Investigating the Upstate New York Female Sex Worker Market

Investigating the Upstate New York Female Sex Worker Market

February 7, 2022

The current state of the sex worker market is far from efficient. As a black market, participants act discretely and record keeping is avoided, all of which hinders the flow of information and decreases efficiency. The recent emergence of platforms like offer a trove of data from which national and regional sex worker markets can be studied. Among other things, a typical profile includes information on incall/outcall price, provider age, gender, body type, height, ethnicity, cup size, hair color, etc. Using widely available web scraping tools, this information can be organized into a data set from which one can begin to answer interesting questions: What is the average incall price in a region? Do race based rate discrepancies exist? Do certain physical characteristics, e.g. bust size, correlate with higher prices? Answering these questions will prove useful to both clients and providers.

In this inaugural report, we analyze the one hour incall price for the Upstate New York female identified sex worker market comprised of Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo. A comparison is made to the Philadelphia market. Key findings are given as a set of five histogram plots as well as a table of statistics summarizing each plot. Links to the histograms hosted on ImgBB are provided below.

Figure 1:Syracuse Price Distribution Link:
Figure 2:Rochester Price Distribution Link:
Figure 3:Buffalo Price Distribution Link:
Figure 4:SRB Price Distribution Link:
Figure 5:Philadelphia Price Distribution Link:
Distribution Statistics:

It is our intention to track the growth of the Upstate New York sex worker market by repeating this study monthly, progressively including more comprehensive analyses. Doing so will allow us to understand how the market changes in response to the U.S. economy at large. As temporal trends emerge we can answer even more questions: Is the market expanding or contracting? Are rates keeping up with inflation and cost of living? When new providers enter the market, where do they price themselves?

Before discussing these results, it is important to understand where the underlying data comes from. All data were scraped from by entering the desired city into the “Location” box and constraining the search to a 50 km (31 mi) radius. Each search was filtered to only include providers who identify as female. All service types options are included: Escort, BDSM, FBSM, and Online Services. No other filters were applied. Care has been taken to remove any duplicate profiles from the Syracuse-Rochester-Buffalo combined area plot.

Starting with the Syracuse market (Figure 1) we see a staircase distribution in which the number of providers decreases almost linearly with increasing rates. A somewhat similar pattern is found in the Rochester market (Figure 2), except the distribution is much more pronounced around the median rate of $300. We break from this pattern when moving to the Buffalo market (Figure 3). In this histogram we begin to see a noticeable feature in the $400-$600 range emerge.

Because each of these markets is in close proximity to each other, we might expect them to have similar distributions, and indeed this trend is reflected in the data. For the sake of comparison, we analyze the Philadelphia market (Figure 5) against the combined Syracuse-Rochester-Buffalo (SRB) market (Figure 4) and look for deviations from the SRB distribution. We immediately see from the histograms that Philadelphia’s rate distribution is very different than SRB's. Rates in Philadelphia appear to follow a conventional Gaussian, or “bell-curve”, distribution with a skew toward higher prices. The average incall price jumps from $296 in SRB to $431 in Philadelphia and the most common price for incall jumps from $300 in SRB to $500 to Philadelphia.

As a final measure, we estimate the annual value of the SRB market. Multiplying the SRB provider population (145) by the average one hour incall rate ($296) gives $42,920 per one hour of incall work. Suppose in one month the average provider works H incall hours. Then, the Estimated Annual Value (EAV) of the SRB market is given as EAV = 12 x H x $42,920. Unfortunately, without data readily available, the best we can do is guess H. As a lower bound, suppose H = 1 hour per month, or each provider works exactly one hour per month. Then, EAV = $515,040. As an upper bound, suppose H = 30 hours per month, or one 1-hour incall session per day. Then, EAV = $15,451,200. From this estimation we conclude that the annual income generated from female identified sex workers in the Syracuse-Rochester-Buffalo market is several millions of dollars with a possible upper bound around $15.5M.

This initial report is the first in a series that will track the health and growth of the Upstate New York sex worker market. Using simple data science techniques, we hope to uncover market trends and better understand the exciting yet historically illusive realm of the world’s oldest profession.
I did program evaluation and statistical data analysis professionally for almost 20 years, and have published in several prominent peer-reviewed journals. Your analysis and report are superb.

