This ain't business, this is personal...

Caitlyn's Avatar
Hey guys! I don't post often, but lately a couple things have been on my mind.

First...You guys want us to respect you, right? LIke, don't call, or text after a certain time... Don't call back period, or when you do call back, make sure it's "before 5." Got it.

But how about this... and I am not speaking to all of you, as I know a majority of men on this board, follow the golden rule. But--

When is it NOT okay, to contact a provider??

All of my ads, and both of my websites give time frames, when I work, or when I am available. Most of my sessions, are 75, to 2 hours long. So why on earth, would ANYONE in their right mind, call, 5 times, in one hour... Or call my phone, after 10pm... repeatedly, is beyond me.

I had a man call me 13 times today. 13. Over, and Over, and Over. Why in the world, would anyone think that a provider would see him, after he's called 13 times, in a 24 hour period. WE WORK BY THE HOUR. HE sends me a text, that says... "Are you ignoring me.. I know you see me calling".... Its kind of scary! Imagine if he knew where I lived, and worked! I have already had a client show up at my door, and my 17yr old daughter answered. He told her he was looking for "caitlyn".... and that he had an appointment, and asked if she was my friend, and could see him. He told her he has been "texting" me all day-- but when she called me, he didnt want to talk to me, and couldnt show her any text messages. I only do about 6 or 7 appts a month... and have NO idea who that could have been. Totally unacceptable.

Now.. picture THIS.

We have lives too. Families... husbands, kids, the whole shabang. Anyone ever think that people behaving like THIS could cause problems in OUR lives?? Or, do you assume, just because we do this, it's okay to disrespect us like that, but us texting, or calling, you after hours... would just be wrong. What if my husband would have answered the door....? He would have been hospitalized. Thats NOT okay!!!

Regardless, we have a business to run. We are our business. But when we have idiots like this, just totally disregarding that we are PEOPLE, outside of our profession... it makes it tough.

Fellas.. if you call a provider, and she doesnt answer, rest assured, if you leave a message with INSTRUCTIONS, on when and if to call back, we will. Dont call Over,and Over, and Over, whether you leave a voicemail or not. We are more than likely, In session. It is NEVER okay, to show up at a providers HOME, EVER, unannounced. My office is downstairs, in my house... Why on earth would someone SHOW up like that?? Lastly, if we work until 10pm.. Please dont call at 2am, looking for a session. You more than likely wont get one.

Just venting. )
pmdelites's Avatar
caitlyn, vent all you need to!!!
i'm sorry that jackass did that to you.

it's just that some men are completely ignorant non-compassionate assholes who are obsessed with getting their rocks off.

talk a walk outside in the beautiful spring with whomever you want and leave that jackass behind, faaaaaar behind!!!

peace to you, darling!!!
daty/o's Avatar

Fellas.. if you call a provider, and she doesnt answer, rest assured, if you leave a message with INSTRUCTIONS, on when and if to call back, we will. Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Ah, If only that were true. Not trying to blow smoke up your skirt, but I can't count the number of times I could not even get the courtesy of a reply. You're right, 13 calls is way too many. He needs to wise up. This is a service business; if there's no service, there's no business. Fortunately, there are a lot of providers in this area that have competent tcb skills as well as bcd ones. He just needs to learn when to move on. And you need to learn where the off button is on your phone.
13 times ....eek!

Even scarier that your daughter answered the door for an unexpected visitor.

Sorry you went through that.......

Well just remember its some great guys out that respect us and treat us right.

Hope your day gets better. ;-)
elgato111's Avatar
Totally disrespectful and uncalled for by an idiot. Business is one thing, intruding on a providers personal life is unforgivable.

Hope this AH learns his lesson and does not do this to anyone else.

Great thread Caitlyn. You said it all and very nicely put.
Fellas.. if you call a provider, and she doesnt answer, rest assured, if you leave a message with INSTRUCTIONS, on when and if to call back, we will. Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Not from my experience, in fact, most do not return calls. I've scratched countless names from my list based upon that ... and I never call back.
Guest110713-1's Avatar
He probably wanted to see you real bad.
I mean you do have a sugar butt and he is craving something sweet.
Venting is good. Unfortunately the type person doing these things is too dull to be reached even if you told them directly not to do it. Sorry for your problems.
I totally hear you loud and clear and we all feel disrespected when people don't show, are rude on the phone (a proper introduction is a huge thing for me) etc: but girl, why do people know where you live? You see clients in your house and your family lives there? Might be worth getting a hotel. Make them pay for it.
My 2cents. Play safe!!
What is tcb and bcd skill??
none of my business..i get what your saying..its annoying.. i guess look at it this way.. atleast your phone is ringing..some girls phones aren't and they come here to rant about that.. you have a "good" problem sorta in a weird way.. lol

however.. i do wonder why your 17yr old daughter would even be at the place your clients would know to come to in order to see you by your alias? thats peculiar to me.. i would never have my kids at my incall where strange men come to..just me tho
Caitlyn's Avatar
@DeAna... As I said, I dont work that much, I have worked from my home, as a licensed therapist, on and off for years. I have kept an apartment more so than that, but have never had any problems until 2008... I recently moved, my daughter is in school. she just happened to be home that weekend. A lot of Massage therapists work from home, and since my daughter no longer lives at home, it wasn't an issue for me. Still isn't.. I just found it highly offensive for someone to know where I LIVED, that I never saw. Ever feel like someone is just out to get you??... Sheesh, that's how I am starting to feel.
FishGuy13's Avatar
So sorry to hear of your stress, and SOME guys acting like total jerks! Vent away!
ive had that happen!!
took a nap...and in 1hr, had 10 missed calls, 3 text messages AND a voicemail
that wasnt even the worst part...he then had the audacity to haggle over rates
weve never met either
sky_wire's Avatar
Call blocker.