I'm losing count

goodman0422's Avatar
Can we get a complete list of all of the excuses Hillary and/or her liberal cult following have made for her losing the election. With all of the, ahem, "news" stories, I have started to lose track.

Here are a few to start us off:

Voter fraud
The Ruskies hacking the DNC
The Ruskies hacking Hillary's Illegal server
(Not the illegal server itself)
The FBI reopening the email scandal case
(Not the email scandal itself and Definitely Not obstruction of justice for attempting to conceal the mishandling of classified information)
Huma Abedin and her Weiner
"Fake" news about Clinton sex scandals (too many to list individually)
"Fake" news about Hillary's health
(Not her actual lack if health)
The Electoral College

For the record, Hillary's loss was absolutely not caused by Liberals throwing all of their support behind the worst candidate they could find to follow on the footsteps of a god awful president. (Since Sissy is a little slow, I will spell this one out. Obama's legacy is Trump. His shit administration brought us un-affordable health care, massive global terrorism, and the worst race relations in half a century, to name just a few. The only surprising thing about Trump's victory is liberals' surprise over Trump's vuctory.)
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You forgot rampant sexism. If you voted for Trump, you hate vagina.
You forgot rampant sexism. If you voted for Trump, you hate vagina. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So does that make us " deplorable snatch-grabbers " now ? I see another ball cap slogan to use to piss off the lyin liberals !!!!
They refuse to believe the reality that the American Electorate, through efforts that did not include most of the Main Stream Media, decided that Hillary was nothing more than a Lying, Despicable , Obnoxious, MoneyGrubbing, Sexual Predator Enabling Cunt.
You know is was all us uneducated rural folks fault. After all we are not very smart if we do not live in a few select counties. After all how could we be?
lustylad's Avatar
You forgot rampant sexism. If you voted for Trump, you grab vagina. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
FTFY... I guess that's why 60% of white women voted for the pussy grabber.

Let me say that again - 60% of white women in this election voted for Donald Trump.

Whatever happened to the GOP "war on women"?

Let me say that again - 60% of white women rejected the candidate of their own gender.
"Identity Politics" will be the 0zombies downfall...

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"Identity Politics" will be the 0zombies tombstone...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

FTFY... I guess that's why 60% of white women voted for the pussy grabber.

Let me say that again - 60% of white women in this election voted for Donald Trump.

Whatever happened to the GOP "war on women"?

Let me say that again - 60% of white women rejected the candidate of their own gender. Originally Posted by lustylad
Two things:
1) Hill is the worst candidate ever
2) There is no GOP war on women. There is a Democratic war for abortion on demand.
LexusLover's Avatar
You forgot rampant sexism. If you voted for Trump, you hate vagina. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I don't "hate" vagina ... but there are some I avoid. Just not worth it!
LexusLover's Avatar
FTFY... I guess that's why 60% of white women voted for the pussy grabber. Originally Posted by lustylad
The other 40% have an age and sex bias on who grabs their pussies.

They want young pussy-grabbers and some just one a female-grabber.

I suspect NONE want to grab Hillary-No-More's pussy .. not even Bill!

But we have only about 24 hours to listen to the whining .....

... then the women can desire their pussies to be grabbed without shame!
You know is was all us uneducated rural folks fault. After all we are not very smart if we do not live in a few select counties. After all how could we be? Originally Posted by hermanhaspender
So yew are sayin that itz tha falt ov us " hicks from tha sticks " ? Hold thet thought whilst I go visit my outhouse to take a " Clinton " !!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
....visit my outhouse to take a " Clinton " !!!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Being a "Deplorable" has its rewards!
Redneck Hillbillies and a country boy can survive
You know is was all us uneducated rural folks fault. After all we are not very smart if we do not live in a few select counties. After all how could we be? Originally Posted by hermanhaspender
Make that a very few select counties out of the 3141 counties and parishes
Trump won 3084
Clinton won 57

Now for all you folks who say "well she won the popular vote", I say "well Mr Trump took the country and turned it red".