Our President Lost His Mind, For National Security Reasons He Must Go Away!

StandinStraight's Avatar
Looks like a looney is loose in the White House and he happens to have the nuclear codes! I thought he would leave the white household in handcuffs but it might be a straight jacket!

Lucky for your sorry ass and the rest of the country, for national security reasons we will keep him exactly where he is! ..... Hilliary was a tremendous threat to our national security with how she (mis)handled her "secure" emails, (which by the way, you dumb asshole, is a felony AND an impeachable offense, not that you have the brains to understand that) and yet you'd be perfectly happy if she was in the White House to give us for more years of exactly what we got with Barack Hussein Osama (and no, for you uneducated types, that's not a misprint) ..... but with Trump in charge we may eventually see HilLIARy led away in handcuffs, for national security reasons! .....
StandinStraight's Avatar
Of course someone as uneducated as you would be from Texas. You idiot, trump is working with the Russians and your complaining that Hillary screwed up a email, which by the way she didn’t! I read your post and thought, how could anyone be so ignorant and then I saw you were from Texas and it all became clear. Go play cowboy asshole.
gfejunkie's Avatar
Just for you, standinshit...

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-30-2017, 06:10 AM
Just for you, standingStupid.

Originally Posted by gfejunkie
gfejunkie's Avatar
FTFY Originally Posted by R.M.
You do it your way I do it mine. It's all the same.

Same stupid shit every fuckin' day from this asshole.
Former 0zombies(smart ones), Liking MAGA!


THE TRUMPET @Hillary Is 44

From premier pro-Hillary Clinton website in 2007 To strong President Trump support website in 2017

THE TRUMPET @Hillary Is 44

The Vastness Of The Trump Revolution Is Immeasurable

November 12, 2016 by Staff
Consider this article the latest in our long running series “Mistake In ’08” or proof that we have been so absolutely brilliant in our long running “Situation Comedy” series of analysis. Herein we discuss the 10 year plan that failed again, the 40 year plan that failed again, the cremation of the Democratic Party, the Clinton coalition renamed the Trump coalition, and assorted disasters inflicted by President-elect Donald J. Trump’s Revolution upon his enemies.

* * * * * *
Archimedes postulated that if he had a lever long enough and firm ground underneath he could move the world. In that spirit we note that if we had a measuring tape that could circumnavigate the political world it would fall short of measuring the immeasurable Trump triumph of 2016.

Those demonstrations and riots against the presidential election which resulted in President-elect Donald J. Trump? Excellent, most excellent. Those demonstrations are the death rattle of the Obamas choking in their own feces.

To try to measure the Obama catastrophe, the Mistake in ’08, we begin with the very premise of the Obama destruction of the Democratic Party in 2008. Recall that Obama and the Obamaroids rejected the FDR coalition and the updates to that coalition implemented by JFK and Bill Clinton. The new Obama coalition was “the coalition of the ascendant” which we declared to be nothing but a cult of personality.

There is no doubt now that we were right about “the coalition of the ascendant” being a “creative class” cult of personality for a tin plated wannabee “transformational” flim-flam man. The proof? The elections of 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016. In the election years 2008 and 2012 the Obama cult successfully elected their tin plated object of worship. But that cult, that “coalition of the ascendant” was not transferable and in 2009, 2010!!!, 2014!!!, and 2016 without Obama explicitly on the ballot, the cult of the ascendant failed.

Remember what that “coalition of the ascendant” was? We explained it and the disasters for the Democratic Party that would result back in 2008’s Barack Obama’s Situation Comedy. That new coalition for the Democratic Party was blacks, young white liberals, enough Latinos, and the gentry class in the suburbs protected by wealth and class from their foolish choices.

We explained it all in “The Shield Maiden Of Chappaqua”:

For years we explained (see, “Mistake In ’08” Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, and Part VIII, and the “Barack Obama Situation Comedy” Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV) that to build and grow a political party you first gather a core constituency then slowly grow the party by the addition of like-minded individuals and groups which share those interests of the core constituency.

