KeikoMilan81, Does she usually stand you up?

I was supposed to meet with Keiko at the agreed location and waited 45 minutes before leaving empty handed.

Does she usually ignore you after she tells you to come over?
Tatonka's Avatar
This post should not be in the Alert section, it is not important enough to be in this section.
The Alert section is for notifying others about dangerous or rip-off situations.
Not for complaining about a NCNS.

This thread belongs in the COED section.
moved to coed
mrredcat43's Avatar
Waiting 45 minutes is a joke
playingnthedark's Avatar
You probably just missed her. You should have waited another 5 mins. If you are willing to wait 45 mins.

You have to be really hard up for some ass to wait that long. And still came up empty.
yeah, that's what I figured. Pretty unprofessional.
justaphase's Avatar
Glad to see she made it up to you the next day
maybe she had to take a big shit and just forgot to text you? or her Grandmother flew in from Kurdistan unannounced during your time?