No Worries...Im not dissapearing = )

Guest091314's Avatar
Hello ladies and Gents!
I realize lately Ive been UTR but no worries I am still around. Did anyone think for 2 seconds I could just walk away from you Pervs!!!

Since my Pregnancy and all the icky physical changes I am going to be taking a break from the radar till all of this is over and get my body back.

I'll still be around here to put my .02 in but will now be posting in the provider services section. Keep an eye out for me!

And since there is a crowd for everything, I will still available to select gentlemen, but will be seriously low volume.

Happy Screwing!!!

pmdelites's Avatar

i've met you a couple of times and read some really nice things about you.
i send you the best as you travel thru the next phase of your life [pregnancy].
Cool, Alecia...happy for you and yours...take care!

I whole-heartedly endorse Alecia's Taking-Care-of-Business skills!

I met her for lunch, arriving 10 minutes early and she was already there and seated.

She came to my incall for a doubles date and arrived 30 minutes early.

I'm always impressed with a lady in this profession who is timely

Besides this, she is intelligent and organized, yet still personable and easy to talk to.

Guest091314's Avatar
AAWWW Thank you honey. I hope my transition will go well and I get to spend more time with the ladies! I will be back to the gents full time next year after all the baby pudge disappears.

Im still going to be around just not with my titties hangin out...well maybe LOL!!!