Idiot Democrat Congressman Injures Reporter at Rifle Range

First, Tim Walze goes hunting to show how much of an avid sportsman he is, and can’t even load his own shotgun.

Now, this Democrat Representative, who is a veteran and should know better, takes a crowd to his gun range and shoots at steel targets that are way too close. A reporter catches a ricochet.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Thanks for showing the World that firearms and stupidity do not mix.
texassapper's Avatar
The photos are hilarious too. Kinzinger is basidally bracing the stock against his clavical... not in his pit. He's sighting through a Scope on a metal plate 15 feet away. WTF Could he see like that?! lol. And supposedly others who no more said there's cans of tannerite sitting on the bench... if so, if that ricochet had hit the can BOOM goes the dynamite... That would have made for hilarious headlines. Former Congressman blows himself up at local pistol range. AND WHO THE FUCK shoots a long gone on a pistol range?
AND WHO THE FUCK shoots a long gone on a pistol range? Originally Posted by texassapper
The answer to that is pretty obvious.

Stupid Democrats.
txdot-guy's Avatar

First, Tim Walze goes hunting to show how much of an avid sportsman he is, and can’t even load his own shotgun.

Now, this Democrat Representative, who is a veteran and should know better, takes a crowd to his gun range and shoots at steel targets that are way too close. A reporter catches a ricochet.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Thanks for showing the World that firearms and stupidity do not mix. Originally Posted by Jacky S
People get hurt with firearms all the time. Burnt from hot brass, hit by ricochet, hit by shrapnel, misfire, double shot, etc. etc. There have been reports of guns firing off in the holster. That has nothing to do with a persons politics.

Do you remember this guy.
ICU 812's Avatar
People get hurt with firearms all the time. Burnt from hot brass, hit by ricochet, hit by shrapnel, misfire, double shot, etc. etc. There have been reports of guns firing off in the holster. That has nothing to do with a persons politics.
p[/IMG] Originally Posted by txdot-guy
And those are examples of improper handling of firearms . . .what the shooting community has traditionally referred to as "gun safety". . . .the safe handling of firearms. As a child and teen, I learned how to shoot and safe gun handling at summer camp in the Boy Scouts. As an adult I have fired guns in competitive matches and while hunting . . .Firearms do not just go off spontaneously, nor do they independently direct themselves inapropriatly. . Guns are as inanimate as a car or stone, both of which may be lethal. Hot gasses do not burn if a shooter (or spectator) is not exposed to the discharge in some way.

That cinematographer would not have died if the gun was not pointed at her chest . . .and it did not simply discharge a bullet by itself.

A year after my uncle passed away, my aunt found three firearms in the corner of his closet. They were items he returned from Europe with after WW-II. Even though one was the exact model of rifle Oswald used to shoot JFK with, it had not "gone off" by itself since 1945.

Sure, people are injured in shooting accidents, but if you examine the event, there is always some person behaving in an unsafe manner at the root of the unhappy event.

Politics and safe gun handling? It is my guess that statistically, more conservatives understand safe firearms handling than do liberals . . .just speculation on my part.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
... there is always some person behaving in an unsafe manner ... Originally Posted by ICU 812
OMG, I have to admit ICU is correct.
ICU 812's Avatar
Is that real agreement or sarcasm? I welcome the former, but I sometimes can't recognize the latter . . .