Gov. DeSantis Announces the Immediate End to COVID Restrictions in Florida

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

about effin time. should have been done long ago
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's causing quite the stir here in Miami and I'm sure in other areas of the state. Stories coming in about people eating in a restaurant observing social distancing between tables when all of a sudden, the signs are removed and people start getting seated at every table and some customers panic, pick up and leave.

I'm all for removing these restrictions because I'm not going to a restaurant, gym, movie, concert or anywhere else people will gather shoulder to shoulder. That is my choice, it doesn't have to be your choice because neither I or anybody else should be able to make that decision for you. It should be up to the business owner and the customers as to what they will do. Nobody is forcing anyone to leave their house if like me, they chose to do that. I'm perfectly happy with my take out meals, exercising at home and walking every evening and GOD BLESS NETFLIX!

We may not have eliminated this problem but we sure as hell have more information on how to deal with it and it doesn't look like even with an "up-tick" in cases, we will ever get to that much dreaded scenario we faced in the beginning of hospitals being overwhelmed with patients. We may not have an effective vaccine right now but we have much better treatment options and the ways to protect ones self, should be known to all who want to take the precautions best suited for them.

Nobody is forcing anybody inside a business if they don't want to be inside a business. We call that the American way of doing business, a choice.
  • oeb11
  • 10-01-2020, 11:45 AM
HF - AAmen- Good sir.

telling how the Racsit, marxist biden is threatening complete lockdowns.
along with Gov Gruesome and Cumoa.of ny.

the authoritarian DPST's fascist's do love their control, and ability to wreck the economy in favor of Marxist socialism.
HF - AAmen- Good sir.

telling how the Racsit, marxist biden is threatening complete lockdowns.
along with Gov Gruesome and Cumoa.of ny.

the authoritarian DPST's fascist's do love their control, and ability to wreck the economy in favor of Marxist socialism. Originally Posted by oeb11
Fucking DPST's.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ good
HoeHummer's Avatar
There’s a fucking brain, eh?

WSND ignorance on display!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Predictably irrational response
  • oeb11
  • 10-02-2020, 08:44 AM
Thank U - for the nonsense - hh/yr/multiple handles.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Thank U - for the nonsense - hh/yr/multiple handles. Originally Posted by oeb11
You have plenty of your own nonsense, Ramboebsy. Sadly, none if it is original.

Your cook is goosed!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar