Dems/Progs/Socialists: What do you hope to accomplish?

In case you win the House? Or even win both the House and the Senate?

Legislate an Open Border policy?
Create a national gun registry database?
Improve healthcare?
Grow the economy?
Create more government jobs?
Print more free money?
Cut military spending?
Tax the rich more?
Amnesty for Illegals?
Abortion until the moment of birth?

You had 8 years of try. Nearly 2 with a Supermajority. Why couldn't you accomplish it then?

Or is the goal to cut off more tallywackers until we cure people of their mental illness? And have the government pay for it?

Or take away people's livelihood, social status, possessions, and belief system until they reach the same level of "wokeness" as you?

Feel free to opine. I may even temporarily take a few of you off ignore.
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  • 10-26-2018, 01:04 PM

My guess is the same goal the GOP wanted for Obama
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So which group are you talking to, gnadfly?
The Democrats, the Progressives and the Democratic Socialists.

My guess is the same goal the GOP wanted for Obama Originally Posted by WTF
Stay on topic.
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  • 10-26-2018, 02:20 PM
Stay on topic. Originally Posted by gnadfly
It was exactly on is in fact the correct answer to an incredibly stupid question
No you weren't on topic. And stop the back and forth.

Better yet, you're back on ignore.
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  • WTF
  • 10-26-2018, 04:51 PM
Hopefully you'll ignore your next inclination to post a silly question such as this.
What do Progressive/Liberal/Socialist Democrats want?

High unemployment
More dependence on government by minorities.
More government regulations.
Higher taxes.
Cut military spending
Stifle business.
Open borders.
Repeal the 2d Amendment
Impeach President Trump.
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  • WTF
  • 10-26-2018, 05:22 PM
What do Progressive/Liberal/Socialist Democrats want?

High unemployment
More dependence on government by minorities.
More government regulations.
Higher taxes.
Cut military spending
Stifle business.
Open borders.
Repeal the 2d Amendment
Impeach President Trump. Originally Posted by Jackie S
I'm not a Democrat but I'd like to cut military spending along with all government spending.

That might lower the GDP but it would also lower the deficit.

Maybe more Repukes should think about that
At least military spending produces good jobs, as opposed to just giving money away.

It would be nice if we could funnel that money to improving the entire Nation's infrastructure. Everything from sewer plants to bridges are in need of upgrades.

The Democrats/Socialists/Progressives have no plan for the country or are afraid to unveil it.
A Democracy will fail when the people discover they can vot themselves a largess from the Govrnment.

These words have never been more poinient than today. When those that take far outnumber those that produce, the system collapses.

I would not expect the people that vote for the likes of Sheila Jackson Lee, Nancy Peloci, Maxine Waters, Chuckie Schumer and Democrats in general to understand this.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not true, Jackie. I don’t agree with most of the things you’ve said I stand for.

But the “guilt by association” game is prevalent in your post. You’ve just indicted “Democrats in general,” as you habitually do. Yet I don’t blame YOU for Trump’s horrible agenda (how’s your portfolio doing, btw?). I don’t blame “Republicans in general” for the action of Trump supporters like the MAGABomber.

Where in your rhetoric is there room for independent thought?

Not a rhetorical question. I’d like to know what makes you say such things.
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  • WTF
  • 10-27-2018, 10:38 AM
A Democracy will fail when the people discover they can vot themselves a largess from the Govrnment.

Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie, entitlements have paid for themselves...there are 3 main drivers of debt in this country. Paying for our

The two entitlements are paid for , for now, it will need some tweaking but the thing that has driven debt ( which is actually people voting a largeness of government, is the Defense Industry.

We just gave a huge tax breaks to multi nationals when in fact they do not pay for the largeness they recieve from our worldwide presence.