What should I do? if I find a great girl to date...

After reading the thread about SO's and Providers I was wondering how it would go the other way.

Lets say I meet a perfect gal for me. We starting dating and she asks, "how many girls have you had sex with?"

do I give her the truth? do I say 'thats my past' and move on? or do I show her REB's posts? and hope for the best...
cheater's Avatar
Lie lie lie . She don't need to know you banged all the hot chicks in town. She don't need to know your a man whore. Sorry got carryd away.
blenderhead's Avatar
Hell no. The average girl would be seriously freaked out. I think it's easy to forget that when you spend a lot of time in this world.
If she is mature I don't think your number should matter IMO. What would your perfect girl be like? A girl that is so open minded that she wouldn't mind knowing about your habits or a more conservative girl? Also, do you want her to love you and accept you for you or just live with the fact that people hide things and we are all entitled to have a past. Sorry, I think too much. Good luck with that one
@Britney: one time I started to date this girl about 5 years ago, at that time it was about 150 girls so told her just over 100, she freaked out!!! I tried to reason like Blender says, saying thats over a 20 yr period, she still freaked out.

I would hope to find an open minded girl who would not judge me on my sex partners, I have never cheated on any girl I have dated, that would be my concerns that she may think due to me fuking( now over 250) that I would cheat on her.
I've never understood why people feel the need to even ask that question. It's personal and usually has no bearing on the current relationship.

If asked "how many partners I've had sex with?" I usually reply with something flippant like "enough to be good at it" or "at one time?"
When a cop pulls you over for weaving on your way home from a party and asks how many drinks you've had, you say two and try to act sober.

Just use that as a guide.
nuglet's Avatar
Having done some "on the road time" as a musician, anytime someone asks me that type question: "you ever been arrested?" "how many girls have you been with"... etc etc. I just respond with: "Hell, I was a musician in the 60's-70's-80's, and I REALLY enjoyed the 60's". nothing more to be said.
I was born in 1968 so no 60s' or 70's fun for me, REB is an 80's guy
I say don't tell . It wont end well the girl will freak out or something and not want to date you....
blenderhead's Avatar
The number is one thing, if you also tell her that you've paid.. Be prepared for the worst. No matter how open minded she seems to be.
Whispers's Avatar
After reading the thread about SO's and Providers I was wondering how it would go the other way.

Lets say I meet a perfect gal for me. We starting dating and she asks, "how many girls have you had sex with?"

do I give her the truth? do I say 'thats my past' and move on? or do I show her REB's posts? and hope for the best... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY

Ask her if Hookers count before answering....
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 11-05-2010, 12:23 PM
Unless she is really, REALLY open-minded, I wouldn't say anything. The number of people you are intimate with does not bear any weight on your current or soon-to-be relationship. Though, not many view it as so.

Feel the waters for meeting this girl, and see if she'd be able to handle the truth. No reason you should divulge your dirty little secrets on the very first date! Or soon after either.. hehe

We're sexual creatures!
'tis what we do.

Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar

Lets say I meet a perfect gal for me. We starting dating and she asks, "how many girls have you had sex with?"
Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
Unless the "perfect gal" has the maturity level of a 10th grader I simply cannot imagine this topic arising. But if it does, realize that this is not a question that is asked so that you can tell her the truth; it's a test to see if you will tell her what she wants to hear, which (in case you don't already know) is that you're a high-value, desirable male who is attractive enough to pull a lot of tail, but that you possess discriminating taste in the opposite sex and only sleep with high-value females (i.e. her).

Be coy, give a fairly low, approximate guess, perhaps throw in something about the errors of your youth, but how you've grown to appreciate intimacy and "real connection" and move on. Problem solved.
well thank you Sophie, the 250 girls is not all Providers, I would say about 125 Providers and 125 a mix of Swingers and Civies

and since I am 42 what is a good number? I have never been married or in a long term relationship of more than 6-8 months in the past 16 years