No parking down town and nuck making it better

Ripmany's Avatar
Every down town in America has a ridiculous parking price if there were to nuck us don't think 🧐 f made it into a huge parking lot it make it better? If new world order traid center was parking lot and new your spread it would be better.
ICU 812's Avatar
Capitalist supply And demand at work, plain and simple. Downtowns everywhere have high rent for office space for the same reason.

Welcome to the world.
Precious_b's Avatar
I don't mind a little walking from an old school parking meter, which is no fee after 6 and weekends. But it is getting harder to find them. Think I paid ~$25 just so I could see a musical a few days ago.
ICU 812's Avatar
One option for some is the parking lot at thr South end of the light rail line v . . .south of the Med Ctr and Astrodome complex. The train goes right down town..