
There have been quite a few posts about robberies and thefts here lately. In the name of full disclosure, I'm going to admit that I might have stolen a few things in my lifetime.

  • I thought I could smuggle those 4 RingPops out of the convenience store when I was 7. My mom made me go back in and apologize to the clerk. I did. Afterward, I was pissed that he didn't just give me the damn RingPops as a reward for my honesty.
  • I used to take change from my mom's wallet to get candy and soda from the vending machines at her office. I never asked for permission.
  • The bulk bins at Central Market are irresistible. I know I'm not supposed to take samples, but do they really expect me to buy a $17.99 pound of curry cashews without testing the flavor first?
  • I may have a collection of various restaurant ramekins in my kitchen. For god's sake, they're like tiny little bowls. And women love tiny things. Like babies, and kittens, and miniature horses, and penise... Wait. Nevermind. Off topic.
  • Once, when I was really broke as an undergrad and waiting on a paycheck at a new job, I stole a giant roll of toilet paper from the Student Center so I didn't have to buy any for a while.
  • I really, really like PirateBay.
  • I accept free drinks from bartenders even though I know they aren't paying for them.
  • I may have stolen a boyfriend or three.
  • Every time I'm presented with a "please take one" situation, like mints at Olive Garden, I feel compelled to take three or four or nine.
  • I sometimes surf the web on other people's unsecured WiFi.
Am I going to hell?
TaylorMaiden29's Avatar
I must confess:

I own a bootlegged movie of Transformers
I have both movie hopped and tee peed a house as a child
I ride without my seatbelt sometimes
I don't return books that are lent to me, I just borrow them forever
I don't return movies to friends either
I do my kids homework sometimes to get it over with
I plan to do their science fair projects like the rest of the good parents
I don't answer my voicemail
I lick my fingers when I cook
Trudy's only serves a max of two mexican martinis but I've had three before.
Trudy's salsa bowls make great cat food bowls

But I have never ever in my entire life not even one time.
PocketRocket(s)'s Avatar
No, Natalie. I don't believe you are going to hell. God will see how kind and giving your soul is and give you a free pass.

Taylor, you are definitely going to hell... on the express bus. Not because you have a pirated copy of a movie, but because you have a pirated copy of the movie "Transformers."

GneissGuy's Avatar
I am Iron Man.
Cityjazz's Avatar
The Natalie-Taylor team strikes again... will you two just please get a room!
The Natalie-Taylor team strikes again... will you two just please get a room! Originally Posted by Cityjazz
And let me know when to show up!!!
harkontume's Avatar
hmm. They have both been very bad girls and should be punished severely!
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 10-14-2010, 01:06 PM
I'm a pirate. *guilty*
  • Vyt
  • 10-14-2010, 01:17 PM

No, I'M Spartacus!
@Vyt: you like movies about gladiators? have you ever seen a grown man naked? do you like Showtunes?

( :
  • Vyt
  • 10-14-2010, 04:19 PM

Tell me, little Ralphey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?
only that one time back in College,
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-14-2010, 05:25 PM
This is the reason why I've never asked a provider for anal sex.
mmmm...trudys. i have had 3 a few times. i might have to make a stop before going to see bfd this weekend
This is the reason why I've never asked a provider for anal sex. Originally Posted by Carl
i guess once she is no longer a stranger you are safe