reason for sentence Ray Epps received for Jan 6

VitaMan's Avatar
The discussion below provides the reasoning behind the sentence Ray Epps received.

According to the sentencing memorandum, Gordon asserted that Epps "has been the target of a false and widespread conspiracy theory that he was an undercover government agent on January 6."

Other mitigating factors included Epps calling the FBI on Jan. 8, 2021 to explain his actions two days prior. Further, Gordon listed his cooperation with both the FBI and what the DOJ describes as his efforts to de-escalate tensions between protesters and the police.

"Epps only acted in furtherance of his own misguided belief in the 'lie' that the 2020 presidential election had been 'stolen,'" reads the memorandum. "However, due to the outrage directed at Epps as a result of that false conspiracy theory, he has been forced to sell his business, move to a different state, and live reclusively."

In his sentencing memo, Mr. Ungvarsky said Mr. Epps’ intention all along was for peaceful protests at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

“Ray Epps understands the serious mistake he made when he joined others to attend the Stop the Steal Rally on January 6, 2021, and to encourage others to walk to the U.S. Capitol to continue to protest,” Mr. Ungvarsky wrote.

“At all times, Mr. Epps’ intent was that the protest would be peaceful and would be done peacefully,” Mr. Ungvarsky said. “Those were his words on January 5, and that was his intent on January 6.”
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The guy is a dope. But he is an honest one who owned what he did. That's why he received such a light slap on the wrist. The dude showed no aggression and never even tried to enter the Capitol. But the Trump clowns want you to believe that he is the equivalent of an instigating version of Rambo because they refuse to acknowledge their Lord and Savior is the reason all of that nonsense happened in the 1st place.

I won't lie. Trump makes me want to start a cult. I knew there were a lot of gullible and ignorant people out there to manipulate, but I had no idea there were so many of them until he became president.
  • Tiny
  • 01-14-2024, 12:30 PM
I won't lie. Trump makes me want to start a cult. I knew there were a lot of gullible and ignorant people out there to manipulate, but I had no idea there were so many of them until he became president. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
That's not a bad idea. You'd make lots of money and get lots of poontang. And with your accounting background you could probably structure it so you don't have to pay taxes on the "donations."

I don't view this as cult-like though. Rather the believers in the Ray Epps conspiracy theory are sadly mistaken.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
That's not a bad idea. You'd make lots of money and get lots of poontang. And with your accounting background you could probably structure it so you don't have to pay taxes on the "donations."

I don't view this as cult-like though. Rather the believers in the Ray Epps conspiracy theory are sadly mistaken. Originally Posted by Tiny
No comment other than it will definitely be listed as a nonprofit before the IRS finds me and my dipshit followers. Haha
Precious_b's Avatar
"Other mitigating factors included Epps calling the FBI on Jan. 8, 2021 to explain his actions two days prior. Further, Gordon listed his cooperation with both the FBI and what the DOJ describes as his efforts to de-escalate tensions between protesters and the police."

That would explain the sentence. If you fight the goverment in a court case, they will fuck you over if you loose. Play with them, things go easier.
... Ray was cooperating with the FBI - even before 6th January!

NO jail time for him...

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
To me, it still feels like Epps should have gotten at le4ast what Martha Stewart got.
Precious_b's Avatar
Well, Ray was kinda like Martha.
He proactively went to the FBI.
Martha went to the pokey early on her own accord.
  • Tiny
  • 01-15-2024, 09:36 PM
I don't believe Martha Stewart or Ray Epps should have gotten any jail time.

Martha wasn't convicted of insider trading, and, especially in view of recent court decisions, she didn't break insider trading laws. Rather she was convicted of obstruction and making false statements. Her stockbroker's assistant told her that the CEO of ImClone Systems was selling his shares in advance of an FDA ruling. So she sold her shares in advance and avoided a $40,000 or $50,000 loss.

The government set her up, to get her to lie, like they did Michael Flynn. Or kind of like Revolver News set up Ray Epps. Darren Beattie and Revolver can't send him to prison, but they can darn well make his life a living hell. Although maybe the millions Epps will get from Fox News will assuage the hurt.
ICU 812's Avatar
I agree that martha Stewart got a bad deal.

However, It is my view that Ray Epps should have gotten some jail time alongside some of the others convicted of " . . .going into th Capitol . ." as he puty it, on Jan 6th.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Ray was cooperating with the FBI - even before 6th January!

NO jail time for him...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
More unsubstantiated bullshit.
eyecu2's Avatar
Epps is just another example of gullible dumbass followers of the Diaper Donnie. He was however smarter than the the 749 other dumbasses that were also charged for their actions on Jan 6th. He didn't go inside, despite encouraging the other mindless minions.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of the @750 include some folks who were posters here-

But interestingly- Ray Epps is fighting back also;

Per his attorney-

In a letter to Carlson and Fox News general counsel Bernard Gugar, Michael Teter, a lawyer for Epps, said the Fox News host “persists with his assault on the truth” by pushing “fanciful notions” regarding Epps’ involvement in the Capitol attack that have “demonstrably (and already proven to be) false.”

Teter demanded that Carlson and Fox News publicly retract the claim that Epps was working for the federal government during the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and the claim that Epps “acted as an instigator or provocateur of the insurrection.”

“We expect that you will give the same airtime in retracting these falsehoods as you spent amplifying them,” Teter wrote. “Further, Mr. Carlson and Fox News must issue a formal on-air apology for the lies you have spread about Mr. Epps.”

Wouldn't that be some funny shit to see Hannity and company having to recant what they proposed constantly. Oh well, the base doesn't give a shit- they love them some orange koolaid, and it matters not to them that EPPS was a show pony for the Right- since they cannot simply accept that Diaper Donnie is their cult leader and bad actor #1.
... Even the barrister's letter is silly... I don't think
Tucker ever claimed that Epps was "working for the Federal
Government" - the belief is that Epps was a Government informant.

There's a difference.

And Epps DID instigate things - the videos bear that out.
And WHAT "insurrection"?! ... There wasn't one.
Just a simple protest.

... If Epps believes he got a lawsuit - then bring it forward.
Letters and threats are daft and dotty.

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar

Some Trump supporters will never see the truth of what happened.
VitaMan's Avatar
And laughable to see the Trump supporters try to put the focus on Ray Epps....when 1000s of Trump supporters couldn't control themselves and rioted.