The modern Democratic Party built by Franklin Delano Roosevelt had as a core constituency the white working class. This working class provided the party of FDR with guideposts on policy and guided the party in everything it did. The working class core of the party was white because it reflected the same characteristics as the general population.

Over the years groups were added to the FDR coalition. Senior citizens joined in on the coalition attracted by promises such as “Social Security”. In the 1960s John Fitzgerald Kennedy, a Boston Brahmin added black Americans into the Democratic Party fold with some deft politicking (and his father’s vast wealth) which smudged away the racist past of the party. JFK grew the Democratic Party by addition not subtraction.

In 2008, Barack Obama and assorted kooks decided to purposefully destroy the Democratic Party of FDR. Barack Obama and these kooks willfully embraced the idea of the new “coalition of the ascendant”. This “coalition of the ascendant” and their interests – which conflicted with the interests of the FDR coalition – made it necessary to kick out core Democratic Party constituencies such as senior citizens and the white working class.

The Barack Obama coalition slogan was a variation of the race riot 1960s slogan “burn, baby, burn”.

By the time of our last installment of “Mistake In ’08” we fearlessly declared:

What happened in 2008 is not a question of historical interpretation. The “mistake in ’08” is the defining question for 2016.

Now the question[s] has been answered. The Mistake In ’08 is the greatest political miscalculation in American history that led to the destruction of the world’s oldest political party and the ascension of the new Trump Republican Party. That Hillary2016 did not read and absorb the lessons we wrote about, particularly in that last Mistake In ’08 article is why Hillary2016 failed and why Hillary Clinton deserved to lose.

In our first “Mistake In ’08” article we wrote:

The selection of Barack Obama is an historical mistake which will continue to unravel the Dimocratic Party for generations. Only now are honest Democrats beginning to assess the damage done. “Mistake In ’08” is the first installment in a multi-part series which will detail how big a mistake was self-inflicted by Democrats in 2008.

The consequences of that “Mistake In ’08” are many, as we now begin to describe.

* * * * * *
The 10 year plan. In our first “Mistake In ’08” article we discussed “the 10 year plan”:

What was that 10-year plan?

The six letter word is “census”. “The Census is the count of the US population conducted every ten years mandated by the Constitution. Redistricting is the process of drawing political borders to reflect changes in population.” Post-census redistricting was the Democratic 10 year plan which Obama has already effectively destroyed. 10 years of planning gone in a puff of smoke.

The 10 year plan for 2010, as we predicted in 2009, was destroyed by Barack Obama. In 2010 an entire generation of Democrats was beheaded and Republicans won a massive victory. This meant the Republicans would determine the redistricted lines for congressional districts after the 2010 census. The Republicans redistricted and ensured a Republican House of Representatives for the foreseeable future.

The next census will be in 2020 and already we can safely predict more Republican victories and another failure for the Dimocrats 10 year plan.

By the way, did we mention that white millennials voted for Donald J. Trump?:

This comes as evidence mounts that US millennials are more likely to identify as conservative than either Generation Xers or Baby Boomers were at the same age. [snip]

Trump’s level of support amongst white college-educated voters and white female voters was also unexpected.

CNN’s data put the Republican candidate ahead by 10 points among white women (among black women he was 90 points behind). Trump also polled 15 points ahead of Clinton among white male college graduates.

Trump also gained vast margins among white voters without college degrees.

In other words, as we wrote in October of 2015, Donald J. Trump walked away with the winning “Clinton Coalition” which Hillary Clinton stupidly discarded in favor of the Obama kookdom:

As we predicted long before conventional wisdom caught up to us this past weekend – Yes, Donald Trump looks to be the Republican nominee for president in 2016. [snip]

The white working class should have been the bedrock of Hillary2016. The white working class support for Hillary Clinton in 2008 provided grand victories of 40 point margins when Hillary was most wounded. Now Hillary2016 has repeatedly abandoned those voters. [snip]

The bedrock of a winning coalition, the people Barack Obama dismissed in 2008 as “bitter” and clinging to their guns and Bibles, used to be the FDR coalition and the Clinton coalition. No longer. They are now part of the Trump Triumph. Hillary2016 has abandoned them so they have abandoned her. [snip]

In 2008 Hillary Clinton survived and thrived because she marched alongside the white working class. Now, the white working class is marching with Donald J. Trump – towards victory.

