Michelle Malkin Makes Matt Lauer Squirm

bojulay's Avatar
This is so funny to watch as Michelle makes Obama
worshiper Matt Lauer squirm in his seat.

She owns Tamara Holder in this one, too funny.
Shush the F up Tamara ha ha ha ha

I don't know that he was squirming in his seat, but he sure lost his temper. I agree with Ms. Malkin. They are corrupt and racial predators. Shame it takes a minority to say it to get heard. Though, I'm sure she'll get called a racist.
I don't know that he was squirming in his seat, but he sure lost his temper. I agree with Ms. Malkin. They are corrupt and racial predators. Shame it takes a minority to say it to get heard. Though, I'm sure she'll get called a racist. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Naw, just an opportunist. I missed the squirming too.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-07-2013, 03:50 PM
apparently squirm has a new meaning to Boju
bojulay's Avatar
At the end I see squirming.

And Michelle says for you to shush the F up.

Tamara says put the moose rifle down.

ha ha ha ha
At the end I see squirming. Originally Posted by bojulay
He was incredulous that anyone would think that way, but not squirming.
When you wrote that she made him squirm, I thought she was going to give him a BBBJ in the video.
JCM800's Avatar
i saw no one armed with a moose rifle either
He was incredulous that anyone would think that way, but not squirming. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I'm sorry, I rarely use the word, but Michelle Malkin is a cunt. She's like Ann Coulter....it's all about the money and being a bomb-thrower in order to generate the money. Fuck her and those that think what she says makes one bit of a difference to the well-being of the country. She's about the Benjamins.
I'm sorry, I rarely use the word, but Michelle Malkin is a cunt. She's like Ann Coulter....it's all about the money and being a bomb-thrower in order to generate the money. Fuck her and those that think what she says makes one bit of a difference to the well-being of the country. She's about the Benjamins. Originally Posted by timpage
I believe the word "cunt" is a derogatory term and I rarely, if ever, use it. But if I were to use it I can think of no better examples than Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I believe the word "cunt" is a derogatory term but probably quite fitting for both Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. Originally Posted by bigtex
Right, and moments after using that word, you guys go back to the old "those old conservatives have this WAR ON WOMEN thing going on" hmmm?

Too funny.

So, Limbaugh calling Fluke a slut is "omg, how DARE he" stuff, but you calling two women you don't agree with politically a CUNT, which you admit is a derogatory term, is perfectly fine?

Ahh.. the hypocrisy is stunning.
Michelle makes Omomjean worshippers, squirm like a worm on a HOT ROCK...LOL

Right, and moments after using that word, you guys go back to the old "those old conservatives have this WAR ON WOMEN thing going on" hmmm?

Too funny.

So, Limbaugh calling Fluke a slut is "omg, how DARE he" stuff, but you calling two women you don't agree with politically a CUNT, which you admit is a derogatory term, is perfectly fine?

Ahh.. the hypocrisy is stunning. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
No hypocrisy at all! I said "if I were to use it."

I didn't say I would use it in this instance, but............

............if the shoe fits, I suppose Michelle and Ann must wear it.

Just sayin'
bojulay's Avatar
I believe the word "cunt" is a derogatory term and I rarely, if ever, use it. But if I were to use it I can think of no better examples than Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter. Originally Posted by bigtex
You posted in the wrong thread.

The Hillary threads are somewhere further down.

ha ha ha ha