I think the histograms would be more useful if the scale was incremented at every $50 (or $20) and your rounding rules were clear; and if a curve were to be superimposed.

Thanks very much! Keep up the outstanding and useful work!
Clit Eastwood's Avatar
Investigating the Upstate New York Female Sex Worker Market

February 7, 2022
Originally Posted by OtterBox22

A 3d column chart with the cities on the depth axle s would be a really nice way to present all the data on one chart.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Thanks for putting that together! Very interesting.
Plastic Man's Avatar
any ways ta ...tracks ...the length an ...girth a jimmie penis ins ...yer study

...askin ...fer a friend
Oilrig's Avatar
Investigating the Upstate New York Female Sex Worker Market

Platforms like offer a trove of data from which national and regional sex worker markets can be studied.
Originally Posted by OtterBox22

The basis for your "scientific" data is self written hooker ads and/or by glowing white knight reviews here

Is someone being paid to do this research and by who

How can someone discuss rates without experiencing the quality of the "service provided"

valkyra's Avatar
yeah i hate to be the bearer of bad news but this whole shabang, while very pretty and in a nice pretty graph, pretty much tells us absolutely nothing.

That's the average price - very good! But how is the QUALITY, like oilrig said? Where are you getting these rates from? Only certain sites, only reviews? Are these verified providers or are you including UTR? Are you including ALL sex workers? This data tells me you didn't look into male rates at all..

Have you talked to the providers individually to see if they'll go down, or are they firm? Do they charge extra for add-ons? This is incall rates only, so what about outcalls? Is there another graph for those?

Are they clean? Do they provide BB or not? Do they provide BBBJ? ALL of these things can factor into a price. Some girl might charge 300 and do everything, and others charge 300 for a dinner date. An hour of their time doing - what?

What do these girls look like? We all know the rate isn't only for experience but for the whole package.

You probably did very well in college because you can read information and then regurgitate it into a graph.

A for effort though! Just missing lots and lots of crucial information

Also, you collected data two weeks ago. Prices have gone up for a lot of girls in that time frame. Might want to go make another one and track how prices fluctuate throughout the year - then at least you'll have a general price tracker, even though you won't have any idea what the price will buy you lol
valkyra's Avatar
Also, the price jumps so much to Phili because phili is a major city on the east coast. Perks of working there include but are not limited to major ports, major airports, tourism, military bases... Upstate NY has none of that. And we still have no idea what the hour entails so honestly this whole graph is useless unless if you only want to keep track of what people may or may not be consistently charging
  • jeffm
  • 02-08-2022, 07:54 AM
Is the object of this post to show that on average SRB clients are paying less than a Philly client? A few pieces of data that would help this study along would be to also compare econonic data between SRB vs Philly(Cost of Living/average salaries etc.) as well as a client/provider ratio. When you adjust for some of those factors is SRB paying more per hour or less per hour. We might find that an equal provider in SRB vs Philly may be making more money per hour when all other economic factors are adjusted.
It doesn’t seem to me that the author was claiming to make any conclusions about quality of the service provided, so I am not sure where that criticism is coming from. He stated that he is tracking the “health and growth” of the upstate market. I am not convinced that there are enough data points to draw meaningful conclusions, but it’s still interesting to me.
Plastic Man's Avatar
this whole affair done as psycho as carryin a pizza ta sexy time ...appointments
valkyra's Avatar
It doesn’t seem to me that the author was claiming to make any conclusions about quality of the service provided, so I am not sure where that criticism is coming from. He stated that he is tracking the “health and growth” of the upstate market. I am not convinced that there are enough data points to draw meaningful conclusions, but it’s still interesting to me. Originally Posted by Tj1984
Homeboy needs a job in statistics and graphing so he can keep affording his ATF, and he won't land a good job by presenting graphs with incomplete or inconclusive data. It's interesting (i guess???) but it wasn't properly researched either so, kind of null and pointless. The information presented doesn't help us draw any conclusions.
elghund's Avatar
Look like someone has too much time on their hands…..