The real ascendant are ascendant for Trump. And therein lies the most catastrophic consequences for Barack Obama, the Clintons, Big Media, and the Dimocrats/Democrats.

Remember our argument that the FDR coalition which JFK and Bill Clinton built upon was the winning coalition? There is another aspect of the FDR victories which Democrats have dreamed of recreating. Think of it as a 40 year plan which led to the “Mistake In ’08” and other disasters. James Carville outlined the modest 40 year plan:

Now, no less a pundit than James Carville has stepped into the breach with his new book, 40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation, an extended boast that demographic trends, particularly the partisan preferences of young people, will ensure an era of Democratic dominance.

“A Democratic majority is emerging,” Carville declares. “This majority will guarantee that the Democrats remain in power for the next forty years.”

Carville admitted after the 2010 elections that the 40 years boast would not come to pass. The failures of 2009 and 2010 forced Carville to that admission. But that boast was not the real 40 year plan.

The real 40 year plan was that Democrats had to win in 2008 and thereby replicate the lasting victories of FDR. The Democrats thought if they gifted the nomination in 2008 to Barack Obama great things would happen. It was a “make Democrats great again” plan. The delusion was this: Barack Obama and the coalition of the ascendant would win in 2008 and soon there would be an economic revival such that Democrats would get all the credit. This would lead to 40 years of voters rewarding the Democratic Party with victory just as voters rewarded Democrats for 40 years after FDR – until it all came crashing down with the Republican takeover of the House of Representatives in 1994.

Of course, Barack Obama bungled the supposed economic recovery. In 2008 Obama inflicted his flim-flam stimulus and the deadly ObamaCare plans on the nation. Both such disasters that by the time they passed the nation revolted and rewarded Republicans.

The failed Obama economy of the first term did not sober up the Dimocrats. This time they were doubly sure of the 40 year plan. The thinking was “well, it didn’t work in 2008 but boy oh boy it will work in 2012 for sure by golly”. Again the notion was that in 2012 Barack Obama would win reelection and that would lead to a massive economic recovery and once again the Democrats would get the credit, as they got the credit for FDR, and that economic revival would lead to 40 years of voter rewards and endless power for Obama Dimocrats.

Now the 40 year plan works in favor of President-elect Donald J. Trump. If, as we suspect, President Donald J. Trump leads the nation to a great economic boom and lives up to “Make America Great Again” it will be President Donald J. Trump and the Republicans who will be rewarded for generations by the voters.

Already we see the road is clear for a massive generations-long Republican victory under the banner of President Donald J. Trump. How? The Dimocrats in 2016 knew they had to, had to, win the Senate. That’s because in 2018 there will be 25 Dimocrats up for reelection, many in Republican states, while only eight Republicans, mostly in red states, will be up for reelection.

So many endangered Dimocrats will make it easy for President Donald J. Trump to force his will on them. We expect Donald J. Trump Republicans will win at least 13 of those Senate seats in 2018 and build a super majority in the Senate that will last a very long time. In the House, the Republicans will redistrict after President Donald J. Trump is reelected and thereby keep their majorities for generations. The Supreme Court appointments by President Donald J. Trump will mean conservative majorities for generations as well.

The Obama controlled Dimocratic Party response to this catastrophic series of easily predictable events? A Muslim left wing loon to run the Obama Dimocrat Party.

The temper tantrum loons in the streets protesting the election of Donald J. Trump and those losers who can’t go to work or take exams because they are so very distraught are on to something. Deep down they realize that they are lost for generations and that Barack Obama is the tin plated calf god that failed. What they don’t realize is that the more they protest the more they help President-elect Donald J. Trump by alienating the American voter. The lessons of the failures of the Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter loons are lessons lost on these latest loons and kooks.

President-elect Donald J. Trump has accomplished many great victories already. President Donald J. Trump’s victories are so many, so immeasurable, even he might get tired of winning.

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Yssup Rider's Avatar
Great, Up to date analysis, SLOBBRIN.

thanks for keeping it current.