Giving it up for GOOD!

No, not that, you pervs. :P

I've had trouble admitting it, especially to myself, and even now. But I know it's true. I'm an alcoholic. I didn't even realize it till recently, but, alas, it is so. So, now that I've realized, and admitted it, I'm giving it up. Unfortunately, I don't pass the religious requirements for AA, so I'm going it alone. I've already given up smoking, so how much harder can it be? (Don't answer that....) I was in chat earlier, and told everyone in there that I was giving it up (though I kinda glazed over why) and the words of encouragement were really really uplifting and helpful. Soooo... if you come see me... perhaps chocolates or a candle in place of wine?

Any encouragement, helpful advice if you've done it, etc. is greatly appreciated. Some might call this airing dirty laundry, and maybe so, but I really feel like I needed to get it out somewhere. Thanks, y'all.
Clouddancer's Avatar
Wow Traci
It takes a lot of inner strength to publicly admit this. I'm sure that inner strength will serve you well.
You know you are highly respected and loved by all and we are all behind you 100%.

So, do you like Godiva?
airlineguy12's Avatar
Good Luck Traci!!!! This will not be easy to do on your own but you know anything in life that is worthwhile is never easy.... one step at a time baby.
  • ajay
  • 03-11-2011, 10:31 PM
Good Luck to you. How did you quit smoking? This is something I am finding impossible to do.....
Traci !! sent You a pm......You can do it!
dodger's Avatar
Traci .. there for you, babe. Friend of Bill W and Dr. Bob ... sober since 1975 .. no religious requirements where I'm coming from. Be safe.
You can do it Traci!
Im so with Reesce here....You need to look out for You!
Good Luck to you. How did you quit smoking? This is something I am finding impossible to do..... Originally Posted by ajay
Cold turkey. Took me four tries, but the fourth took. I had to carry around an unlit cigarette and puff on it (still unlit) whenever anyone around me was smoking. Just going through the motion seemed to help. I quit going out to bars and such and tried not to hang out with friends that smoked for about six months. I still light one up very VERY occasionally (like, maybe one or two a month) when I drink beer, because that's the only time I lose my will and light up. Guess that's soon to be a non-issue. :P Try the unlit cig thing, though, paired with avoiding smokers whenever possible. It's what finally helped me.

Thanks for all the encouragement, guys and gals. It's really awesome to get such support. Now I feel like I'll have failed you all if I fall off the wagon, so perhaps that will keep me in line! :P
Traci .. there for you, babe. Friend of Bill W and Dr. Bob ... sober since 1975 .. no religious requirements where I'm coming from. Be safe. Originally Posted by dodger
This ^^^^. You're not getting the whole story if you think there's a religious requirement. Promise.
TexTushHog's Avatar
There are efforts to adapt the initial religious tone of the original Twelve Steps (which themselves refer initially to "God as you understand him") to "secular spirituality." Empirical studies have shown that agnostics do as well as believers in AA. I'm not sure about atheists. But you might go to an AA meeting with an open mind and see if it's for you. Their model is useful for several types of afictive and compulsive behaviors.
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
Traci, I have never met you.But I have seen you in chat and you seem to be a very good person.
You have won half the battle by admitting you have a problem.That is a giant first step.The best advice I will give you is that your true friends will understand what you are going through and be respectfull and not drink around you.It would be best if for the first few weeks you just disassociated yourself from anyone and everyone that drinks. Also places of business that serve alcohol.Sounds hard, and it is.But it will make it much easier.You will be in my thoughts and I wish you the best in your journey to sobriety.
Stick with it, Traci...if you can quit smoking, you will quit alcohol. I have faith in you and so do all the posters here.
Wordsmith's Avatar
Traci I know we've had our up and downs but just from chatting with you and meeting you places I definitely know you have I will and mental makeup to get this done. Like most people say the first step is admitting you have a problem. Good luck. You certainly have plenty of support here.
Guest110713-1's Avatar
Your pics intoxicate me.
And the ass pics put me into a major stupor.
I need to go to AA too. Ass Anonymous.
I need to visit with you first though