Fargo, ND scene.
Cat in the Hat's Avatar
Exaggeration runs wild with you sir. I can understand where a few refer to the wind in you name being misplaced in regards to your hair.

You and Toyz seem to have little going for you in your real lives and have PLENTY of time in EVERY day to spend here looking for someone to play with you. Maybe you should both ask your parents to set up play-dates for you.

Back to Back Crazy Mongers that are serious violent threats to the ladies? Seems to be there are two. The marine from San Antonio and an arab guy in Austin and there is no shortage of documentation present that any lady that encounters them has to be the biggest idiot out there for doing so. Violent? I tend to think that there is some exaggeration on the part of ladies that get taken for a free ride as a result of their own poor business practices when venting here.

Providers outing mongers? Very bothersome but a practice that seems to have developed as a result of all the pity heaped on them by guys that want something other than to pay for a ride constantly encouraging and accepting their behavior when posting. Right now there is a Guys name and phone number posted in an alert for a NCNS and the guys posting their support and sorrow that some guy wasted her time is exactly where the problem lies.

Put that woman and others like the to the flames and you can clear that up.

Threats behind the scenes? I chalk that up to guys like you spreading rumors trying to build something controversial to fuel a few days of banter so your boring little life can have some meaning. Can you provide some examples of Mongers outed by other Mongers?

"Bandles"? Only you, Toyz and a couple of others seem to think it's an issue.

Mods in people's pocket and PMs not being secure? What? A new rumor to spread about people you don't like? Enlighten us please.

An influx of BP providers? Yes and we get a few keepers here and there.

Site hacks? Here on ECCIE? every few years? Me thinks you are stretching sir.

I can't find anything of use to anyone that you contribute so I can agree that some that post have nothing but BS banter and that you are one of them. Congrats! An accurate statement!

Personally I find ECCIE extremely useful in being able to read ads, click an advertiser's name, see her showcase and read her reviews. In reading reviews I have come to realize that my tastes align with a couple of other guys here and I can refer to their reviews of other ladies to find options that I might not see an ad for.

Some topics are of interest and I like occasionally contributing on a topic and in your case and that of your buddy Toyz I take pity on you and give you a response here and there so that you can have something light up your day and find purpose in your life.

I was a lurker for a while here having participated on other boards and that so far that is what I've found here on ECCIE.
ck1942's Avatar
You get as much or more out as you put in.

imo, if you are here as a male:


If you are here as a female:


Seem like we have way too many males here who don't contribute much of anything to the database.

Equally, many females who have found that participating draws inordinate criticism.

The solution to me is obvious.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-20-2015, 10:57 AM
Exaggeration runs wild with you sir. I can understand where a few refer to the wind in you name being misplaced in regards to your hair.

You and Toyz seem to have little going for you in your real lives and have PLENTY of time in EVERY day to spend here looking for someone to play with you. Maybe you should both ask your parents to set up play-dates for you.

Back to Back Crazy Mongers that are serious violent threats to the ladies? Seems to be there are two. The marine from San Antonio and an arab guy in Austin and there is no shortage of documentation present that any lady that encounters them has to be the biggest idiot out there for doing so. Violent? I tend to think that there is some exaggeration on the part of ladies that get taken for a free ride as a result of their own poor business practices when venting here.

Providers outing mongers? Very bothersome but a practice that seems to have developed as a result of all the pity heaped on them by guys that want something other than to pay for a ride constantly encouraging and accepting their behavior when posting. Right now there is a Guys name and phone number posted in an alert for a NCNS and the guys posting their support and sorrow that some guy wasted her time is exactly where the problem lies.

Put that woman and others like the to the flames and you can clear that up.

Threats behind the scenes? I chalk that up to guys like you spreading rumors trying to build something controversial to fuel a few days of banter so your boring little life can have some meaning. Can you provide some examples of Mongers outed by other Mongers?

"Bandles"? Only you, Toyz and a couple of others seem to think it's an issue.

Mods in people's pocket and PMs not being secure? What? A new rumor to spread about people you don't like? Enlighten us please.

An influx of BP providers? Yes and we get a few keepers here and there.

Site hacks? Here on ECCIE? every few years? Me thinks you are stretching sir.

I can't find anything of use to anyone that you contribute so I can agree that some that post have nothing but BS banter and that you are one of them. Congrats! An accurate statement!

Personally I find ECCIE extremely useful in being able to read ads, click an advertiser's name, see her showcase and read her reviews. In reading reviews I have come to realize that my tastes align with a couple of other guys here and I can refer to their reviews of other ladies to find options that I might not see an ad for.

Some topics are of interest and I like occasionally contributing on a topic and in your case and that of your buddy Toyz I take pity on you and give you a response here and there so that you can have something light up your day and find purpose in your life.

I was a lurker for a while here having participated on other boards and that so far that is what I've found here on ECCIE. Originally Posted by Cat in the Hat


Mr Peabody's Avatar
Like Whispers mentioned, the state of the Roman Empire is becoming unbearable.....

Windy, you have surpassed yourself in the ability to come up with an un-original topic. Rather than embarrass yourself, please check with me prior to starting any new thread.

The interactive nature of Eccie through boards and PMs is what is most useful. Gives you some real idea of a lady before you commit. Her most sexual organ is her brain.

So far this thread has zero value in Coed because only guys have responded.
shlonghaul's Avatar
I typically get laid. Whats a bandle? Been around since aspd never heard of that.
SOULFLY's Avatar
Seems like a lot of whiners lately, but what do I know I'm dead. ijs

Eccie is great for contacting providers, that's what its here for.