fire xfinity tomorrow.


Beginning next month, Breitbart News Editor-At-Large Ben Shapiro will be leading the launch of a new project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center:, an activism program designed to “unmask leftists in the media for who they are, destroy their credibility with the American public, and devastate their funding bases.”
The program is being described as a conservative counterpunch to Media Matters, the Obama-linked organization that focuses on silencing conservatives in the media. “For too long, we've played by the Marquis of Queensberry rules, allowing the left to stifle the truth and silence truth tellers in the name of their politically correct narrative. Now we're taking the battle to their home turf -- and we will do so aggressively and unwaveringly, every single day. This is just another avenue for applying Breitbart’s fighting spirit to the battle against those who would destroy what America stands for,” Shapiro said. Shapiro will maintain his position and all of his duties at Breitbart News as well.
One of the founders of the New Left in the 1960s, David Horowitz has become an icon in the conservative movement, famed for his deep understanding of the ideology and strategy of the modern left in America. He has led the Freedom Center since its inception as the Center for the Study of Popular Culture in 1988.
"We could not be more excited to be working with Ben on this project,” Horowitz told Breitbart News. “Andrew Breitbart was a fantastic friend to the Freedom Center and an indispensable warrior in the battle against the anti-America, socialist left and its allies in the universities, the unions and the Democratic Party, and Breitbart News carries on his legacy. We look forward to working with our friends at Breitbart in continuing the fight for America's future."
Horowitz and Breitbart worked together on the film Occupy Unmasked, which looked behind the scenes at the institutional left’s control of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Horowitz’s life’s work in exposing the mendacity of the left was a key part of the film. “Occupy Unmasked shows how closely David and Andrew were on their work of exposing and defeating the forces of the institutional left in America. We consider Ben Shapiro's leading role at 'Truth Revolt' to be nothing more than a continuation of that work," said Stephen K. Bannon, Executive Chairman of Breitbart News.
“Ben Shapiro is a charter member of the Breitbart News 'Fight Club' and has been instrumental in the explosive growth the site has experienced over the past 18 months,” said Bannon. "Ben's 'voice' and fighting spirit will also be central in our building out both the site and the company in the years ahead.”
“As was so often the case, Andrew spotted and mentored important conservative voices long before they percolated up to a national level,” said Breitbart News President Larry Solov. “Ben, who when Andrew met him was a college student at UCLA, is one such voice. Ben has the fight and the intellectual heft to land devastating body blows to the institutional Left and the biased media, which is such a crucial part of what we do here at Breitbart News. We have encouraged Ben to take a leading role with David Horowitz in TruthRevolt to complement his ongoing work at Breitbart News where he will continue to help the grow the company and carry on the fighting spirit and legacy of Andrew Breitbart.”
Shapiro, a mentee and friend of Andrew Breitbart since age 17, became Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News in February 2012. Shapiro, 29, is the New York Times bestselling author of Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences America (2013), as well as Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV (2011), Project President: Bad Hair and Botox on the Road to the White House (2008), Porn Generation: How Social Liberalism Is Corrupting Our Future (2005), and Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America’s Youth (2004). Shapiro began his career as the youngest syndicated columnist in the nation with Creators Syndicate, graduated Harvard Law School at 23, and hosts The Morning Answer on KRLA 870 in Los Angeles.
Shapiro has been widely praised across the conservative movement. Sarah Palin says that Americans should “consider Ben’s advice about how we must stand up and push back twice as hard against this bullying.” Sean Hannity says to join Ben Shapiro and “fight back!” against liberal bullying. Glenn Beck calls Shapiro a “warrior for conservatism, against those who use fear and intimidation to stifle honest debate. I’ve never known him to back down from a fight.” And Michelle Malkin says Shapiro is “infused with the indomitable spirit of his friend and mentor Andrew Breitbart.” Even the liberal Washington Post, in the aftermath of Shapiro’s devastating destruction of Piers Morgan on national television, conceded that Shapiro is a “foe of extraordinary polemical agility.”
Yet another "group" that will just get money from the conservative masses.

You want to fix tv? Get rid of cable news channels altogether. They are a poison, on the right and the left.

The problem is that people get their news from these sources. Rarely do I hear, "I watch newshour with Jim Lehrer."

But that's one of the better news programs. People are too busy watching Maddow or Hannity.
Yet another "group" that will just get money from the conservative masses.

You want to fix tv? Get rid of cable news channels altogether. They are a poison, on the right and the left.

The problem is that people get their news from these sources. Rarely do I hear, "I watch newshour with Jim Lehrer."

But that's one of the better news programs. People are too busy watching Maddow or Hannity. Originally Posted by MrGoodBar

PBS? I think not!

I don't watch news or it least I don't form my opinion based on that BS. I research and form my opinions. FUCK this lap dog media and fuck PBS. I say FIRE NBC now!
Ben Shapiro and musket morgan...

Ben Shapiro and musket morgan...part 2

I know you did not see this on PBS...fucker

You are right.

Why watch experts on PBS? I'd much rather watch yet another pinhead.

Thanks for showing me the light!

Sun news.

You are right.

Why watch experts on PBS? I'd much rather watch yet another pinhead.

Thanks for showing me the light!

Sun news.

LOL Originally Posted by MrGoodBar
You need to check on your wifey.

bojulay's Avatar
Piers wants this guy put on a special watch list.
He fires and reloads his musket way too fast.