How many is too many?

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
During a recent trip to Dallas a reacquainted myself with a couple of gals that are semi-retired. We had a threesome that was memorable to say the least.

It got me thinking of my younger days in the hobby when the more the merrier was my moto. The most ladies I've ever visited with simultaneously was four. It was ok just to say I've done it.

So my questions are:

What's the most you've ever booked for the same event?

At what point do you think it's overkill?

Ladies, your comments, opinions, input are welcome.

I think two ladies are best. I mean just to get the chemistry right with two is difficult. To add one or two more ladies and chemistry, unless your in a prono. I don't think it will work as intented
Less is more.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
I agree with P. Personally I've never had a 3way. I find that I have a better time with a chick I connect with. That's just me though. I think anything over 2 is probably overkill.
To me one on one. I have had several 3 ways but always end of spending most of the time on the one I enjoy most so the other is just kind of in the way. I have also had 3 ways to just get to meet someone new that I would not have met without a provider bringing her along.
Back in the day had a great time with 5 girls and my ass all in the bed at once. That was fun then, now I did a three way a few weeks ago and didn't find it all I expected. Was like Harley said did it so a fave of mine could introduce me to a provider I had been wanting to meet. Would have much rather to have met the other girl one on one.